import { cleanItemId, hypixelItemNames } from "./itemId"

	'farming': [
	'mining': [
	'combat': [
	'foraging': [
	'fishing': [
	// no item should be here, but in case a new collection is added itll default to this
	'unknown': []
} as const

type CollectionCategory = keyof typeof COLLECTIONS

export interface Collection {
	name: string
	xp: number
	level: number
	category: CollectionCategory

// get a category name (farming) from a collection name (wheat)
function getCategory(collectionName): CollectionCategory {
	for (const categoryName in COLLECTIONS) {
		const categoryItems = COLLECTIONS[categoryName]
		if (categoryItems.includes(collectionName))
			return categoryName as CollectionCategory

export function cleanCollections(data: any): Collection[] {
	// collection tiers show up like this: [ GRAVEL_3, GOLD_INGOT_2, MELON_-1, LOG_2:1_7, RAW_FISH:3_-1]
	// these tiers are the same for all players in a coop
	const playerCollectionTiersRaw: string[] = data?.unlocked_coll_tiers ?? []
	const playerCollectionTiers: { [ key: string ]: number } = {}

	for (const collectionTierNameValueRaw of playerCollectionTiersRaw) {
		const [ collectionTierNameRaw, collectionTierValueRaw ] = collectionTierNameValueRaw.split(/_(?=-?\d+$)/)
		const collectionName = cleanItemId(collectionTierNameRaw)
		// ensure it's at least 0
		const collectionValue: number = Math.max(parseInt(collectionTierValueRaw), 0)

		// if the collection hasn't been checked yet, or the new value is higher than the old, replace it
		if (!playerCollectionTiers[collectionName] || collectionValue > playerCollectionTiers[collectionName])
			playerCollectionTiers[collectionName] = collectionValue

	// collection names show up like this: { LOG: 49789, LOG:2: 26219, MUSHROOM_COLLECTION: 2923}
	// these values are different for each player in a coop
	const playerCollectionValuesRaw: { [ key in hypixelItemNames ]: number } = data?.collection ?? {}
	const playerCollectionValues: Collection[] = []
	for (const collectionNameRaw in playerCollectionValuesRaw) {
		const collectionValue: number = playerCollectionValuesRaw[collectionNameRaw]
		const collectionName = cleanItemId(collectionNameRaw)
		const collectionLevel = playerCollectionTiers[collectionName]
		const collectionCategory = getCategory(collectionName) ?? 'unknown'

		// in some very weird cases the collection level will be undefined, we should ignore these collections
		if (collectionLevel !== undefined)
				name: collectionName,
				xp: collectionValue,
				level: collectionLevel,
				category: collectionCategory
	return playerCollectionValues