<#import "../_scaffold.html" as main> <@main.scaffold> <div class="page-header top5"> <div class="row text-center"> <@main.h1 title="The 7 biggest mistakes we made in Project Lombok" /> <p> A presentation by Lombok's 2 core authors: Roel Spilker and Reinier Zwitserloot.<br /> We talk about the 7 biggest mistakes we made managing an open source project for the past 10 years.<br /> First given at <a href="https://programm.javaland.eu/2019/#/scheduledEvent/579921">Javaland (in Brühl, Germany) on March 19th, 2019</a>. Total length: 40 minutes. </p> </div> <div class="video text-center"> <video id="presentationVideo" width="640" height="360" poster="/presentations/7lessons-poster.jpg" controls="controls" preload="none"> <source src="https://projectlombok.org/presentations/7lessons-vp9.webm" type="video/webm" /> <source src="https://projectlombok.org/presentations/7lessons.webm" type="video/webm" /> <source src="https://projectlombok.org/presentations/7lessons.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> <@main.h1 title="Can't watch the video?" /> <p> You can download it and watch it with, for example, <a href="https://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.html">The open source VLC media player</a>:<br /> <a href="/videos/7lessons.mp4">Download: 7 biggest mistakes we made in Project Lombok</a> </p> </video> </div> </div> </@main.scaffold>