

@Builder was introduced as experimental feature in lombok v0.12.0.

@Builder gained @Singular support and was promoted to the main lombok package since lombok v1.16.0.


The @Builder annotation produces complex builder APIs for your classes.

@Builder lets you automatically produce the code required to have your class be instantiable with code such as:
Person.builder().name("Adam Savage").city("San Francisco").job("Mythbusters").job("Unchained Reaction").build();

@Builder can be placed on a class, or on a constructor, or on a static method. While the "on a class" and "on a constructor" mode are the most common use-case, @Builder is most easily explained with the "static method" use-case.

A static method annotated with @Builder (from now on called the target) causes the following 7 things to be generated:

  • An inner static class named FooBuilder, with the same type arguments as the static method (called the builder).
  • In the builder: One private non-static non-final field for each parameter of the target.
  • In the builder: A package private no-args empty constructor.
  • In the builder: A 'setter'-like method for each parameter of the target: It has the same type as that parameter and the same name. It returns the builder itself, so that the setter calls can be chained, as in the above example.
  • In the builder: A build() method which calls the static method, passing in each field. It returns the same type that the target returns.
  • In the builder: A sensible toString() implementation.
  • In the class containing the target: A builder() method, which creates a new instance of the builder.
Each listed generated element will be silently skipped if that element already exists (disregarding parameter counts and looking only at names). This includes the builder itself: If that class already exists, lombok will simply start injecting fields and methods inside this already existing class, unless of course the fields / methods to be injected already exist. You may not put any other method (or constructor) generating lombok annotation on a builder class though; for example, you can not put @EqualsAndHashCode on the builder class.

@Builder can generate so-called 'singular' methods for collection parameters/fields. These take 1 element instead of an entire list, and add the element to the list. For example: Person.builder().job("Mythbusters").job("Unchained Reaction").build(); would result in the List<String> jobs field to have 2 strings in it. To get this behaviour, the field/parameter needs to be annotated with @Singular. The feature has its own documentation.

Now that the "static method" mode is clear, putting a @Builder annotation on a constructor functions similarly; effectively, constructors are just static methods that have a special syntax to invoke them: Their 'return type' is the class they construct, and their type parameters are the same as the type parameters of the class itself.

Finally, applying @Builder to a class is as if you added @AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PACKAGE) to the class and applied the @Builder annotation to this all-args-constructor. This only works if you haven't written any explicit constructors yourself. If you do have an explicit constructor, put the @Builder annotation on the constructor instead of on the class.

The name of the builder class is FoobarBuilder, where Foobar is the simplified, title-cased form of the return type of the target - that is, the name of your type for @Builder on constructors and types, and the name of the return type for @Builder on static methods. For example, if @Builder is applied to a class named com.yoyodyne.FancyList<T>, then the builder name will be FancyListBuilder<T>. If @Builder is applied to a static method that returns void, the builder will be named VoidBuilder.

The configurable aspects of builder are:

  • The builder's class name (default: return type + 'Builder')
  • The build() method's name (default: "build")
  • The builder() method's name (default: "builder")
Example usage where all options are changed from their defaults:
@Builder(builderClassName = "HelloWorldBuilder", buildMethodName = "execute", builderMethodName = "helloWorld")


By annotating one of the parameters (if annotating a static method or constructor with @Builder) or fields (if annotating a class with @Builder) with the @Singular annotation, lombok will treat that builder node as a collection, and it generates 2 'adder' methods instead of a 'setter' method. One which adds a single element to the collection, and one which adds all elements of another collection to the collection. No setter to just set the collection (replacing whatever was already added) will be generated. These 'singular' builders are very complicated in order to guarantee the following properties:

  • When invoking build(), the produced collection will be immutable.
  • Repeatedly invoking build() works fine and does not corrupt any of the collections already generated.
  • Calling one of the 'adder' methods after invoking build() does not modify any already generated objects, and, if build() is later called again,
  • The produced collection will be compacted to the smallest feasible format while remaining efficient.

@Singular can only be applied to collection types for which lombok has a recipe to produce the singular methods. Currently, the supported types are:

  • java.util:
    • Iterable, Collection, and List (backed by a compacted unmodifiable ArrayList in the general case).
    • Set, SortedSet, and NavigableSet (backed by a smartly sized unmodifiable HashSet or TreeSet in the general case).
    • Map, SortedMap, and NavigableMap (backed by a smartly sized unmodifiable HashMap or TreeMap in the general case).
  • Guava's com.google.common.collect:
    • ImmutableCollection and ImmutableList (backed by the builder feature of ImmutableList).
    • ImmutableSet and ImmutableSortedSet (backed by the builder feature of those types).
    • ImmutableMap, ImmutableBiMap, and ImmutableSortedMap (backed by the builder feature of those types).

If your identifiers are written in common english, lombok assumes that any collection with @Singular on it is an english plural and will attempt to automatically singularize it. If this is possible, the add-one method will use this name. For example, if your collection is called statuses, then the add-one method will automatically be called status. If lombok cannot singularize your identifier, or it is ambiguous, lombok will generate an error and force you to explicitly specify the singular name. To do this, just pass the singular name as string, like so: @Singular("axis") List<Line> axes;.

When using the java.util interfaces, lombok always uses ArrayList to store items added to the builder, because this is more efficient than adding them to a map or set immediately, as lombok needs to compact and potentially duplicate the result.

The snippet below does not show what lombok generates for a @Singular field/parameter because it is rather complicated. You can view a snippet here.

With Lombok


Vanilla Java


Supported configuration keys:

lombok.builder.flagUsage = [warning | error] (default: not set)
Lombok will flag any usage of @Builder as a warning or error if configured.
lombok.singular.useGuava = [true | false] (default: false)
If true, lombok will use guava's ImmutableX builders and types to implement java.util collection interfaces, instead of creating implementations based on Collections.unmodifiableX. You must ensure that guava is actually available on the classpath and buildpath if you use this setting. Guava is used automatically if your field/parameter has one of the guava ImmutableX types.
lombok.singular.auto = [true | false] (default: true)
If true (which is the default), lombok automatically tries to singularize your identifier name by assuming that it is a common english plural. If false, you must always explicitly specify the singular name, and lombok will generate an error if you don't (useful if you write your code in a language other than english).

Small print

@Singular support for java.util.NavigableMap/Set only works if you are compiling with JDK1.8 or higher.

You cannot manually provide some or all parts of a @Singular node; the code lombok generates is too complex for this. If you want to manually control (part of) the builder nodes associated with some field or parameter, don't use @Singular and add everything you need manually.

The sorted collections (java.util: SortedSet, NavigableSet, SortedMap, NavigableMap and guava: ImmutableSortedSet, ImmutableSortedMap) require that the type argument of the collection has natural order (implements java.util.Comparable). There is no way to pass an explicit Comparator to use in the builder.