path: root/src
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-03-27sort last save leaderboard correctlymat
2022-03-27Fix first join & add last save leaderboardmat
2022-03-27Add coop invitationmat
2022-03-27Add levelXpRequired to skills with 0 xpmat
2022-03-27Add default skills if they're missing from membermat
2022-03-27Fix some harp songs showing twicemat
2022-03-27rename "fire and flames" to "through the campfire"mat
2022-03-27Show harp leaderboards in listmat
2022-03-27Fix harp leaderboardsmat
2022-03-27Add harp leaderboardsmat
2022-03-27Fix harp things being undefinedmat
2022-03-27Update harp.tsmat
2022-03-27rename harp name to id in selected for consistencymat
2022-03-27Add harp statsmat
2022-03-27Add petsmat
2022-03-27Claimed items (scorpius bribes, potato talisman, etc)mat
2022-03-27fix issues with testmat
2022-03-27fix and bump typed-hypixel-api versionmat
2022-03-26Change a lot of things to use typed-hypixel-apimat
2022-03-25Add typed-hypixel-api as a dep and change some codemat
2022-03-21Add personal vault to inventoriesmat
2022-03-21fix total bank balance being offmat
2022-03-21don't reverse bank historymat
2022-03-21round bank balance amountmat
2022-03-21round numbers in bank balancemat
2022-03-20Fix some typingsmat
2022-03-20Add the "left" field for members who leftmat
2022-03-20Add bank historymat
2022-03-19Bump @types/lru-cache from 5.1.1 to 7.4.0 (#217)dependabot[bot]
2022-03-19Squashed commit of the following:mat
2022-03-19Fix error when there is no slayer datamat
2022-03-19Include slayer level in responsemat
2022-03-19Add Voidgloom Seraph and make slayer name optionalmat
2022-03-17Automatically update user's discord ids in accountsmat
2022-03-17allow passing redirect uri as a parametermat
2022-03-17log more stuffmat
2022-03-17log discord error when creating sessionmat
2022-03-16cors is cringemat
2022-03-16Add route to delete sessionmat
2022-03-05`winner` is a stringmat
2022-02-21add missing things to typingsmat
2022-02-16oop typescript momentmat
2022-02-16move maxUniqueMinionsmat
2022-02-16return max fairy souls and max minions in membermat
2022-02-14oop accidentally broke leaderboardsmat
2022-02-13maybe fix some leaderboards hangingmat
2022-02-13Update election.tsmat
2022-02-12Election APImat
2022-02-10fix leaderboards not loading sometimes, hopefullymat