path: root/build
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-03-02Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-03-01change concurrent updating leaderboard members to 1mat
2021-03-01add more debug stuffmat
2021-03-01Update database.jsmat
2021-03-01Update database.jsmat
2021-03-01fix error for nonexistent playersmat
2021-03-01Update hypixelCached.tsmat
2021-03-01Update hypixelCached.jsmat
2021-03-01Fix error on some profiles with inventory APImat
2021-03-01fix members not being added to reverse leaderboardsmat
2021-03-01Update database.jsmat
2021-03-02Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-03-01optimize leaderboardsmat
2021-03-01Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-03-01send 401 status code when unauthorizedmat
2021-03-01Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-03-01Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-28actually fix cachemat
2021-03-01Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-28Update constants.jsmat
2021-03-01Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-03-01Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-03-01Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-28Make leaderboard stuff use less memorymat
2021-02-28Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-28make /leaderboards include categoriesmat
2021-02-28Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-28Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-28Update database.jsmat
2021-02-28only add relevant attributes for member to dbmat
2021-02-28Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-28Compiled TS into JSmat
2021-02-28Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-28Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-28Add leaderboardsmat
2021-02-21Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-21Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-16change profileCache to use clonesmat
2021-02-15Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-15remove debug logsmat
2021-02-15Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-15Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-14Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-14add collectionsmat
2021-02-14add visited zonesmat
2021-02-13make sure the vanillaId is a stringmat
2021-02-13clean inventory itemsmat
2021-02-13fix caching issuemat
2021-02-13add objectives and skillsmat