const { React, getModule } = require('powercord/webpack'); const { Modal } = require('powercord/components/modal'); const { FormTitle, FormNotice } = require('powercord/components'); const { close, open } = require('powercord/modal'); const { SETTINGS_TIMEZONE } = require('./constants'); const { lookup, timezones } = require('./tz'); const { SelectInput } = require('powercord/components/settings'); class TimezoneConverterPopup extends React.PureComponent { constructor (props) { super(props); this.state = { timezone: props.toTimezone }; } render () { console.log(this.state, this.props); return Time converter { this.setState({ timezone: lookup(e.value) }); }} value={this.state.timezone.code} options={[ => ({ value: it.code, label: `${} (${it.offset})` })) ]} > Convert to timezone {text(this.props.time, this.props.fromTimezone, this.state.timezone)} ; } } function a (time) { return ((time / 60) | 0) + ':' + (time % 60); } function text (time, fromTimezone, toTimezone) { let offset = toTimezone.offsetminutes - fromTimezone.offsetminutes; let adjusted = (time + offset) % (24 * 60); return `${a(time)} ${fromTimezone.code} -> ${a(adjusted)} ${toTimezone.code}`; } function getLabel (time, fromTimezone, toTimezone) { return open(() => )}> {text(time, fromTimezone, toTimezone)} ; } module.exports = { TimezoneConverterPopup, getLabel };
{ this.setState({ timezone: lookup(e.value) }); }} value={this.state.timezone.code} options={[ => ({ value: it.code, label: `${} (${it.offset})` })) ]} > Convert to timezone
{text(this.props.time, this.props.fromTimezone, this.state.timezone)}