# SkyBlock API

Backend for [skyblock.matdoes.dev](https://github.com/skyblockstats/skyblock-stats).

This is kinda like [Slothpixel](https://github.com/slothpixel/core), it fetches the SkyBlock API and cleans up the result for use without an API key.

## Basically what it does

1. A request is sent to the Express server in index.js
2. The express server then calls a function in hypixelCached depending on the request
3. hypixelCached will either directly return already-cached data, or continue to hypixel.ts
4. hypixel.ts will call hypixelApi to get the raw data from the Hypixel API
5. hypixel.ts calls one or more of the cleaners, which pretties up the data for us to use
6. cleaned data is returned to hypixelCached, which will cache it
7. Data is sent back to express to serve to the user

## API conventions

If you (this is really just here for myself so I don't forget) are adding a new API thing, follow these rules so the API is consistent with how it responds:

- Use camelCase for keys.
- Use snake_case for values.
- Prefer arrays over dictionaries when the keys aren't static. For example `[ { name: "asdf", value: "dsfasg" } ]` rather than `{ "asdf": "dsfasg" }`.
- Dates are done with milliseconds since epoch