What the heck did you just flipping´ say about the Care Bears, you little uncaring person? I´ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Care-a-lot academy, and I´ve been involved in numerous secret raids on uncaring hearts, and I have over 300 confirmed Care Bears stares. I am trained in making uncaring hearts care and I´m the top leader in the entire Care Bears Family. You are nothing to me, but just another uncaring person. I will make you taste the rainbow in precisions the likes of wich has never been seen in Care-a-lot, mark my lovely words. You think that you can get away with saying that uncaring thing to us over the Internet? Think again, hateful person. As we speak, I am contacting all my fellow Care Bears Family members across Care-a-lot, and we are watching over a lunette right now, so you better prepare for the rainbow, uncaring one. The rainbow that will wipe out the hatred from your heart. You´re going to care kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can make you taste the rainbow in over seven hundred ways, and that´s just with my belly badge. Not only am I extensively trained in the Care Bear Stare, but I have access to the entire rainbow cars of Care-a-lot, and I will use it to its full extent to make you care for all the people in the planet, you little uncaring person. If only you could have know what caring retribuition you little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. But you couldn´t, you didn´t, and now you´re paying the price, you hateful fella´. I will make you taste the rainbow, and you will love it. You´re going to care, kiddo.