package moe.nea.lisp object CoreBindings { val def = LispData.externalRawCall { context, callsite, stackFrame, args -> if (args.size != 2) { return@externalRawCall context.reportError("Function define expects exactly two arguments", callsite) } val (name, value) = args if (name !is LispAst.Reference) { return@externalRawCall context.reportError("Define expects a name as first argument", name) } if (name.label in stackFrame.variables) { return@externalRawCall context.reportError("Cannot redefine value in local context", name) } return@externalRawCall stackFrame.setValueLocal(name.label, context.resolveValue(stackFrame, value)) } private fun isTruthy(data: LispData): Boolean? { if (data == trueValue) return true if (data == falseValue) return false return null } val trueValue = LispData.Atom("true") val falseValue = LispData.Atom("false") val ifFun = LispData.externalRawCall { context, callsite, stackFrame, args -> if (args.size != 3) { return@externalRawCall context.reportError("if requires 3 arguments", callsite) } val (cond, ifTrue, ifFalse) = args val c = isTruthy(context.resolveValue(stackFrame, cond)) if (c == null) { return@externalRawCall context.reportError("Non boolean value $c used as condition for if", cond) } if (c) { return@externalRawCall context.resolveValue(stackFrame, ifTrue) } else { return@externalRawCall context.resolveValue(stackFrame, ifFalse) } } val pure = LispData.externalCall { args, reportError -> return@externalCall args.singleOrNull()?.let { value -> LispData.externalCall { args, reportError -> if (args.isNotEmpty()) reportError("Pure function does not expect arguments") else value } } ?: reportError("Function pure expects exactly one argument") } val lambda = LispData.externalRawCall { context, callsite, stackFrame, args -> if (args.size != 2) { return@externalRawCall context.reportError("Lambda needs exactly 2 arguments", callsite) } val (argumentNames, body) = args if (argumentNames !is LispAst.Parenthesis) { return@externalRawCall context.reportError("Lambda has invalid argument declaration", argumentNames) } val argumentNamesString = { val ref = it as? LispAst.Reference if (ref == null) { return@externalRawCall context.reportError("Lambda has invalid argument declaration", it) } ref.label } if (body !is LispAst.Parenthesis) { return@externalRawCall context.reportError("Lambda has invalid body declaration", body) } LispData.createLambda(stackFrame, argumentNamesString, body) } val defun = LispData.externalRawCall { context, callSite, stackFrame, lispAsts -> if (lispAsts.size != 3) { return@externalRawCall context.reportError("Invalid function definition", callSite) } val (name, args, body) = lispAsts if (name !is LispAst.Reference) { return@externalRawCall context.reportError("Invalid function definition name", name) } if (name.label in stackFrame.variables) { return@externalRawCall context.reportError("Cannot redefine function in local context", name) } if (args !is LispAst.Parenthesis) { return@externalRawCall context.reportError("Invalid function definition arguments", args) } val argumentNames = { val ref = it as? LispAst.Reference ?: return@externalRawCall context.reportError("Invalid function definition argument name", it) ref.label } if (body !is LispAst.Parenthesis) { return@externalRawCall context.reportError("Invalid function definition body", body) } return@externalRawCall stackFrame.setValueLocal( name.label, LispData.createLambda(stackFrame, argumentNames, body, name.label) ) } val seq = LispData.externalRawCall { context, callsite, stackFrame, args -> var lastResult: LispData? = null for (arg in args) { lastResult = context.executeLisp(stackFrame, arg) } lastResult ?: context.reportError("Seq cannot be invoked with 0 argumens", callsite) } private fun stringify(thing: LispData): String { return when (thing) { is LispData.Atom -> ":${thing.label}" is LispData.JavaExecutable -> "" LispData.LispNil -> "nil" is LispData.LispNode -> thing.node.toSource() is LispData.LispList -> thing.elements.joinToString(", ", "[", "]") { stringify(it) } is LispData.LispString -> thing.string is LispData.LispNumber -> thing.value.toString() is LispData.LispInterpretedCallable -> ""} ${thing.argNames} ${thing.body.toSource()}>" } } val debuglog = LispData.externalRawCall { context, callsite, stackFrame, args -> println(args.joinToString(" ") { stringify(context.resolveValue(stackFrame, it)) }) LispData.LispNil } val add = LispData.externalCall { args, reportError -> if (args.size == 0) { return@externalCall reportError("Cannot call add without at least 1 argument") } LispData.LispNumber(args.fold(0.0) { a, b -> a + (b as? LispData.LispNumber ?: return@externalCall reportError("Unexpected argument $b, expected number")).value }) } val sub = LispData.externalCall { args, reportError -> if (args.size == 0) { return@externalCall reportError("Cannot call sub without at least 1 argument") } val c = { (it as? LispData.LispNumber ?: return@externalCall reportError("Unexpected argument $it, expected number") ).value } LispData.LispNumber(args.drop(1).fold(c.first()) { a, b -> a - (b as? LispData.LispNumber ?: return@externalCall reportError("Unexpected argument $b, expected number")).value }) } val mul = LispData.externalCall { args, reportError -> if (args.size == 0) { return@externalCall reportError("Cannot call mul without at least 1 argument") } LispData.LispNumber(args.fold(1.0) { a, b -> a * (b as? LispData.LispNumber ?: return@externalCall reportError("Unexpected argument $b, expected number")).value }) } val div = LispData.externalCall { args, reportError -> if (args.size == 0) { return@externalCall reportError("Cannot call div without at least 1 argument") } val c = { (it as? LispData.LispNumber ?: return@externalCall reportError("Unexpected argument $it, expected number") ).value } LispData.LispNumber(args.drop(1).fold(c.first()) { a, b -> a / (b as? LispData.LispNumber ?: return@externalCall reportError("Unexpected argument $b, expected number")).value }) } fun offerArithmeticTo(bindings: StackFrame) { bindings.setValueLocal("+", add) bindings.setValueLocal("/", div) bindings.setValueLocal("*", mul) bindings.setValueLocal("-", sub) } fun offerAllTo(bindings: StackFrame) { bindings.setValueLocal("if", ifFun) bindings.setValueLocal("nil", LispData.LispNil) bindings.setValueLocal("def", def) bindings.setValueLocal("pure", pure) bindings.setValueLocal("lambda", lambda) bindings.setValueLocal("defun", defun) bindings.setValueLocal("seq", seq) bindings.setValueLocal("debuglog", debuglog) offerArithmeticTo(bindings) } }