/** * Fetch and edit constants from the skyblock-constants repo */ // we have to do this so we can mock the function from the tests properly import * as constants from './constants.js' import * as nodeFetch from 'node-fetch' import NodeCache from 'node-cache' import { debug } from './index.js' import { sleep } from './util.js' import Queue from 'queue-promise' import fetch from 'node-fetch' import { Agent } from 'https' const httpsAgent = new Agent({ keepAlive: true }) const githubApiBase = 'https://api.github.com' const owner = 'skyblockstats' const repo = 'skyblock-constants' // we use a queue for editing so it always utilizes the cache if possible, and to avoid hitting the github rateimit const queue = new Queue({ concurrent: 1, interval: 10 }) /** * Send a request to the GitHub API * @param method The HTTP method, for example GET, PUT, POST, etc * @param route The route to send the request to * @param headers The extra headers * @param json The JSON body, only applicable for some types of methods */ async function fetchGithubApi(method: string, route: string, headers?: any, json?: any): Promise<nodeFetch.Response> { try { if (debug) console.debug('fetching github api', method, route) const data = await fetch( githubApiBase + route, { agent: () => httpsAgent, body: json ? JSON.stringify(json) : undefined, method, headers: Object.assign({ 'Authorization': `token ${process.env.github_token}` }, headers), } ) if (debug) console.debug('fetched github api', method, route) return data } catch { // if there's an error, wait a second and try again await sleep(1000) return await fetchGithubApi(method, route, headers, json) } } interface GithubFile { path: string content: string sha: string } // cache files for an hour const fileCache = new NodeCache({ stdTTL: 60 * 60, checkperiod: 60, useClones: false, }) /** * Fetch a file from skyblock-constants * @param path The file path, for example stats.json */ function fetchFile(path: string): Promise<GithubFile> { return new Promise(resolve => { queue.enqueue(async () => { if (fileCache.has(path)) return resolve(fileCache.get(path)!) const r = await fetchGithubApi( 'GET', `/repos/${owner}/${repo}/contents/${path}`, { 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', }, ) const data = await r.json() as any const file = { path: data.path, content: Buffer.from(data.content, data.encoding).toString(), sha: data.sha } fileCache.set(path, file) resolve(file) }) }) } /** * Edit a file on skyblock-constants * @param file The GithubFile you got from fetchFile * @param message The commit message * @param newContent The new content in the file */ async function editFile(file: GithubFile, message: string, newContent: string): Promise<void> { const r = await fetchGithubApi( 'PUT', `/repos/${owner}/${repo}/contents/${file.path}`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, { message: message, content: Buffer.from(newContent).toString('base64'), sha: file.sha, branch: 'main' } ) const data = await r.json() as any fileCache.set(file.path, { path: data.content.path, content: newContent, sha: data.content.sha }) } export let fetchJSONConstant = async function fetchJSONConstant(filename: string): Promise<any> { const file = await fetchFile(filename) try { return JSON.parse(file.content) } catch { // probably invalid json, return an empty array return [] } } /** Add stats to skyblock-constants. This has caching so it's fine to call many times */ export let addJSONConstants = async function addJSONConstants(filename: string, addingValues: string[], unit: string = 'stat'): Promise<void> { if (addingValues.length === 0) return // no stats provided, just return let file: GithubFile = await fetchFile(filename) if (!file.path) return let oldStats: string[] try { oldStats = JSON.parse(file.content) } catch { // invalid json, set it as an empty array oldStats = [] } const updatedStats = oldStats .concat(addingValues) // remove duplicates .filter((value, index, array) => array.indexOf(value) === index) .sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)) const newStats = updatedStats.filter(value => !oldStats.includes(value)) // there's not actually any new stats, just return if (newStats.length === 0) return const commitMessage = newStats.length >= 2 ? `Add ${newStats.length} new ${unit}s` : `Add '${newStats[0]}' ${unit}` try { await editFile(file, commitMessage, JSON.stringify(updatedStats, null, 2)) } catch { // the file probably changed or something, try again file = await fetchFile(filename) await editFile(file, commitMessage, JSON.stringify(updatedStats, null, 2)) } } /** Fetch all the known SkyBlock stats as an array of strings */ export async function fetchStats(): Promise<string[]> { return await constants.fetchJSONConstant('stats.json') } /** Add stats to skyblock-constants. This has caching so it's fine to call many times */ export async function addStats(addingStats: string[]): Promise<void> { await constants.addJSONConstants('stats.json', addingStats, 'stat') } /** Fetch all the known SkyBlock collections as an array of strings */ export async function fetchCollections(): Promise<string[]> { return await constants.fetchJSONConstant('collections.json') } /** Add collections to skyblock-constants. This has caching so it's fine to call many times */ export async function addCollections(addingCollections: string[]): Promise<void> { await constants.addJSONConstants('collections.json', addingCollections, 'collection') } /** Fetch all the known SkyBlock collections as an array of strings */ export async function fetchSkills(): Promise<string[]> { return await constants.fetchJSONConstant('skills.json') } /** Add skills to skyblock-constants. This has caching so it's fine to call many times */ export async function addSkills(addingSkills: string[]): Promise<void> { await constants.addJSONConstants('skills.json', addingSkills, 'skill') } /** Fetch all the known SkyBlock collections as an array of strings */ export async function fetchZones(): Promise<string[]> { return await constants.fetchJSONConstant('zones.json') } /** Add skills to skyblock-constants. This has caching so it's fine to call many times */ export async function addZones(addingZones: string[]): Promise<void> { await constants.addJSONConstants('zones.json', addingZones, 'zone') } /** Fetch all the known SkyBlock slayer names as an array of strings */ export async function fetchSlayers(): Promise<string[]> { return await constants.fetchJSONConstant('slayers.json') } /** Add skills to skyblock-constants. This has caching so it's fine to call many times */ export async function addSlayers(addingSlayers: string[]): Promise<void> { await constants.addJSONConstants('slayers.json', addingSlayers, 'slayer') } /** Fetch all the known SkyBlock slayer names as an array of strings */ export async function fetchMinions(): Promise<string[]> { return await constants.fetchJSONConstant('minions.json') } export async function fetchSkillXp(): Promise<number[]> { return await constants.fetchJSONConstant('manual/skill_xp.json') } export async function fetchSkillXpEasier(): Promise<number[]> { return await constants.fetchJSONConstant('manual/skill_xp_easier.json') } /** Add skills to skyblock-constants. This has caching so it's fine to call many times */ export async function addMinions(addingMinions: string[]): Promise<void> { await constants.addJSONConstants('minions.json', addingMinions, 'minion') } interface constantValues { max_minions?: number max_fairy_souls?: number } export async function fetchConstantValues(): Promise<constantValues> { return await constants.fetchJSONConstant('values.json') } export async function setConstantValues(newValues: constantValues) { let file: GithubFile = await fetchFile('values.json') if (!file.path) return let oldValues: constantValues try { oldValues = JSON.parse(file.content) } catch { // invalid json, set it as an empty array oldValues = {} } const updatedStats = { ...oldValues, ...newValues } // there's not actually any new stats, just return // TODO: optimize this? might be fine already though, idk if (JSON.stringify(updatedStats) === JSON.stringify(oldValues)) return const commitMessage = 'Update values' try { await editFile(file, commitMessage, JSON.stringify(updatedStats, null, 2)) } catch { } } // this is necessary for mocking in the tests because es6 export function mockAddJSONConstants($value) { addJSONConstants = $value } export function mockFetchJSONConstant($value) { fetchJSONConstant = $value }