import React from "react"; import clsx from "clsx"; import Link from "@docusaurus/Link"; import useDocusaurusContext from "@docusaurus/useDocusaurusContext"; import Layout from "@theme/Layout"; import HomepageFeatures from "@site/src/components/HomepageFeatures"; import CodeBlock from "@theme/CodeBlock"; import styles from "./index.module.css"; import Frame from "../components/Frame"; import Button from "../components/Button"; import CodeFrame from "../components/CodeFrame"; const dynC = (className: string, color: string) => `dark:${className}-dark${color} ${className}-light${color}`; function HomepageHeader() { const { siteConfig } = useDocusaurusContext(); return (

A language that triggers
flow state.

Triggering joy with every event, with elegance in every line. You put the creativity, NeoHaskell gives you the reliability.{" "} Learn on the fly, ship whenever you want.

); } export default function Home(): JSX.Element { const { siteConfig } = useDocusaurusContext(); return (
{`module Main where main :: IO () main = putStrLn "Hello, World!"`}

If you're reading this, you probably found it by accident. This is a WIP project, and the site is far from finished. If you're curious about the project, better join the{" "} Discord server !

); }