path: root/src/listeners/commands
diff options
authorIRONM00N <64110067+IRONM00N@users.noreply.github.com>2022-08-20 23:07:02 -0400
committerIRONM00N <64110067+IRONM00N@users.noreply.github.com>2022-08-20 23:07:02 -0400
commitb81f9e8b73cb520ad5ae916c3e571ea55f4ca489 (patch)
tree25d7f42d66c3e3190022ece043c86082a9e85709 /src/listeners/commands
parentf2e5cfff7dc275bd93fac446a508b7d18ecd6c58 (diff)
fix ts composite shit, replace got with native fetch, update deps
Diffstat (limited to 'src/listeners/commands')
2 files changed, 4 insertions, 242 deletions
diff --git a/src/listeners/commands/commandError.ts b/src/listeners/commands/commandError.ts
index bfa857c..7e14bc3 100644
--- a/src/listeners/commands/commandError.ts
+++ b/src/listeners/commands/commandError.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
-import { capitalize, colors, format, formatError, SlashMessage, type BushCommandHandlerEvents } from '#lib';
-import { type AkairoMessage, type Command } from 'discord-akairo';
-import { ChannelType, Client, EmbedBuilder, escapeInlineCode, GuildTextBasedChannel, type Message } from 'discord.js';
-import { BushListener } from '../../../lib/extensions/discord-akairo/BushListener.js';
-import { bold } from '../../../lib/utils/Format.js';
+import { BushListener, handleCommandError, type BushCommandHandlerEvents } from '#lib';
export default class CommandErrorListener extends BushListener {
public constructor() {
@@ -14,239 +10,6 @@ export default class CommandErrorListener extends BushListener {
public exec(...[error, message, command]: BushCommandHandlerEvents['error']) {
- return CommandErrorListener.handleError(this.client, error, message, command);
- }
- public static async handleError(
- client: Client,
- ...[error, message, _command]: BushCommandHandlerEvents['error'] | BushCommandHandlerEvents['slashError']
- ) {
- try {
- const isSlash = message.util?.isSlash;
- const errorNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6969696969) + 69; // hehe funny number
- const channel =
- message.channel?.type === ChannelType.DM
- ? message.channel.recipient?.tag
- : (<GuildTextBasedChannel>message.channel)?.name;
- const command = _command ?? message.util?.parsed?.command;
- client.sentry.captureException(error, {
- level: 'error',
- user: { id: message.author.id, username: message.author.tag },
- extra: {
- 'command.name': command?.id,
- 'message.id': message.id,
- 'message.type': message.util ? (message.util.isSlash ? 'slash' : 'normal') : 'unknown',
- 'message.parsed.content': message.util?.parsed?.content,
- 'channel.id':
- (message.channel?.type === ChannelType.DM ? message.channel.recipient?.id : message.channel?.id) ?? '¯\\_(ツ)_/¯',
- 'channel.name': channel,
- 'guild.id': message.guild?.id ?? '¯\\_(ツ)_/¯',
- 'guild.name': message.guild?.name ?? '¯\\_(ツ)_/¯',
- 'environment': client.config.environment
- }
- });
- void client.console.error(
- `${isSlash ? 'slashC' : 'c'}ommandError`,
- `an error occurred with the <<${command}>> ${isSlash ? 'slash ' : ''}command in <<${channel}>> triggered by <<${
- message?.author?.tag
- }>>:\n${formatError(error, true)})}`,
- false
- );
- const _haste = CommandErrorListener.getErrorHaste(client, error);
- const _stack = CommandErrorListener.getErrorStack(client, error);
- const [haste, stack] = await Promise.all([_haste, _stack]);
- const options = { message, error, isSlash, errorNum, command, channel, haste, stack };
- const errorEmbed = CommandErrorListener._generateErrorEmbed({
- ...options,
- type: 'command-log'
- });
- void client.logger.channelError({ embeds: errorEmbed });
- if (message) {
- if (!client.config.owners.includes(message.author.id)) {
- const errorUserEmbed = CommandErrorListener._generateErrorEmbed({
- ...options,
- type: 'command-user'
- });
- void message.util?.send({ embeds: errorUserEmbed }).catch(() => null);
- } else {
- const errorDevEmbed = CommandErrorListener._generateErrorEmbed({
- ...options,
- type: 'command-dev'
- });
- void message.util?.send({ embeds: errorDevEmbed }).catch(() => null);
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- throw new IFuckedUpError('An error occurred while handling a command error.', error, e);
- }
- }
- public static async generateErrorEmbed(
- client: Client,
- options:
- | {
- message: Message | AkairoMessage;
- error: Error | any;
- isSlash?: boolean;
- type: 'command-log' | 'command-dev' | 'command-user';
- errorNum: number;
- command?: Command;
- channel?: string;
- }
- | { error: Error | any; type: 'uncaughtException' | 'unhandledRejection'; context?: string }
- ): Promise<EmbedBuilder[]> {
- const _haste = CommandErrorListener.getErrorHaste(client, options.error);
- const _stack = CommandErrorListener.getErrorStack(client, options.error);
- const [haste, stack] = await Promise.all([_haste, _stack]);
- return CommandErrorListener._generateErrorEmbed({ ...options, haste, stack });
- }
- private static _generateErrorEmbed(
- options:
- | {
- message: Message | SlashMessage;
- error: Error | any;
- isSlash?: boolean;
- type: 'command-log' | 'command-dev' | 'command-user';
- errorNum: number;
- command?: Command;
- channel?: string;
- haste: string[];
- stack: string;
- }
- | {
- error: Error | any;
- type: 'uncaughtException' | 'unhandledRejection';
- context?: string;
- haste: string[];
- stack: string;
- }
- ): EmbedBuilder[] {
- const embeds = [new EmbedBuilder().setColor(colors.error)];
- if (options.type === 'command-user') {
- embeds[0]
- .setTitle('An Error Occurred')
- .setDescription(
- `Oh no! ${
- options.command
- ? `While running the ${options.isSlash ? 'slash ' : ''}command ${format.input(options.command.id)}, a`
- : 'A'
- }n error occurred. Please give the developers code ${format.input(`${options.errorNum}`)}.`
- )
- .setTimestamp();
- return embeds;
- }
- const description: string[] = [];
- if (options.type === 'command-log') {
- description.push(
- `**User:** ${options.message.author} (${options.message.author.tag})`,
- `**Command:** ${options.command ?? 'N/A'}`,
- `**Channel:** <#${options.message.channel?.id}> (${options.channel})`,
- `**Message:** [link](${options.message.url})`
- );
- if (options.message?.util?.parsed?.content) description.push(`**Command Content:** ${options.message.util.parsed.content}`);
- }
- description.push(...options.haste);
- embeds.push(new EmbedBuilder().setColor(colors.error).setTimestamp().setDescription(options.stack.substring(0, 4000)));
- if (description.length) embeds[0].setDescription(description.join('\n').substring(0, 4000));
- if (options.type === 'command-dev' || options.type === 'command-log')
- embeds[0].setTitle(`${options.isSlash ? 'Slash ' : ''}CommandError #${format.input(`${options.errorNum}`)}`);
- else if (options.type === 'uncaughtException')
- embeds[0].setTitle(`${options.context ? `[${bold(options.context)}] An Error Occurred` : 'Uncaught Exception'}`);
- else if (options.type === 'unhandledRejection')
- embeds[0].setTitle(`${options.context ? `[${bold(options.context)}] An Error Occurred` : 'Unhandled Promise Rejection'}`);
- return embeds;
- }
- public static async getErrorHaste(client: Client, error: Error | any): Promise<string[]> {
- const inspectOptions = {
- showHidden: false,
- depth: 9,
- colors: false,
- customInspect: true,
- showProxy: false,
- maxArrayLength: Infinity,
- maxStringLength: Infinity,
- breakLength: 80,
- compact: 3,
- sorted: false,
- getters: true
- };
- const ret: string[] = [];
- const promises: Promise<{
- url?: string | undefined;
- error?: 'content too long' | 'substr' | 'unable to post' | undefined;
- }>[] = [];
- const pair: {
- [key: string]: {
- url?: string | undefined;
- error?: 'content too long' | 'substr' | 'unable to post' | undefined;
- };
- } = {};
- for (const element in error) {
- if (['stack', 'name', 'message'].includes(element)) continue;
- else if (typeof (error as any)[element] === 'object') {
- promises.push(client.utils.inspectCleanRedactHaste((error as any)[element], inspectOptions));
- }
- }
- const links = await Promise.all(promises);
- let index = 0;
- for (const element in error) {
- if (['stack', 'name', 'message'].includes(element)) continue;
- else if (typeof (error as any)[element] === 'object') {
- pair[element] = links[index];
- index++;
- }
- }
- for (const element in error) {
- if (['stack', 'name', 'message'].includes(element)) continue;
- else {
- ret.push(
- `**Error ${capitalize(element)}:** ${
- typeof error[element] === 'object'
- ? `${
- pair[element].url
- ? `[haste](${pair[element].url})${pair[element].error ? ` - ${pair[element].error}` : ''}`
- : pair[element].error
- }`
- : `\`${escapeInlineCode(client.utils.inspectAndRedact((error as any)[element], inspectOptions))}\``
- }`
- );
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- public static async getErrorStack(client: Client, error: Error | any): Promise<string> {
- return await client.utils.inspectCleanRedactCodeblock(error, 'js', { colors: false }, 4000);
- }
-export class IFuckedUpError extends Error {
- public declare original: Error | any;
- public declare newError: Error | any;
- public constructor(message: string, original?: Error | any, newError?: Error | any) {
- super(message);
- this.name = 'IFuckedUpError';
- this.original = original;
- this.newError = newError;
+ return handleCommandError(this.client, error, message, command);
diff --git a/src/listeners/commands/slashCommandError.ts b/src/listeners/commands/slashCommandError.ts
index 7c0d52c..aca7c5b 100644
--- a/src/listeners/commands/slashCommandError.ts
+++ b/src/listeners/commands/slashCommandError.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-import { BushListener, type BushCommandHandlerEvents } from '#lib';
-import CommandErrorListener from './commandError.js';
+import { BushListener, handleCommandError, type BushCommandHandlerEvents } from '#lib';
export default class SlashCommandErrorListener extends BushListener {
public constructor() {
@@ -11,6 +10,6 @@ export default class SlashCommandErrorListener extends BushListener {
public async exec(...[error, message, command]: BushCommandHandlerEvents['slashError']) {
- return await CommandErrorListener.handleError(this.client, error, message, command);
+ return await handleCommandError(this.client, error, message, command);