"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.cleanCollections = void 0; const itemId_1 = require("./itemId"); const COLLECTIONS = { 'farming': [ 'wheat', 'carrot', 'potato', 'pumpkin', 'melon_slice', 'wheat_seeds', 'red_mushroom', 'cocoa_beans', 'cactus', 'sugar_cane', 'feather', 'leather', 'porkchop', 'chicken', 'mutton', 'rabbit', 'nether_wart' ], 'mining': [ 'cobblestone', 'coal', 'iron_ingot', 'gold_ingot', 'diamond', 'lapis_lazuli', 'emerald', 'redstone', 'quartz', 'obsidian', 'glowstone_dust', 'gravel', 'ice', 'netherrack', 'sand', 'end_stone' ], 'combat': [ 'rotten_flesh', 'bone', 'string', 'spider_eye', 'gunpowder', 'ender_pearl', 'ghast_tear', 'slime_ball', 'blaze_rod', 'magma_cream' ], 'foraging': [ 'oak_log', 'spruce_log', 'birch_log', 'jungle_log', 'acacia_log', 'dark_oak_log' ], 'fishing': [ 'cod', 'salmon', 'tropical_fish', 'pufferfish', 'prismarine_shard', 'prismarine_crystals', 'clay_ball', 'lily_pad', 'ink_sac', 'sponge' ] }; function cleanCollections(data) { var _a, _b; // collection tiers show up like this: [ GRAVEL_3, GOLD_INGOT_2, MELON_-1, LOG_2:1_7, RAW_FISH:3_-1] // these tiers are the same for all players in a coop const playerCollectionTiersRaw = (_a = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.unlocked_coll_tiers) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []; const playerCollectionTiers = {}; for (const collectionTierNameValueRaw of playerCollectionTiersRaw) { const [collectionTierNameRaw, collectionTierValueRaw] = collectionTierNameValueRaw.split(/_(?=-?\d+$)/); const collectionName = itemId_1.cleanItemId(collectionTierNameRaw); // ensure it's at least 0 const collectionValue = Math.max(parseInt(collectionTierValueRaw), 0); // if the collection hasn't been checked yet, or the new value is higher than the old, replace it if (!playerCollectionTiers[collectionName] || collectionValue > playerCollectionTiers[collectionName]) playerCollectionTiers[collectionName] = collectionValue; } // collection names show up like this: { LOG: 49789, LOG:2: 26219, MUSHROOM_COLLECTION: 2923} // these values are different for each player in a coop const playerCollectionValuesRaw = (_b = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.collection) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {}; const playerCollectionValues = []; for (const collectionNameRaw in playerCollectionValuesRaw) { const collectionValue = playerCollectionValuesRaw[collectionNameRaw]; const collectionName = itemId_1.cleanItemId(collectionNameRaw); playerCollectionValues.push({ name: collectionName, xp: collectionValue, level: playerCollectionTiers[collectionName] }); } return playerCollectionValues; } exports.cleanCollections = cleanCollections;