<#import "_setup.html" as s>

<@s.scaffold title="IntelliJ IDEA">
			The <a href="https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/">Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA</a> editor is compatible with lombok.
			Add the <a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/6317">Lombok IntelliJ plugin</a> to add lombok support for IntelliJ:
				Go to <code>File &gt; Settings &gt; Plugins</code>
				Click on <code>Browse repositories...</code>
				Search for <code>Lombok Plugin</code>
				Click on <code>Install plugin</code>
				Restart IntelliJ IDEA
			You can also check out <a href="https://www.baeldung.com/lombok-ide">Setting up Lombok with Eclipse and IntelliJ</a>, a blog article on baeldung.