* Fetch the clean Hypixel API
import {
} from './cleaners/skyblock/profile.js'
import {
} from './database.js'
import { cleanElectionResponse, ElectionData } from './cleaners/skyblock/election.js'
import { cleanItemListResponse } from './cleaners/skyblock/itemList.js'
import { CleanBasicMember, CleanMemberProfile } from './cleaners/skyblock/member.js'
import { cleanSkyblockProfilesResponse } from './cleaners/skyblock/profiles.js'
import { CleanPlayer, cleanPlayerResponse } from './cleaners/player.js'
import { chooseApiKey, sendApiRequest } from './hypixelApi.js'
import typedHypixelApi from 'typed-hypixel-api'
import * as cached from './hypixelCached.js'
import { debug } from './index.js'
import { WithId } from 'mongodb'
import { cleanEndedAuctions } from './cleaners/skyblock/endedAuctions.js'
import { Auction, cleanAuctions } from './cleaners/skyblock/auctions.js'
import { withCache } from './util.js'
import { Item } from './cleaners/skyblock/inventory.js'
export type Included = 'profiles' | 'player' | 'stats' | 'inventories' | undefined
// the interval at which the "last_save" parameter updates in the hypixel api, this is 3 minutes
export const saveInterval = 60 * 3 * 1000
* Send a request to api.hypixel.net using a random key, clean it up to be more useable, and return it
export interface ApiOptions {
mainMemberUuid?: string
/** Only get the most basic information, like uuids and names */
basic?: boolean
/** Some endpoints have pagination */
page?: number
/** Sends an API request to Hypixel and returns the response. */
export async function sendUncleanApiRequest
(path: P, args: Omit): Promise {
const key = await chooseApiKey()
const data = await sendApiRequest(path, { key, ...args })
if (!data)
throw new Error(`No data returned from ${path}`)
return data
/** Sends an API request to Hypixel and cleans it up. */
export async function sendCleanApiRequest(path: P, args: Omit, options?: ApiOptions): Promise>> {
const data = await sendUncleanApiRequest(path, args)
return await cleanResponse(path, data, options ?? {})
const cleanResponseFunctions = {
'player': (data, options) => cleanPlayerResponse(data.player),
'skyblock/profile': (data: typedHypixelApi.SkyBlockProfileResponse, options) => cleanSkyblockProfileResponse(data.profile, options),
'skyblock/profiles': (data, options) => cleanSkyblockProfilesResponse(data.profiles),
'skyblock/auctions_ended': (data, options) => cleanEndedAuctions(data),
'skyblock/auction': (data, options) => cleanAuctions(data, options.page ?? 0),
'resources/skyblock/election': (data, options) => cleanElectionResponse(data),
'resources/skyblock/items': (data, options) => cleanItemListResponse(data),
} as const
async function cleanResponse(
path: P,
data: typedHypixelApi.Requests[P]['response']['data'],
options: ApiOptions
): Promise>> {
// Cleans up an api response
const cleaningFunction: typeof cleanResponseFunctions[P] = cleanResponseFunctions[path]
// we do `as any` because typescript unfortunately doesn't know which path it is
const cleanedData = await cleaningFunction(data as any, options)
return cleanedData as Awaited>
/* ----------------------------- */
export interface UserAny {
user?: string
uuid?: string
username?: string
export interface CleanUser {
player: CleanPlayer | null
profiles?: CleanProfile[] | CleanBasicProfile[]
activeProfile?: string
online?: boolean
customization?: AccountCustomization
* Higher level function that requests the api for a user, and returns the
* cleaned response. This is used by the /player/ route.
* This is safe to fetch many times because the results are cached!
* @param included lets you choose what is returned, so there's less processing required on the backend.
* used inclusions: player, profiles
export async function fetchUser({ user, uuid, username }: UserAny, included: Included[] = ['player'], customization?: boolean): Promise {
if (!uuid) {
// If the uuid isn't provided, get it
if (!username && !user) return null
uuid = await cached.uuidFromUser((user ?? username)!)
if (!uuid) {
// the user doesn't exist.
if (debug) console.debug('error:', user, 'doesnt exist')
return null
const websiteAccountPromise = customization ? fetchAccount(uuid) : null
const includePlayers = included.includes('player')
const includeProfiles = included.includes('profiles')
let profilesData: CleanProfile[] | undefined
let basicProfilesData: CleanBasicProfile[] | undefined
let playerData: CleanPlayer | null = null
if (includePlayers) {
playerData = await cached.fetchPlayer(uuid, true)
// if not including profiles, include lightweight profiles just in case
if (!includeProfiles)
basicProfilesData = playerData?.profiles
// we don't want the `profiles` field in `player`
if (playerData)
delete playerData.profiles
if (includeProfiles)
profilesData = await cached.fetchSkyblockProfiles(uuid) ?? []
let activeProfile: CleanProfile
let lastOnline: number = 0
if (includeProfiles && profilesData !== undefined) {
for (const profile of profilesData) {
const member = profile.members?.find(member => member.uuid === uuid)
if (member && member.lastSave && member.lastSave > lastOnline) {
lastOnline = member.lastSave
activeProfile = profile
// we don't await so it happens in the background
removeDeletedProfilesFromLeaderboards(uuid, profilesData.map(p => p.uuid))
let websiteAccount: WithId | null = null
if (websiteAccountPromise)
websiteAccount = await websiteAccountPromise
return {
player: playerData,
profiles: profilesData ?? basicProfilesData,
activeProfile: includeProfiles ? activeProfile!?.uuid : undefined,
online: includeProfiles ? lastOnline > (Date.now() - saveInterval) : undefined,
customization: websiteAccount?.customization
* Fetch a CleanMemberProfile from a user and string
* This is safe to use many times as the results are cached!
* @param user A username or uuid
* @param profile A profile name or profile uuid
* @param customization Whether stuff like the user's custom background will be returned
export async function fetchMemberProfile(user: string, profile: string, customization: boolean): Promise {
const playerUuid = await cached.uuidFromUser(user)
if (!playerUuid) return null
// we don't await the promise immediately so it can load while we do other stuff
const websiteAccountPromise = customization ? fetchAccount(playerUuid) : null
const profileUuid = await cached.fetchProfileUuid(user, profile)
// if the profile or player doesn't have an id, just return
if (!profileUuid) return null
if (!playerUuid) return null
const player: CleanPlayer | null = await cached.fetchPlayer(playerUuid, true)
if (!player) return null // this should never happen, but if it does just return null
const cleanProfile = await cached.fetchProfile(playerUuid, profileUuid)
if (!cleanProfile) return null
const member = cleanProfile.members.find(m => m.uuid === playerUuid)
if (!member) return null // this should never happen, but if it does just return null
// remove unnecessary member data
const simpleMembers: CleanBasicMember[] = cleanProfile.members.map(m => {
return {
uuid: m.uuid,
username: m.username,
firstJoin: m.firstJoin,
lastSave: m.lastSave,
rank: m.rank,
left: m.left
const cleanProfileBasicMembers: CleanFullProfileBasicMembers = {
members: simpleMembers
let websiteAccount: WithId | null = null
if (websiteAccountPromise)
websiteAccount = await websiteAccountPromise
return {
member: {
// the profile name is in member rather than profile since they sometimes differ for each member
profileName: cleanProfile.name!,
// add all the member data
// add all other data relating to the hypixel player, such as username, rank, etc
profile: cleanProfileBasicMembers,
customization: websiteAccount?.customization
* Fetches the Hypixel API to get a CleanFullProfile. This doesn't do any caching and you should use hypixelCached.fetchProfile instead
* @param playerUuid The UUID of the Minecraft player
* @param profileUuid The UUID of the Hypixel SkyBlock profile
export async function fetchMemberProfileUncached(playerUuid: string, profileUuid: string): Promise {
const profile = await sendCleanApiRequest(
{ profile: profileUuid },
{ mainMemberUuid: playerUuid }
// we check for minions in profile to filter out the CleanProfile type (as opposed to CleanFullProfile)
if (!profile || !('minions' in profile)) return null
// queue updating the leaderboard positions for the member, eventually
if (profile.members)
for (const member of profile.members)
queueUpdateDatabaseMember(member, profile)
return profile
* Fetches the Hypixel API to get a CleanProfile from its id. This doesn't do any caching and you should use hypixelCached.fetchBasicProfileFromUuid instead
* @param playerUuid The UUID of the Minecraft player
* @param profileUuid The UUID of the Hypixel SkyBlock profile
export async function fetchBasicProfileFromUuidUncached(profileUuid: string): Promise {
const profile = await sendCleanApiRequest(
{ profile: profileUuid },
{ basic: true }
return profile
export async function fetchMemberProfilesUncached(playerUuid: string): Promise {
const profiles = await sendCleanApiRequest(
{ uuid: playerUuid },
// only the inventories for the main player are generated, this is for optimization purposes
mainMemberUuid: playerUuid
if (profiles === null)
return null
for (const profile of profiles) {
for (const member of profile.members) {
queueUpdateDatabaseMember(member, profile)
return profiles
export async function fetchElection(): Promise {
return await withCache(
(r) => new Date((r.lastUpdated + 60 * 60) * 1000),
async () => {
return await sendCleanApiRequest(
export async function fetchItemList() {
return await withCache(
(r) => new Date((r.lastUpdated + 60 * 60) * 1000),
async () => {
return await sendCleanApiRequest(
export async function fetchAuctionUncached(uuid: string) {
return await sendCleanApiRequest(
{ uuid }
* Create an id that we use to differenciate between different items that are sold in auctions. This can also be used to filter out specific items by returning undefined.
function createAuctionItemId(item: Item): string | undefined {
if (item.id === 'PET' && item.petInfo?.id)
return `${item.petInfo.id}_${item.id}`
if (item.id === 'ENCHANTED_BOOK') {
if (Object.keys(item.enchantments ?? {}).length !== 1)
// we only care about enchanted books that have a single enchantment
const [[enchantName, enchantValue]] = Object.entries(item.enchantments ?? {})
return `${item.id}_${enchantName.toUpperCase()}_${enchantValue}`
return item.id
// this function is called from database.ts so it starts when we connect to the database
// it should only ever be called once!
export async function periodicallyFetchRecentlyEndedAuctions() {
let previousAuctionIds = new Set()
while (true) {
const endedAuctions = await sendCleanApiRequest(
let newAuctionUuids: Set = new Set()
let newAuctionItemIds: Set = new Set()
for (const auction of endedAuctions.auctions) {
if (previousAuctionIds.has(auction.id)) continue
const auctionItemId = createAuctionItemId(auction.item)
if (!auctionItemId) continue
let updatedDatabaseAuctionItems: Map = new Map()
const itemsAuctions = await fetchItemsAuctions(Array.from(newAuctionItemIds))
for (const itemAuctions of itemsAuctions) {
updatedDatabaseAuctionItems.set(itemAuctions.id, itemAuctions)
for (const auction of endedAuctions.auctions) {
if (previousAuctionIds.has(auction.id)) continue
const auctionItemId = createAuctionItemId(auction.item)
if (!auctionItemId) continue
let auctions: SimpleAuctionSchema[]
if (!updatedDatabaseAuctionItems.has(auctionItemId)) {
auctions = []
} else {
auctions = updatedDatabaseAuctionItems.get(auctionItemId)!.auctions
const simpleAuction: SimpleAuctionSchema = {
s: true,
coins: Math.round(auction.coins / auction.item.count),
id: auction.id,
ts: Math.floor(auction.timestamp / 1000),
bin: auction.bin,
// make sure the auction isn't already in there
if (!auctions.find((a) => a.id === simpleAuction.id)) {
// keep only the last 100 items
if (auctions.length > 100)
auctions = auctions.slice(-100)
updatedDatabaseAuctionItems.set(auctionItemId, {
id: auctionItemId,
sbId: auction.item.id,
// we use a promise pool to set all the things fast but not overload the database
let tasks = Array.from(updatedDatabaseAuctionItems.values()).map(t => updateItemAuction(t))
async function doTasks() {
let hasTask = true
while (hasTask) {
const task = tasks.pop()
if (task) {
await task
} else
hasTask = false
// Promise.all 5 cycles
await Promise.all(Array(5).fill(0).map(_ => doTasks()))
previousAuctionIds = newAuctionUuids
let endedAgo = Date.now() - endedAuctions.lastUpdated
// +10 seconds just so we're sure we'll get the update
let refetchIn = 60 * 1000 - endedAgo + 10000
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, refetchIn))
export async function fetchAuctionItems() {
return await withCache(
10 * 60 * 1000,
async function fetchAuctionItemsUncached() {
const auctionItemIds = await fetchItemsAuctionsIds(true)
if (!auctionItemIds) return undefined
const itemList = await fetchItemList()
const idsToData: Record = {}
for (const item of itemList.list)
// we only return items in auctionItemIds so the response isn't too big,
// since usually it would contain stuff that we don't care about like
// minions
if (auctionItemIds.includes(item.id))
idsToData[item.id] = {
display: {
name: item.display.name
vanillaId: item.vanillaId,
headTexture: item.headTexture
// if the item in the database isn't in the items api, just set the name to the id
for (const item of auctionItemIds)
if (!(item in idsToData))
idsToData[item] = {
display: {
name: (item.toLowerCase().replace(/^./, item[0].toUpperCase()).replace(/_/g, ' ')).replace(
w => w.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + w.slice(1).toLowerCase()
return idsToData
export async function fetchPlayerAuctions(user: string, page: number): Promise {
const playerUuid = await cached.uuidFromUser(user)
if (!playerUuid) return null
const playerAuctions = await sendCleanApiRequest(
{ player: playerUuid },
{ page }
return playerAuctions.auctions