/** * Store data about members for leaderboards */ import { categorizeStat, getStatUnit } from './cleaners/skyblock/stats' import { CleanBasicProfile, CleanFullProfile, CleanProfile } from './cleaners/skyblock/profile' import { CleanMember } from './cleaners/skyblock/member' import { Collection, Db, MongoClient } from 'mongodb' import { CleanPlayer } from './cleaners/player' import * as cached from './hypixelCached' import * as constants from './constants' import { shuffle, sleep } from './util' import NodeCache from 'node-cache' import Queue from 'queue-promise' import { debug } from '.' import { slayerLevels } from './cleaners/skyblock/slayers' // don't update the user for 3 minutes const recentlyUpdated = new NodeCache({ stdTTL: 60 * 3, checkperiod: 60, useClones: false, }) interface DatabaseMemberLeaderboardItem { uuid: string profile: string stats: any last_updated: Date } interface DatabaseProfileLeaderboardItem { uuid: string /** An array of uuids for each player in the profile */ players: string[] stats: any last_updated: Date } interface MemberLeaderboardItem { player: CleanPlayer profileUuid: string value: number } interface ProfileLeaderboardItem { players: CleanPlayer[] profileUuid: string value: number } const cachedRawLeaderboards: Map = new Map() const leaderboardMax = 100 const reversedLeaderboards = [ 'first_join', '_best_time', '_best_time_2' ] let client: MongoClient let database: Db let memberLeaderboardsCollection: Collection let profileLeaderboardsCollection: Collection async function connect(): Promise { if (!process.env.db_uri) return console.warn('Warning: db_uri was not found in .env. Features that utilize the database such as leaderboards won\'t work.') if (!process.env.db_name) return console.warn('Warning: db_name was not found in .env. Features that utilize the database such as leaderboards won\'t work.') client = await MongoClient.connect(process.env.db_uri, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true }) database = client.db(process.env.db_name) memberLeaderboardsCollection = database.collection('member-leaderboards') profileLeaderboardsCollection = database.collection('profile-leaderboards') } interface StringNumber { [ name: string]: number } function getMemberCollectionAttributes(member: CleanMember): StringNumber { const collectionAttributes = {} for (const collection of member.collections) { const collectionLeaderboardName = `collection_${collection.name}` collectionAttributes[collectionLeaderboardName] = collection.xp } return collectionAttributes } function getMemberSkillAttributes(member: CleanMember): StringNumber { const skillAttributes = {} for (const collection of member.skills) { const skillLeaderboardName = `skill_${collection.name}` skillAttributes[skillLeaderboardName] = collection.xp } return skillAttributes } function getMemberSlayerAttributes(member: CleanMember): StringNumber { const slayerAttributes: StringNumber = { slayer_total_xp: member.slayers.xp, slayer_total_kills: member.slayers.kills, } for (const slayer of member.slayers.bosses) { slayerAttributes[`slayer_${slayer.raw_name}_total_xp`] = slayer.xp slayerAttributes[`slayer_${slayer.raw_name}_total_kills`] = slayer.kills for (const tier of slayer.tiers) { slayerAttributes[`slayer_${slayer.raw_name}_${tier.tier}_kills`] = tier.kills } } return slayerAttributes } function getMemberLeaderboardAttributes(member: CleanMember): StringNumber { // if you want to add a new leaderboard for member attributes, add it here (and getAllLeaderboardAttributes) return { // we use the raw stat names rather than the clean stats in case hypixel adds a new stat and it takes a while for us to clean it ...member.rawHypixelStats, // collection leaderboards ...getMemberCollectionAttributes(member), // skill leaderboards ...getMemberSkillAttributes(member), // slayer leaderboards ...getMemberSlayerAttributes(member), fairy_souls: member.fairy_souls.total, first_join: member.first_join, purse: member.purse, visited_zones: member.visited_zones.length, } } function getProfileLeaderboardAttributes(profile: CleanFullProfile): StringNumber { // if you want to add a new leaderboard for member attributes, add it here (and getAllLeaderboardAttributes) return { unique_minions: profile.minion_count } } export async function fetchAllLeaderboardsCategorized(): Promise<{ [ category: string ]: string[] }> { const memberLeaderboardAttributes: string[] = await fetchAllMemberLeaderboardAttributes() const profileLeaderboardAttributes: string[] = await fetchAllProfileLeaderboardAttributes() const categorizedLeaderboards: { [ category: string ]: string[] } = {} for (const leaderboard of [...memberLeaderboardAttributes, ...profileLeaderboardAttributes]) { const { category } = categorizeStat(leaderboard) if (!categorizedLeaderboards[category]) categorizedLeaderboards[category] = [] categorizedLeaderboards[category].push(leaderboard) } // move misc to end by removing and readding it const misc = categorizedLeaderboards.misc delete categorizedLeaderboards.misc categorizedLeaderboards.misc = misc return categorizedLeaderboards } /** Fetch the raw names for the slayer leaderboards */ export async function fetchSlayerLeaderboards(): Promise { const rawSlayerNames = await constants.fetchSlayers() let leaderboardNames: string[] = [ 'slayer_total_xp', 'slayer_total_kills' ] // we use the raw names (zombie, spider, wolf) instead of the clean names (revenant, tarantula, sven) because the raw names are guaranteed to never change for (const slayerNameRaw of rawSlayerNames) { leaderboardNames.push(`slayer_${slayerNameRaw}_total_xp`) leaderboardNames.push(`slayer_${slayerNameRaw}_total_kills`) for (let slayerTier = 1; slayerTier <= slayerLevels; slayerTier ++) { leaderboardNames.push(`slayer_${slayerNameRaw}_${slayerTier}_kills`) } } return leaderboardNames } /** Fetch the names of all the leaderboards that rank members */ export async function fetchAllMemberLeaderboardAttributes(): Promise { return [ // we use the raw stat names rather than the clean stats in case hypixel adds a new stat and it takes a while for us to clean it ...await constants.fetchStats(), // collection leaderboards ...(await constants.fetchCollections()).map(value => `collection_${value}`), // skill leaderboards ...(await constants.fetchSkills()).map(value => `skill_${value}`), // slayer leaderboards ...await fetchSlayerLeaderboards(), 'fairy_souls', 'first_join', 'purse', 'visited_zones', 'leaderboards_count' ] } /** Fetch the names of all the leaderboards that rank profiles */ async function fetchAllProfileLeaderboardAttributes(): Promise { return [ 'unique_minions' ] } function isLeaderboardReversed(name: string): boolean { for (const leaderboardMatch of reversedLeaderboards) { let trailingEnd = leaderboardMatch[0] === '_' let trailingStart = leaderboardMatch.substr(-1) === '_' if ( (trailingStart && name.startsWith(leaderboardMatch)) || (trailingEnd && name.endsWith(leaderboardMatch)) || (name == leaderboardMatch) ) return true } return false } async function fetchMemberLeaderboardRaw(name: string): Promise { if (!client) throw Error('Client isn\'t initialized yet') if (cachedRawLeaderboards.has(name)) return cachedRawLeaderboards.get(name) as DatabaseMemberLeaderboardItem[] // typescript forces us to make a new variable and set it this way because it gives an error otherwise const query = {} query[`stats.${name}`] = { '$exists': true, '$ne': NaN } const sortQuery: any = {} sortQuery[`stats.${name}`] = isLeaderboardReversed(name) ? 1 : -1 const leaderboardRaw: DatabaseMemberLeaderboardItem[] = await memberLeaderboardsCollection .find(query) .sort(sortQuery) .limit(leaderboardMax) .toArray() cachedRawLeaderboards.set(name, leaderboardRaw) return leaderboardRaw } async function fetchProfileLeaderboardRaw(name: string): Promise { if (cachedRawLeaderboards.has(name)) return cachedRawLeaderboards.get(name) as DatabaseProfileLeaderboardItem[] // typescript forces us to make a new variable and set it this way because it gives an error otherwise const query = {} query[`stats.${name}`] = { '$exists': true, '$ne': NaN } const sortQuery: any = {} sortQuery[`stats.${name}`] = isLeaderboardReversed(name) ? 1 : -1 const leaderboardRaw: DatabaseProfileLeaderboardItem[] = await profileLeaderboardsCollection .find(query) .sort(sortQuery) .limit(leaderboardMax) .toArray() cachedRawLeaderboards.set(name, leaderboardRaw) return leaderboardRaw } interface MemberLeaderboard { name: string unit?: string list: MemberLeaderboardItem[] } interface ProfileLeaderboard { name: string unit?: string list: ProfileLeaderboardItem[] } /** Fetch a leaderboard that ranks members, as opposed to profiles */ export async function fetchMemberLeaderboard(name: string): Promise { const leaderboardRaw = await fetchMemberLeaderboardRaw(name) const fetchLeaderboardPlayer = async(item: DatabaseMemberLeaderboardItem): Promise => { return { player: await cached.fetchBasicPlayer(item.uuid), profileUuid: item.profile, value: item.stats[name] } } const promises: Promise[] = [] for (const item of leaderboardRaw) { promises.push(fetchLeaderboardPlayer(item)) } const leaderboard = await Promise.all(promises) return { name: name, unit: getStatUnit(name) ?? null, list: leaderboard } } /** Fetch a leaderboard that ranks profiles, as opposed to members */ export async function fetchProfileLeaderboard(name: string): Promise { const leaderboardRaw = await fetchProfileLeaderboardRaw(name) const fetchLeaderboardProfile = async(item: DatabaseProfileLeaderboardItem): Promise => { const players = [] for (const playerUuid of item.players) players.push(await cached.fetchBasicPlayer(playerUuid)) return { players: players, profileUuid: item.uuid, value: item.stats[name] } } const promises: Promise[] = [] for (const item of leaderboardRaw) { promises.push(fetchLeaderboardProfile(item)) } const leaderboard = await Promise.all(promises) return { name: name, unit: getStatUnit(name) ?? null, list: leaderboard } } /** Fetch a leaderboard */ export async function fetchLeaderboard(name: string): Promise { const profileLeaderboards = await fetchAllProfileLeaderboardAttributes() if (profileLeaderboards.includes(name)) { return await fetchProfileLeaderboard(name) } else { return await fetchMemberLeaderboard(name) } } /** Get the leaderboard positions a member is on. This may take a while depending on whether stuff is cached */ export async function fetchMemberLeaderboardSpots(player: string, profile: string) { const fullProfile = await cached.fetchProfile(player, profile) const fullMember = fullProfile.members.find(m => m.username.toLowerCase() === player.toLowerCase() || m.uuid === player) // update the leaderboard positions for the member await updateDatabaseMember(fullMember, fullProfile) const applicableAttributes = await getApplicableMemberLeaderboardAttributes(fullMember) const memberLeaderboardSpots = [] for (const leaderboardName in applicableAttributes) { const leaderboard = await fetchMemberLeaderboardRaw(leaderboardName) const leaderboardPositionIndex = leaderboard.findIndex(i => i.uuid === fullMember.uuid && i.profile === fullProfile.uuid) memberLeaderboardSpots.push({ name: leaderboardName, positionIndex: leaderboardPositionIndex, value: applicableAttributes[leaderboardName], unit: getStatUnit(leaderboardName) ?? null }) } return memberLeaderboardSpots } async function getLeaderboardRequirement(name: string, leaderboardType: 'member' | 'profile'): Promise { let leaderboard: DatabaseMemberLeaderboardItem[] | DatabaseProfileLeaderboardItem[] if (leaderboardType === 'member') leaderboard = await fetchMemberLeaderboardRaw(name) else if (leaderboardType === 'profile') leaderboard = await fetchProfileLeaderboardRaw(name) // if there's more than 100 items, return the 100th. if there's less, return null if (leaderboard.length >= leaderboardMax) return leaderboard[leaderboardMax - 1].stats[name] else return null } /** Get the attributes for the member, but only ones that would put them on the top 100 for leaderboards */ async function getApplicableMemberLeaderboardAttributes(member: CleanMember): Promise { const leaderboardAttributes = getMemberLeaderboardAttributes(member) const applicableAttributes = {} for (const [ leaderboard, attributeValue ] of Object.entries(leaderboardAttributes)) { const requirement = await getLeaderboardRequirement(leaderboard, 'member') const leaderboardReversed = isLeaderboardReversed(leaderboard) if ( (requirement === null) || (leaderboardReversed ? attributeValue < requirement : attributeValue > requirement) ) { applicableAttributes[leaderboard] = attributeValue } } let leaderboardsCount: number = Object.keys(applicableAttributes).length const leaderboardsCountRequirement: number = await getLeaderboardRequirement('leaderboards_count', 'member') if ( (leaderboardsCountRequirement === null) || (leaderboardsCount > leaderboardsCountRequirement) ) { applicableAttributes['leaderboards_count'] = leaderboardsCount } return applicableAttributes } /** Get the attributes for the profile, but only ones that would put them on the top 100 for leaderboards */ async function getApplicableProfileLeaderboardAttributes(profile: CleanFullProfile): Promise { const leaderboardAttributes = getProfileLeaderboardAttributes(profile) const applicableAttributes = {} for (const [ leaderboard, attributeValue ] of Object.entries(leaderboardAttributes)) { const requirement = await getLeaderboardRequirement(leaderboard, 'profile') const leaderboardReversed = isLeaderboardReversed(leaderboard) if ( (requirement === null) || (leaderboardReversed ? attributeValue < requirement : attributeValue > requirement) ) { applicableAttributes[leaderboard] = attributeValue } } let leaderboardsCount: number = Object.keys(applicableAttributes).length const leaderboardsCountRequirement: number = await getLeaderboardRequirement('leaderboards_count', 'member') if ( (leaderboardsCountRequirement === null) || (leaderboardsCount > leaderboardsCountRequirement) ) { applicableAttributes['leaderboards_count'] = leaderboardsCount } return applicableAttributes } /** Update the member's leaderboard data on the server if applicable */ export async function updateDatabaseMember(member: CleanMember, profile: CleanFullProfile): Promise { if (debug) console.log('updateDatabaseMember', member.username) if (!client) return // the db client hasn't been initialized // the member's been updated too recently, just return if (recentlyUpdated.get(profile.uuid + member.uuid)) return // store the member in recentlyUpdated so it cant update for 3 more minutes recentlyUpdated.set(profile.uuid + member.uuid, true) if (debug) console.log('adding member to leaderboards', member.username) await constants.addStats(Object.keys(member.rawHypixelStats)) await constants.addCollections(member.collections.map(coll => coll.name)) await constants.addSkills(member.skills.map(skill => skill.name)) await constants.addZones(member.visited_zones.map(zone => zone.name)) await constants.addSlayers(member.slayers.bosses.map(s => s.raw_name)) if (debug) console.log('done constants..') const leaderboardAttributes = await getApplicableMemberLeaderboardAttributes(member) if (debug) console.log('done getApplicableMemberLeaderboardAttributes..', leaderboardAttributes, member.username, profile.name) await memberLeaderboardsCollection.updateOne( { uuid: member.uuid, profile: profile.uuid }, { '$set': { stats: leaderboardAttributes, last_updated: new Date() } }, { upsert: true } ) for (const [ attributeName, attributeValue ] of Object.entries(leaderboardAttributes)) { const existingRawLeaderboard = await fetchMemberLeaderboardRaw(attributeName) const leaderboardReverse = isLeaderboardReversed(attributeName) const newRawLeaderboard = existingRawLeaderboard // remove the player from the leaderboard, if they're there .filter(value => value.uuid !== member.uuid || value.profile !== profile.uuid) .concat([{ last_updated: new Date(), stats: leaderboardAttributes, uuid: member.uuid, profile: profile.uuid }]) .sort((a, b) => leaderboardReverse ? a.stats[attributeName] - b.stats[attributeName] : b.stats[attributeName] - a.stats[attributeName]) .slice(0, 100) cachedRawLeaderboards.set(attributeName, newRawLeaderboard) } if (debug) console.log('added member to leaderboards', member.username, leaderboardAttributes) } /** * Update the profiles's leaderboard data on the server if applicable. * This will not also update the members, you have to call updateDatabaseMember separately for that */ export async function updateDatabaseProfile(profile: CleanFullProfile): Promise { if (debug) console.log('updateDatabaseProfile', profile.name) if (!client) return // the db client hasn't been initialized // the profile's been updated too recently, just return if (recentlyUpdated.get(profile.uuid + 'profile')) return // store the profile in recentlyUpdated so it cant update for 3 more minutes recentlyUpdated.set(profile.uuid + 'profile', true) if (debug) console.log('adding profile to leaderboards', profile.name) const leaderboardAttributes = await getApplicableProfileLeaderboardAttributes(profile) if (debug) console.log('done getApplicableProfileLeaderboardAttributes..', leaderboardAttributes, profile.name) await profileLeaderboardsCollection.updateOne( { uuid: profile.uuid }, { '$set': { players: profile.members.map(p => p.uuid), stats: leaderboardAttributes, last_updated: new Date() } }, { upsert: true } ) // add the profile to the cached leaderboard without having to refetch it for (const [ attributeName, attributeValue ] of Object.entries(leaderboardAttributes)) { const existingRawLeaderboard = await fetchProfileLeaderboardRaw(attributeName) const leaderboardReverse = isLeaderboardReversed(attributeName) const newRawLeaderboard = existingRawLeaderboard // remove the player from the leaderboard, if they're there .filter(value => value.uuid !== profile.uuid) .concat([{ last_updated: new Date(), stats: leaderboardAttributes, uuid: profile.uuid, players: profile.members.map(p => p.uuid) }]) .sort((a, b) => leaderboardReverse ? a.stats[attributeName] - b.stats[attributeName] : b.stats[attributeName] - a.stats[attributeName]) .slice(0, 100) cachedRawLeaderboards.set(attributeName, newRawLeaderboard) } if (debug) console.log('added profile to leaderboards', profile.name, leaderboardAttributes) } const leaderboardUpdateMemberQueue = new Queue({ concurrent: 1, interval: 500 }) const leaderboardUpdateProfileQueue = new Queue({ concurrent: 1, interval: 2000 }) /** Queue an update for the member's leaderboard data on the server if applicable */ export async function queueUpdateDatabaseMember(member: CleanMember, profile: CleanFullProfile): Promise { leaderboardUpdateMemberQueue.enqueue(async() => await updateDatabaseMember(member, profile)) } /** Queue an update for the profile's leaderboard data on the server if applicable */ export async function queueUpdateDatabaseProfile(profile: CleanFullProfile): Promise { leaderboardUpdateProfileQueue.enqueue(async() => await updateDatabaseProfile(profile)) } /** * Remove leaderboard attributes for members that wouldn't actually be on the leaderboard. This saves a lot of storage space */ async function removeBadMemberLeaderboardAttributes(): Promise { const leaderboards: string[] = await fetchAllMemberLeaderboardAttributes() // shuffle so if the application is restarting many times itll still be useful for (const leaderboard of shuffle(leaderboards)) { // wait 10 seconds so it doesnt use as much ram await sleep(10 * 1000) const unsetValue = {} unsetValue[leaderboard] = '' const filter = {} const requirement = await getLeaderboardRequirement(leaderboard, 'member') const leaderboardReversed = isLeaderboardReversed(leaderboard) if (requirement !== null) { filter[`stats.${leaderboard}`] = { '$lt': leaderboardReversed ? undefined : requirement, '$gt': leaderboardReversed ? requirement : undefined } await memberLeaderboardsCollection.updateMany( filter, { '$unset': unsetValue } ) } } } /** Fetch all the leaderboards, used for caching. Don't call this often! */ async function fetchAllLeaderboards(fast?: boolean): Promise { const leaderboards: string[] = await fetchAllMemberLeaderboardAttributes() // shuffle so if the application is restarting many times itll still be useful if (debug) console.log('Caching leaderboards!') for (const leaderboard of shuffle(leaderboards)) { if (!fast) // wait 2 seconds so it doesnt use as much ram await sleep(2 * 1000) await fetchMemberLeaderboard(leaderboard) } if (debug) console.log('Finished caching leaderboards!') } // make sure it's not in a test if (typeof global.it !== 'function') { connect().then(() => { // when it connects, cache the leaderboards and remove bad members removeBadMemberLeaderboardAttributes() // cache leaderboards on startup so its faster later on fetchAllLeaderboards(true) // cache leaderboard players again every 4 hours setInterval(fetchAllLeaderboards, 4 * 60 * 60 * 1000) }) }