// Random utility functions that are not related to Hypixel export function undashUuid(uuid: string): string { return uuid.replace(/-/g, '').toLowerCase() } export function jsonToQuery(data): string { return Object.entries(data || {}).map(e => e.join('=')).join('&') } export function shuffle<T>(a: T[]): T[] { for (let i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)) ;[a[i], a[j]] = [a[j], a[i]] } return a } export const minecraftColorCodes: { [key: string]: string } = { '0': '#000000', '1': '#0000be', '2': '#00be00', '3': '#00bebe', '4': '#be0000', // red '5': '#be00be', '6': '#ffaa00', // gold '7': '#bebebe', '8': '#3f3f3f', '9': '#3f3ffe', 'a': '#3ffe3f', 'b': '#3ffefe', 'c': '#fe3f3f', // light red 'd': '#fe3ffe', 'e': '#fefe3f', 'f': '#ffffff', 'black': '#000000', 'dark_blue': '#0000be', 'dark_green': '#00be00', 'dark_aqua': '#00bebe', 'dark_red': '#be0000', // red 'dark_purple': '#be00be', 'gold': '#ffaa00', // gold 'gray': '#bebebe', 'dark_gray': '#3f3f3f', 'blue': '#3f3ffe', 'green': '#3ffe3f', 'aqua': '#3ffefe', 'red': '#fe3f3f', // light red 'light_purple': '#fe3ffe', 'yellow': '#fefe3f', 'white': '#ffffff', } /** * Converts a color name to the code * For example: blue -> 9 * @param colorName The name of the color (blue, red, aqua, etc) */ export function colorCodeFromName(colorName: string): string | null { const hexColor = minecraftColorCodes[colorName.toLowerCase()] for (const key in minecraftColorCodes) { const value = minecraftColorCodes[key] if (key.length === 1 && value === hexColor) return key } return null } export function letterFromColorCode(colorCode: string): string | null { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(minecraftColorCodes)) { if (value === colorCode) return key } return null } export async function sleep(ms: number): Promise<void> { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)) } /** Returns whether a string is a UUID4 (Minecraft uuid) */ export function isUuid(string: string) { return undashUuid(string).length === 32 } /** * Get a level for an amount of total xp * @param xp The xp we're finding the level for * @param xpTable The list of required xp values for each level, starting at 1 */ export function levelFromXpTable(xp: number, xpTable: number[]) { const skillLevel = [...xpTable].reverse().findIndex(levelXp => xp >= levelXp) return skillLevel === -1 ? 0 : xpTable.length - skillLevel } // https://stackoverflow.com/a/51365037 export type RecursivePartial<T> = { [P in keyof T]?: T[P] extends (infer U)[] ? RecursivePartial<U>[] : T[P] extends object ? RecursivePartial<T[P]> : T[P] } let caches: Map<string, { data: any isFetching: boolean nextUpdate: Date }> = new Map() export async function withCache<T>(key: string, ttl: number | ((arg: T) => Date), task: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> { if (caches.get(key)?.data && caches.get(key)!.nextUpdate > new Date()) return caches.get(key)!.data // if it's currently fetching the election data and it doesn't have it, // wait until we do have the election data if (caches.get(key)?.isFetching && !caches.get(key)?.data) { await new Promise(resolve => { const interval = setInterval(() => { if (caches.get(key)?.data) { clearInterval(interval) resolve(caches.get(key)!.data) } }, 100) }) } caches.set(key, { ...(caches.get(key) ?? { data: undefined, nextUpdate: new Date(0) }), isFetching: true, }) const data = await task().catch(e => { console.error(e) caches.set(key, { ...(caches.get(key) ?? { data: undefined, nextUpdate: new Date(0) }), isFetching: false, }) return undefined }) caches.set(key, { ...caches.get(key)!, isFetching: false, }) if (!data) return undefined as any caches.set(key, { ...caches.get(key)!, data }) const nextUpdate = typeof ttl === 'number' ? new Date(Date.now() + ttl) : ttl(data) caches.set(key, { ...caches.get(key)!, nextUpdate }) return data }