<#import "_setup.html" as s> <@s.scaffold title="ecj"> <@s.introduction> <p> ecj (the eclipse standalone compiler) is compatible with lombok. Use the following command line to enable lombok with ecj: <pre>java <strong>-javaagent:lombok.jar=ECJ</strong> -jar ecj.jar -cp lombok.jar -source 1.8 <em class="note">(rest of arguments)</em></pre> </p><p> You may have to add the following VM argument, if you're using an older version of lombok or java: <pre><strong>-Xbootclasspath/p:lombok.jar</strong></pre> </p><p> If you're using a tool based on ecj, adding these VM arguments and adding lombok.jar to the classpath should work. </p> </@s.introduction> <@s.section title="Maven"> <p> It is possible to <a href="/files/pom.xml">configure</a> <code>maven-compiler-plugin</code> with <code>maven-dependency-plugin</code> and <code>plexus-compiler-eclipse</code>. </p><p> Before the <code>compile</code> phase, you will have to set your <code>MAVEN_OPTS</code> environment variable to include the <code>javaagent</code> argument. In the example below, <code>target</code> is your <code>${r"${project.build.directory}"}</code>. </p><p> Use the following commands in sequence to enable lombok with ecj in your Maven build: <pre> mvn clean <strong>dependency:copy@get-lombok</strong> set MAVEN_OPTS=<strong>-javaagent:target/lombok.jar=ECJ</strong> <em class="note">(or your OS's equivalent)</em> mvn install set MAVEN_OPTS= <em class="note">(or your OS's equivalent)</em> </pre> </p> </@s.section> </@s.scaffold>