import typedHypixelApi from 'typed-hypixel-api' import * as nbt from 'prismarine-nbt' function base64decode(base64: string): Buffer { return Buffer.from(base64, 'base64') } export interface Item { id: string count: number vanillaId: string display: { name: string lore: string[] glint: boolean } reforge?: string anvilUses?: number timestamp?: string enchantments?: { [name: string]: number } petInfo?: { id: string } headTexture?: string } export type Inventory = Item[] export function headIdFromBase64(headDataBase64: string): string | undefined { const headData = JSON.parse(base64decode(headDataBase64).toString()) const headDataUrl = headData?.textures?.SKIN?.url if (headDataUrl) { const splitUrl = headDataUrl.split('/') return splitUrl[splitUrl.length - 1] } return undefined } function cleanItem(rawItem): Item | null { // if the item doesn't have an id, it isn't an item if ( === undefined) return null const vanillaId: number = const itemCount = rawItem.Count const damageValue = rawItem.Damage const itemTag = rawItem.tag const extraAttributes = itemTag?.ExtraAttributes ?? {} let headId: string | undefined if (vanillaId === 397) { const headDataBase64 = itemTag?.SkullOwner?.Properties?.textures?.[0]?.Value if (headDataBase64) headId = headIdFromBase64(headDataBase64) } return { id: extraAttributes?.id ?? null, count: itemCount ?? 1, vanillaId: damageValue ? `${vanillaId}:${damageValue}` : vanillaId.toString(), display: { name: itemTag?.display?.Name ?? 'null', lore: itemTag?.display?.Lore ?? [], // if it has an ench value in the tag, then it should have an enchant glint effect glint: (itemTag?.ench ?? []).length > 0 }, reforge: extraAttributes?.modifier, enchantments: extraAttributes?.enchantments, anvilUses: extraAttributes?.anvil_uses, timestamp: extraAttributes?.timestamp, petInfo: extraAttributes?.petInfo ? { id: JSON.parse(extraAttributes.petInfo).type } : undefined, headTexture: headId, } } function cleanItems(rawItems): Inventory { return } export async function cleanInventory(encodedNbt: string): Promise<Inventory> { const base64Data = base64decode(encodedNbt) const value: any = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => nbt.parse(base64Data, false, (err, value) => { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(value) })) const simplifiedNbt = nbt.simplify(value) // do some basic cleaning on the items and return return cleanItems(simplifiedNbt.i) } export const INVENTORIES = { armor: 'inv_armor', inventory: 'inv_contents', ender_chest: 'ender_chest_contents', accessory_bag: 'talisman_bag', potion_bag: 'potion_bag', fishing_bag: 'fishing_bag', quiver: 'quiver', trick_or_treat_bag: 'candy_inventory_contents', wardrobe: 'wardrobe_contents', personal_vault: 'personal_vault_contents' } export type Inventories = { [name in keyof typeof INVENTORIES]: Item[] } export async function cleanInventories(data: typedHypixelApi.SkyBlockProfileMember): Promise<Inventories> { const cleanInventories: any = {} for (const cleanInventoryName in INVENTORIES) { const hypixelInventoryName = INVENTORIES[cleanInventoryName] const encodedInventoryContents = data[hypixelInventoryName]?.data let inventoryContents: Inventory if (encodedInventoryContents) { inventoryContents = await cleanInventory(encodedInventoryContents) if (cleanInventoryName === 'armor') // the armor is sent from boots to head, the opposite makes more sense inventoryContents.reverse() cleanInventories[cleanInventoryName] = inventoryContents } } return cleanInventories }