/** * Fetch the clean Hypixel API */ import { cleanSkyblockProfileResponse, CleanProfile, CleanBasicProfile, CleanFullProfile, CleanFullProfileBasicMembers } from './cleaners/skyblock/profile.js' import { AccountCustomization, AccountSchema, fetchAccount, fetchItemsAuctions, fetchItemsAuctionsIds, ItemAuctionsSchema, queueUpdateDatabaseMember, queueUpdateDatabaseProfile, removeDeletedProfilesFromLeaderboards, SimpleAuctionSchema, updateItemAuction } from './database.js' import { cleanElectionResponse, ElectionData } from './cleaners/skyblock/election.js' import { cleanItemListResponse, ItemListData } from './cleaners/skyblock/itemList.js' import { CleanBasicMember, CleanMemberProfile } from './cleaners/skyblock/member.js' import { cleanSkyblockProfilesResponse } from './cleaners/skyblock/profiles.js' import { CleanPlayer, cleanPlayerResponse } from './cleaners/player.js' import { chooseApiKey, sendApiRequest } from './hypixelApi.js' import typedHypixelApi from 'typed-hypixel-api' import * as cached from './hypixelCached.js' import { debug } from './index.js' import { WithId } from 'mongodb' import { cleanEndedAuctions } from './cleaners/skyblock/endedAuctions.js' import { cleanAuctions } from './cleaners/skyblock/auctions.js' import { string } from 'prismarine-nbt' import { withCache } from './util.js' import { Item } from './cleaners/skyblock/inventory.js' export type Included = 'profiles' | 'player' | 'stats' | 'inventories' | undefined // the interval at which the "last_save" parameter updates in the hypixel api, this is 3 minutes export const saveInterval = 60 * 3 * 1000 /** * Send a request to api.hypixel.net using a random key, clean it up to be more useable, and return it */ export interface ApiOptions { mainMemberUuid?: string /** Only get the most basic information, like uuids and names */ basic?: boolean } /** Sends an API request to Hypixel and cleans it up. */ export async function sendCleanApiRequest

(path: P, args: Omit, options?: ApiOptions): Promise>> { const key = await chooseApiKey() const data = await sendApiRequest(path, { key, ...args }) if (!data) throw new Error(`No data returned from ${path}`) // clean the response return await cleanResponse(path, data, options ?? {}) } const cleanResponseFunctions = { 'player': (data, options) => cleanPlayerResponse(data.player), 'skyblock/profile': (data: typedHypixelApi.SkyBlockProfileResponse, options) => cleanSkyblockProfileResponse(data.profile, options), 'skyblock/profiles': (data, options) => cleanSkyblockProfilesResponse(data.profiles), 'skyblock/auctions_ended': (data, options) => cleanEndedAuctions(data), 'skyblock/auction': (data, options) => cleanAuctions(data), 'resources/skyblock/election': (data, options) => cleanElectionResponse(data), 'resources/skyblock/items': (data, options) => cleanItemListResponse(data), } as const async function cleanResponse

( path: P, data: typedHypixelApi.Requests[P]['response']['data'], options: ApiOptions ): Promise>> { // Cleans up an api response const cleaningFunction: typeof cleanResponseFunctions[P] = cleanResponseFunctions[path] // we do `as any` because typescript unfortunately doesn't know which path it is const cleanedData = await cleaningFunction(data as any, options) return cleanedData as Awaited> } /* ----------------------------- */ export interface UserAny { user?: string uuid?: string username?: string } export interface CleanUser { player: CleanPlayer | null profiles?: CleanProfile[] | CleanBasicProfile[] activeProfile?: string online?: boolean customization?: AccountCustomization } /** * Higher level function that requests the api for a user, and returns the * cleaned response. This is used by the /player/ route. * This is safe to fetch many times because the results are cached! * @param included lets you choose what is returned, so there's less processing required on the backend. * used inclusions: player, profiles */ export async function fetchUser({ user, uuid, username }: UserAny, included: Included[] = ['player'], customization?: boolean): Promise { if (!uuid) { // If the uuid isn't provided, get it if (!username && !user) return null uuid = await cached.uuidFromUser((user ?? username)!) } if (!uuid) { // the user doesn't exist. if (debug) console.debug('error:', user, 'doesnt exist') return null } const websiteAccountPromise = customization ? fetchAccount(uuid) : null const includePlayers = included.includes('player') const includeProfiles = included.includes('profiles') let profilesData: CleanProfile[] | undefined let basicProfilesData: CleanBasicProfile[] | undefined let playerData: CleanPlayer | null = null if (includePlayers) { playerData = await cached.fetchPlayer(uuid, true) // if not including profiles, include lightweight profiles just in case if (!includeProfiles) basicProfilesData = playerData?.profiles // we don't want the `profiles` field in `player` if (playerData) delete playerData.profiles } if (includeProfiles) profilesData = await cached.fetchSkyblockProfiles(uuid) ?? [] let activeProfile: CleanProfile let lastOnline: number = 0 if (includeProfiles && profilesData !== undefined) { for (const profile of profilesData) { const member = profile.members?.find(member => member.uuid === uuid) if (member && member.lastSave && member.lastSave > lastOnline) { lastOnline = member.lastSave activeProfile = profile } } // we don't await so it happens in the background removeDeletedProfilesFromLeaderboards(uuid, profilesData.map(p => p.uuid)) } let websiteAccount: WithId | null = null if (websiteAccountPromise) websiteAccount = await websiteAccountPromise return { player: playerData, profiles: profilesData ?? basicProfilesData, activeProfile: includeProfiles ? activeProfile!?.uuid : undefined, online: includeProfiles ? lastOnline > (Date.now() - saveInterval) : undefined, customization: websiteAccount?.customization } } /** * Fetch a CleanMemberProfile from a user and string * This is safe to use many times as the results are cached! * @param user A username or uuid * @param profile A profile name or profile uuid * @param customization Whether stuff like the user's custom background will be returned */ export async function fetchMemberProfile(user: string, profile: string, customization: boolean): Promise { const playerUuid = await cached.uuidFromUser(user) if (!playerUuid) return null // we don't await the promise immediately so it can load while we do other stuff const websiteAccountPromise = customization ? fetchAccount(playerUuid) : null const profileUuid = await cached.fetchProfileUuid(user, profile) // if the profile or player doesn't have an id, just return if (!profileUuid) return null if (!playerUuid) return null const player: CleanPlayer | null = await cached.fetchPlayer(playerUuid, true) if (!player) return null // this should never happen, but if it does just return null const cleanProfile = await cached.fetchProfile(playerUuid, profileUuid) if (!cleanProfile) return null const member = cleanProfile.members.find(m => m.uuid === playerUuid) if (!member) return null // this should never happen, but if it does just return null // remove unnecessary member data const simpleMembers: CleanBasicMember[] = cleanProfile.members.map(m => { return { uuid: m.uuid, username: m.username, firstJoin: m.firstJoin, lastSave: m.lastSave, rank: m.rank, left: m.left } }) const cleanProfileBasicMembers: CleanFullProfileBasicMembers = { ...cleanProfile, members: simpleMembers } let websiteAccount: WithId | null = null if (websiteAccountPromise) websiteAccount = await websiteAccountPromise return { member: { // the profile name is in member rather than profile since they sometimes differ for each member profileName: cleanProfile.name!, // add all the member data ...member, // add all other data relating to the hypixel player, such as username, rank, etc ...player }, profile: cleanProfileBasicMembers, customization: websiteAccount?.customization } } /** * Fetches the Hypixel API to get a CleanFullProfile. This doesn't do any caching and you should use hypixelCached.fetchProfile instead * @param playerUuid The UUID of the Minecraft player * @param profileUuid The UUID of the Hypixel SkyBlock profile */ export async function fetchMemberProfileUncached(playerUuid: string, profileUuid: string): Promise { const profile = await sendCleanApiRequest( 'skyblock/profile', { profile: profileUuid }, { mainMemberUuid: playerUuid } ) // we check for minions in profile to filter out the CleanProfile type (as opposed to CleanFullProfile) if (!profile || !('minions' in profile)) return null // queue updating the leaderboard positions for the member, eventually if (profile.members) for (const member of profile.members) queueUpdateDatabaseMember(member, profile) queueUpdateDatabaseProfile(profile) return profile } /** * Fetches the Hypixel API to get a CleanProfile from its id. This doesn't do any caching and you should use hypixelCached.fetchBasicProfileFromUuid instead * @param playerUuid The UUID of the Minecraft player * @param profileUuid The UUID of the Hypixel SkyBlock profile */ export async function fetchBasicProfileFromUuidUncached(profileUuid: string): Promise { const profile = await sendCleanApiRequest( 'skyblock/profile', { profile: profileUuid }, { basic: true } ) return profile } export async function fetchMemberProfilesUncached(playerUuid: string): Promise { const profiles = await sendCleanApiRequest( 'skyblock/profiles', { uuid: playerUuid }, { // only the inventories for the main player are generated, this is for optimization purposes mainMemberUuid: playerUuid } ) if (profiles === null) return null for (const profile of profiles) { for (const member of profile.members) { queueUpdateDatabaseMember(member, profile) } queueUpdateDatabaseProfile(profile) } return profiles } export async function fetchElection(): Promise { return await withCache( 'election', (r) => new Date((r.lastUpdated + 60 * 60) * 1000), async () => { return await sendCleanApiRequest( 'resources/skyblock/election', {} ) } ) } export async function fetchItemList() { return await withCache( 'itemList', (r) => new Date((r.lastUpdated + 60 * 60) * 1000), async () => { return await sendCleanApiRequest( 'resources/skyblock/items', {} ) } ) } export async function fetchAuctionUncached(uuid: string) { return await sendCleanApiRequest( 'skyblock/auction', { uuid } ) } /** * Create an id that we use to differenciate between different items that are sold in auctions. This can also be used to filter out specific items by returning undefined. */ function createAuctionItemId(item: Item): string | undefined { if (item.id === 'PET' && item.petInfo?.id) return `${item.petInfo.id}_${item.id}` if (item.id === 'ENCHANTED_BOOK') { if (Object.keys(item.enchantments ?? {}).length !== 1) // we only care about enchanted books that have a single enchantment return const [[enchantName, enchantValue]] = Object.entries(item.enchantments ?? {}) return `${item.id}_${enchantName.toUpperCase()}_${enchantValue}` } return item.id } // this function is called from database.ts so it starts when we connect to the database // it should only ever be called once! export async function periodicallyFetchRecentlyEndedAuctions() { let previousAuctionIds = new Set() while (true) { const endedAuctions = await sendCleanApiRequest( 'skyblock/auctions_ended', {} ) let newAuctionUuids: Set = new Set() let newAuctionItemIds: Set = new Set() for (const auction of endedAuctions.auctions) { if (previousAuctionIds.has(auction.id)) continue const auctionItemId = createAuctionItemId(auction.item) if (!auctionItemId) continue newAuctionUuids.add(auction.id) newAuctionItemIds.add(auctionItemId) } let updatedDatabaseAuctionItems: Map = new Map() const itemsAuctions = await fetchItemsAuctions(Array.from(newAuctionItemIds)) for (const itemAuctions of itemsAuctions) { updatedDatabaseAuctionItems.set(itemAuctions.id, itemAuctions) } for (const auction of endedAuctions.auctions) { if (previousAuctionIds.has(auction.id)) continue const auctionItemId = createAuctionItemId(auction.item) if (!auctionItemId) continue let auctions: SimpleAuctionSchema[] if (!updatedDatabaseAuctionItems.has(auctionItemId)) { auctions = [] } else { auctions = updatedDatabaseAuctionItems.get(auctionItemId)!.auctions } const simpleAuction: SimpleAuctionSchema = { s: true, coins: Math.round(auction.coins / auction.item.count), id: auction.id, ts: Math.floor(auction.timestamp / 1000), bin: auction.bin, } // make sure the auction isn't already in there if (!auctions.find((a) => a.id === simpleAuction.id)) { auctions.push(simpleAuction) // keep only the last 100 items if (auctions.length > 100) auctions = auctions.slice(-100) } updatedDatabaseAuctionItems.set(auctionItemId, { id: auctionItemId, sbId: auction.item.id, auctions, }) } // we use a promise pool to set all the things fast but not overload the database let tasks = Array.from(updatedDatabaseAuctionItems.values()).map(t => updateItemAuction(t)) async function doTasks() { let hasTask = true while (hasTask) { const task = tasks.pop() if (task) { await task } else hasTask = false } } // Promise.all 5 cycles await Promise.all(Array(5).fill(0).map(_ => doTasks())) previousAuctionIds = newAuctionUuids let endedAgo = Date.now() - endedAuctions.lastUpdated // +10 seconds just so we're sure we'll get the update let refetchIn = 60 * 1000 - endedAgo + 10000 await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, refetchIn)) } } export async function fetchAuctionItems() { return await withCache( 'auctionItems', 10 * 60 * 1000, fetchAuctionItemsUncached ) } async function fetchAuctionItemsUncached() { const auctionItemIds = await fetchItemsAuctionsIds(true) if (!auctionItemIds) return undefined const itemList = await fetchItemList() const idsToData: Record = {} for (const item of itemList.list) // we only return items in auctionItemIds so the response isn't too big, // since usually it would contain stuff that we don't care about like // minions if (auctionItemIds.includes(item.id)) idsToData[item.id] = { display: { name: item.display.name }, vanillaId: item.vanillaId, headTexture: item.headTexture } // if the item in the database isn't in the items api, just set the name to the id for (const item of auctionItemIds) if (!(item in idsToData)) idsToData[item] = { display: { name: (item.toLowerCase().replace(/^./, item[0].toUpperCase()).replace(/_/g, ' ')).replace( /\w\S*/g, w => w.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + w.slice(1).toLowerCase() ) } } return idsToData }