import express from 'express' import { fetchMemberProfile, fetchUser } from './hypixel' const app = express() app.use((req, res, next) => { if (process.env.key && req.headers.key !== process.env.key) // if a key is set in process.env and the header doesn't match return an error // TODO: make this have a status code return res.json({ error: 'Key in header must match key in env' }) next() }) app.get('/', async(req, res) => { res.json({ ok: true }) }) app.get('/player/:user', async(req, res) => { res.json( await fetchUser( { user: req.params.user }, ['profiles', 'player'] ) ) }) app.get('/player/:user/:profile', async(req, res) => { res.json( await fetchMemberProfile(req.params.user, req.params.profile) ) }) app.listen(8080, () => console.log('App started :)'))