import { cleanFarmingContests, FarmingContests } from './farmingContents.js' import { cleanCoopInvitation, CoopInvitation } from './coopInvitation.js' import { cleanCollections, Collection } from './collections.js' import { cleanInventories, Inventories } from './inventory.js' import { cleanFairySouls, FairySouls } from './fairysouls.js' import { cleanObjectives, Objective } from './objectives.js' import { CleanFullProfileBasicMembers } from './profile.js' import { cleanProfileStats, StatItem } from './stats.js' import { CleanMinion, cleanMinions } from './minions.js' import { cleanSlayers, SlayerData } from './slayers.js' import { AccountCustomization } from '../../database.js' import { cleanVisitedZones, Zone } from './zones.js' import { cleanSkills, Skills } from './skills.js' import * as cached from '../../hypixelCached.js' import typedHypixelApi from 'typed-hypixel-api' import { cleanPets, PetsData } from './pets.js' import { cleanHarp, HarpData } from './harp.js' import * as constants from '../../constants.js' import { Included } from '../../hypixel.js' import { CleanPlayer } from '../player.js' import { CleanRank } from '../rank.js' import { AccessoryBagUpgrades, cleanAccessoryBagUpgrades } from './accessoryBagUpgrades.js' import { cleanEssence, Essence } from './essence.js' export interface CleanBasicMember { uuid: string username: string lastSave: number | null firstJoin: number | null rank: CleanRank left?: boolean } interface ExtraCleanMemberFields { purse: number stats: StatItem[] rawHypixelStats: { [key: string]: number } minions: CleanMinion[] fairySouls: FairySouls inventories?: Inventories objectives: Objective[] skills: Skills zones: Zone[] collections: Collection[] slayers: SlayerData pets: PetsData harp: HarpData coopInvitation: CoopInvitation | null farmingContests: FarmingContests accessoryBagUpgrades: AccessoryBagUpgrades essence: Essence /** Whether the member left the coop. */ left: boolean } export type CleanMember = CleanBasicMember & ExtraCleanMemberFields export async function cleanSkyBlockProfileMemberResponseBasic(member: typedHypixelApi.SkyBlockProfileMember & { uuid: string }): Promise { const player = await cached.fetchPlayer(member.uuid, false) if (!player) return null return { uuid: member.uuid, username: player.username, lastSave: member.last_save ?? null, firstJoin: member.first_join ?? null, rank: player.rank } } /** Cleans up a member (from skyblock/profile) */ export async function cleanSkyBlockProfileMemberResponse(member: typedHypixelApi.SkyBlockProfileMember & { uuid: string }, profileId?: string, included: Included[] | undefined = undefined): Promise { const inventoriesIncluded = included === undefined || included.includes('inventories') const player = await cached.fetchPlayer(member.uuid, true) if (!player) return null const fairySouls = await cleanFairySouls(member) const { max_fairy_souls: maxFairySouls } = await constants.fetchConstantValues() if ( > (maxFairySouls ?? 0)) await constants.setConstantValues({ max_fairy_souls: }) const coopInvitationPromise = cleanCoopInvitation(member, member.uuid) const minionsPromise = cleanMinions(member) const skillsPromise = cleanSkills(member, player) const zonesPromise = cleanVisitedZones(member) const petsPromise = cleanPets(member) const harpPromise = cleanHarp(member) const inventoriesPromise = inventoriesIncluded ? cleanInventories(member) : Promise.resolve(undefined) const farmingContestsPromise = cleanFarmingContests(member) return { uuid: member.uuid, username: player.username, // members that haven't joined the profile have no last save or first join lastSave: member.last_save ?? null, firstJoin: member.first_join ?? null, rank: player.rank, purse: member.coin_purse ?? 0, stats: cleanProfileStats(member), // this is used for leaderboards rawHypixelStats: member.stats ?? {}, minions: await minionsPromise, fairySouls: fairySouls, inventories: inventoriesPromise ? await inventoriesPromise : undefined, objectives: cleanObjectives(member), skills: await skillsPromise, zones: await zonesPromise, collections: cleanCollections(member), slayers: cleanSlayers(member), pets: await petsPromise, harp: await harpPromise, coopInvitation: await coopInvitationPromise, farmingContests: await farmingContestsPromise, accessoryBagUpgrades: cleanAccessoryBagUpgrades(member), essence: cleanEssence(member), left: (player.profiles?.find(profile => profile.uuid === profileId) === undefined) ?? false } } export type CleanMemberProfilePlayer = CleanPlayer & { // The profile name may be different for each player, so we put it here profileName: string firstJoin: number | null lastSave: number | null } & ExtraCleanMemberFields export interface CleanMemberProfile { member: CleanMemberProfilePlayer profile: CleanFullProfileBasicMembers customization?: AccountCustomization }