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Version: @VERSION@ | changelog

Maven or Ivy

Lombok is in maven central with groupId org.projectlombok, artifactId lombok and version @VERSION@.
Full instructions are on the lombok maven info page.

Javac, netbeans, and most other compilers and tools based on javac

Just put lombok.jar on the classpath.

Eclipse and STS (Springsource Tool Suite)

Run lombok.jar as a stand-alone java app (i.e. doubleclick it, usually) to open the installer, which will find your eclipse/STS installs automatically.

IDEA IntelliJ

lombok doesn't (yet) work under IntelliJ. We're working on it though!


First delombok your code then run javadoc on the result. See the delombok feature page for more information.


When you create a new GWT project, 2 batch scripts are made by the tool (one to run in devmode, one to compile). Open these scripts in an editor and find the invocation of 'java'. Add the following: -javaagent:lombok.jar=ECJ. Then copy lombok.jar to your GWT project directory, and add lombok.jar to the classpath as usual. Thanks to Stephan Habermann for figuring this out.

Play! Framework

Play does not run annotation processors of any kind, but Aaron Freeman has made a play plugin to get around this problem. See the play-lombok plugin for more information.

ecj and other tools based on ecj

Put lombok.jar on the classpath and add the following VM parameter when invoking ecj: -javaagent:lombok.jar=ECJ.