import typedHypixelApi from 'typed-hypixel-api' const statCategories: { [key: string]: string[] | null } = { // sorted in order of importance 'deaths': ['deaths_', 'deaths'], 'kills': ['kills_', 'kills'], 'fishing': ['items_fished_', 'items_fished', 'shredder_'], 'auctions': ['auctions_'], 'races': ['_best_time', '_best_time_2'], 'mythos': ['mythos_burrows_', 'mythos_kills'], 'farming_contests': ['farming_contests_'], 'collection': ['collection_'], 'skills': ['skill_'], 'slayer': ['slayer_'], 'harp': ['harp_'], 'misc': null // everything else goes here } export interface StatCategory { category: string | null name: string | null } export function categorizeStat(statNameRaw: string): StatCategory { // 'deaths_void' for (const statCategory in statCategories) { // 'deaths' const statCategoryMatchers = statCategories[statCategory] if (statCategoryMatchers == null) { // If it's null, just go with this. Can only ever be 'misc' return { category: statCategory, name: statNameRaw } } for (const categoryMatch of statCategoryMatchers) { // ['deaths_'] let trailingEnd = categoryMatch[0] === '_' let trailingStart = categoryMatch.slice(-1) === '_' if (trailingStart && statNameRaw.startsWith(categoryMatch)) { return { category: statCategory, name: statNameRaw.slice(categoryMatch.length) } } else if (trailingEnd && statNameRaw.endsWith(categoryMatch)) { return { category: statCategory, name: statNameRaw.slice(0, statNameRaw.length - categoryMatch.length) } } else if (statNameRaw == categoryMatch) { // if it matches exactly, we don't know the name. will be defaulted to category later on return { category: statCategory, name: null } } } } // this should never happen, as it'll default to misc and return if nothing is found return { category: null, name: statNameRaw } } export const statUnits = { time: ['_best_time', '_best_time_2', 'fastest_coop_join', 'slowest_coop_join'], date: ['first_join', 'last_save'], coins: ['purse'], leaderboards: ['leaderboards_count', 'top_1_leaderboards_count'] } export interface StatItem { rawName: string value: number categorizedName: string category: string | null unit: string | null } export function getStatUnit(name: string): string | null { for (const [unitName, statMatchers] of Object.entries(statUnits)) { for (const statMatch of statMatchers) { let trailingEnd = statMatch[0] === '_' let trailingStart = statMatch.slice(-1) === '_' if ( (trailingStart && name.startsWith(statMatch)) || (trailingEnd && name.endsWith(statMatch)) || (name == statMatch) ) return unitName } } return null } export function cleanProfileStats(data: typedHypixelApi.SkyBlockProfileMember): StatItem[] { // TODO: add type for statsRaw (probably in hypixelApi.ts since its coming from there) const stats: StatItem[] = [] const rawStats = data?.stats ?? {} for (const statNameRaw in rawStats) { const statValue = rawStats[statNameRaw] let { category: statCategory, name: statName } = categorizeStat(statNameRaw) stats.push({ categorizedName: statName ?? 'total', value: statValue, rawName: statNameRaw, category: statCategory, unit: getStatUnit(statNameRaw) ?? null }) } return stats }