/* * This file is part of spark. * * Copyright (c) lucko (Luck) * Copyright (c) contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package me.lucko.spark.common; import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.SetMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import me.lucko.spark.common.http.Bytebin; import me.lucko.spark.memory.HeapDump; import me.lucko.spark.monitor.TickMonitor; import me.lucko.spark.sampler.Sampler; import me.lucko.spark.sampler.SamplerBuilder; import me.lucko.spark.sampler.ThreadDumper; import me.lucko.spark.sampler.ThreadGrouper; import me.lucko.spark.sampler.TickCounter; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Abstract command handling class used by all platforms. * * @param the sender (e.g. CommandSender) type used by the platform */ public abstract class CommandHandler { /** The URL of the viewer frontend */ private static final String VIEWER_URL = "https://sparkprofiler.github.io/?"; /** The prefix used in all messages */ private static final String PREFIX = "&8[&fspark&8] &7"; /** Guards {@link #activeSampler} */ private final Object[] activeSamplerMutex = new Object[0]; /** The WarmRoast instance currently running, if any */ private Sampler activeSampler = null; /** The tick monitor instance currently running, if any */ private ReportingTickMonitor activeTickMonitor = null; // abstract methods implemented by each platform protected abstract String getVersion(); protected abstract String getLabel(); protected abstract void sendMessage(T sender, String message); protected abstract void sendMessage(String message); protected abstract void sendLink(String url); protected abstract void runAsync(Runnable r); protected abstract ThreadDumper getDefaultThreadDumper(); protected abstract TickCounter newTickCounter(); private void sendPrefixedMessage(T sender, String message) { sendMessage(sender, PREFIX + message); } private void sendPrefixedMessage(String message) { sendMessage(PREFIX + message); } public void handleCommand(T sender, String[] args) { try { if (args.length == 0) { sendInfo(sender); return; } List arguments = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(args)); switch (arguments.remove(0).toLowerCase()) { case "start": handleStart(sender, arguments); break; case "info": handleInfo(sender); break; case "cancel": handleCancel(sender); break; case "stop": case "upload": case "paste": handleStop(sender); break; case "monitoring": handleMonitoring(sender, arguments); break; case "heap": case "memory": handleHeap(sender); break; default: sendInfo(sender); break; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { sendMessage(sender, "&c" + e.getMessage()); } } private void sendInfo(T sender) { sendPrefixedMessage(sender, "&fspark profiler &7v" + getVersion()); sendMessage(sender, "&b&l> &7/" + getLabel() + " start"); sendMessage(sender, " &8[&7--timeout&8 ]"); sendMessage(sender, " &8[&7--thread&8 ]"); sendMessage(sender, " &8[&7--not-combined]"); sendMessage(sender, " &8[&7--interval&8 ]"); sendMessage(sender, " &8[&7--only-ticks-over&8 ]"); sendMessage(sender, "&b&l> &7/" + getLabel() + " info"); sendMessage(sender, "&b&l> &7/" + getLabel() + " stop"); sendMessage(sender, "&b&l> &7/" + getLabel() + " cancel"); sendMessage(sender, "&b&l> &7/" + getLabel() + " monitoring"); sendMessage(sender, " &8[&7--threshold&8 ]"); } private void handleStart(T sender, List args) { SetMultimap arguments = parseArguments(args); int timeoutSeconds = parseInt(arguments, "timeout", "d"); if (timeoutSeconds != -1 && timeoutSeconds <= 10) { sendPrefixedMessage(sender, "&cThe specified timeout is not long enough for accurate results to be formed. Please choose a value greater than 10."); return; } if (timeoutSeconds != -1 && timeoutSeconds < 30) { sendPrefixedMessage(sender, "&7The accuracy of the output will significantly improve when sampling is able to run for longer periods. Consider setting a timeout value over 30 seconds."); } int intervalMillis = parseInt(arguments, "interval", "i"); if (intervalMillis <= 0) { intervalMillis = 4; } Set threads = Sets.union(arguments.get("thread"), arguments.get("t")); ThreadDumper threadDumper; if (threads.isEmpty()) { // use the server thread threadDumper = getDefaultThreadDumper(); } else if (threads.contains("*")) { threadDumper = ThreadDumper.ALL; } else { threadDumper = new ThreadDumper.Specific(threads); } ThreadGrouper threadGrouper; if (arguments.containsKey("not-combined")) { threadGrouper = ThreadGrouper.BY_NAME; } else { threadGrouper = ThreadGrouper.BY_POOL; } int ticksOver = parseInt(arguments, "only-ticks-over", "o"); TickCounter tickCounter = null; if (ticksOver != -1) { try { tickCounter = newTickCounter(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { sendPrefixedMessage(sender, "&cTick counting is not supported!"); return; } } Sampler sampler; synchronized (this.activeSamplerMutex) { if (this.activeSampler != null) { sendPrefixedMessage(sender, "&7An active sampler is already running."); return; } sendPrefixedMessage("&7Initializing a new profiler, please wait..."); SamplerBuilder builder = new SamplerBuilder(); builder.threadDumper(threadDumper); builder.threadGrouper(threadGrouper); if (timeoutSeconds != -1) { builder.completeAfter(timeoutSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } builder.samplingInterval(intervalMillis); if (ticksOver != -1) { builder.ticksOver(ticksOver, tickCounter); } sampler = this.activeSampler = builder.start(); sendPrefixedMessage("&bProfiler now active!"); if (timeoutSeconds == -1) { sendPrefixedMessage("&7Use '/" + getLabel() + " stop' to stop profiling and upload the results."); } else { sendPrefixedMessage("&7The results will be automatically returned after the profiler has been running for " + timeoutSeconds + " seconds."); } } CompletableFuture future = sampler.getFuture(); // send message if profiling fails future.whenCompleteAsync((s, throwable) -> { if (throwable != null) { sendPrefixedMessage("&cSampling operation failed unexpectedly. Error: " + throwable.toString()); throwable.printStackTrace(); } }); // set activeSampler to null when complete. future.whenCompleteAsync((s, throwable) -> { synchronized (this.activeSamplerMutex) { if (sampler == this.activeSampler) { this.activeSampler = null; } } }); // await the result if (timeoutSeconds != -1) { future.thenAcceptAsync(s -> { sendPrefixedMessage("&7The active sampling operation has completed! Uploading results..."); handleUpload(s); }); } } private void handleInfo(T sender) { synchronized (this.activeSamplerMutex) { if (this.activeSampler == null) { sendPrefixedMessage(sender, "&7There isn't an active sampling task running."); } else { long timeout = this.activeSampler.getEndTime(); if (timeout == -1) { sendPrefixedMessage(sender, "&7There is an active sampler currently running, with no defined timeout."); } else { long timeoutDiff = (timeout - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000L; sendPrefixedMessage(sender, "&7There is an active sampler currently running, due to timeout in " + timeoutDiff + " seconds."); } long runningTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.activeSampler.getStartTime()) / 1000L; sendPrefixedMessage(sender, "&7It has been sampling for " + runningTime + " seconds so far."); } } } private void handleStop(T sender) { synchronized (this.activeSamplerMutex) { if (this.activeSampler == null) { sendPrefixedMessage(sender, "&7There isn't an active sampling task running."); } else { this.activeSampler.cancel(); sendPrefixedMessage("&7The active sampling operation has been stopped! Uploading results..."); handleUpload(this.activeSampler); this.activeSampler = null; } } } private void handleCancel(T sender) { synchronized (this.activeSamplerMutex) { if (this.activeSampler == null) { sendPrefixedMessage(sender, "&7There isn't an active sampling task running."); } else { this.activeSampler.cancel(); this.activeSampler = null; sendPrefixedMessage("&bThe active sampling task has been cancelled."); } } } private void handleUpload(Sampler sampler) { runAsync(() -> { byte[] output = sampler.formCompressedDataPayload(); try { String pasteId = Bytebin.postCompressedContent(output); sendPrefixedMessage("&bSampling results:"); sendLink(VIEWER_URL + pasteId); } catch (IOException e) { sendPrefixedMessage("&cAn error occurred whilst uploading the results."); e.printStackTrace(); } }); } private void handleMonitoring(T sender, List args) { SetMultimap arguments = parseArguments(args); if (this.activeTickMonitor == null) { int threshold = parseInt(arguments, "threshold", "t"); if (threshold == -1) { threshold = 100; } try { TickCounter tickCounter = newTickCounter(); this.activeTickMonitor = new ReportingTickMonitor(tickCounter, threshold); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { sendPrefixedMessage(sender, "&cNot supported!"); } } else { this.activeTickMonitor.close(); this.activeTickMonitor = null; sendPrefixedMessage("&7Tick monitor disabled."); } } private void handleHeap(T sender) { runAsync(() -> { sendPrefixedMessage("&7Creating a new heap dump, please wait..."); HeapDump heapDump; try { heapDump = HeapDump.createNew(); } catch (Exception e) { sendPrefixedMessage("&cAn error occurred whilst inspecting the heap."); e.printStackTrace(); return; } byte[] output = heapDump.formCompressedDataPayload(); try { String pasteId = Bytebin.postCompressedContent(output); sendPrefixedMessage("&bHeap dump output:"); sendLink(VIEWER_URL + pasteId); } catch (IOException e) { sendPrefixedMessage("&cAn error occurred whilst uploading the data."); e.printStackTrace(); } }); } private class ReportingTickMonitor extends TickMonitor { ReportingTickMonitor(TickCounter tickCounter, int percentageChangeThreshold) { super(tickCounter, percentageChangeThreshold); } @Override protected void sendMessage(String message) { sendPrefixedMessage(message); } } private int parseInt(SetMultimap arguments, String longArg, String shortArg) { Iterator it = Sets.union(arguments.get(longArg), arguments.get(shortArg)).iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { try { return Math.abs(Integer.parseInt(it.next())); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid input for '" + longArg + "' argument. Please specify a number!"); } } return -1; // undefined } private static final Pattern FLAG_REGEX = Pattern.compile("--(.+)$|-([a-zA-z])$"); private static SetMultimap parseArguments(List args) { SetMultimap arguments = HashMultimap.create(); String flag = null; List value = null; for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) { String arg = args.get(i); Matcher matcher = FLAG_REGEX.matcher(arg); boolean matches = matcher.matches(); if (flag == null || matches) { if (!matches) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected flag at position " + i + " but got '" + arg + "' instead!"); } String match = matcher.group(1); if (match == null) { match = matcher.group(2); } // store existing value, if present if (flag != null) { arguments.put(flag, String.join(" ", value)); } flag = match.toLowerCase(); value = new ArrayList<>(); } else { // part of a value value.add(arg); } } // store remaining value, if present if (flag != null) { arguments.put(flag, String.join(" ", value)); } return arguments; } }