<#import "../_features.html" as f> <@f.scaffold title="@StandardException" logline="TODO"> <@f.history>

@StandardException was introduced as an experimental feature in lombok v1.18.21.


This annotation is intended to be used on subclasses of java.util.Throwable. For each of the four constructors in Throwable, it will generate a corresponding constructor in the target class, that simply forwards its argument to its super-counterpart.

If any of those constructors is manually overriden, it is simply skipped. This allows applying special treatment such as annotations.

<@f.snippets name="StandardException" /> <@f.confKeys>
lombok.standardException.addConstructorProperties = [true | false] (default: false)
lombok.standardException.flagUsage = [warning | error] (default: not set)
Lombok will flag any usage of @StandardException as a warning or error if configured.

Although such situation is unlikely to occur, this annotation can technically be applied to any class for which all four expected constructors are defined in a superclass.