path: root/test.js
diff options
authorIRONM00N <64110067+IRONM00N@users.noreply.github.com>2022-08-18 22:42:12 -0400
committerIRONM00N <64110067+IRONM00N@users.noreply.github.com>2022-08-18 22:42:12 -0400
commit2356d2c44736fb83021dacb551625852111c8ce6 (patch)
tree10408d22fdd7a358d2f5c5917c3b59e55aa4c19d /test.js
parent8aed6f93f7740c592cbc0e2f9fd3269c05286077 (diff)
restructure, experimental presence and member automod, fixed bugs probably made some more bugs
Diffstat (limited to 'test.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 365 deletions
diff --git a/test.js b/test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d0840ec..0000000
--- a/test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable */
-// @ts-check
-import { createCanvas, registerFont } from 'canvas';
-import fs from 'fs/promises';
-import path, { dirname, join } from 'path';
-import tinycolor from 'tinycolor2';
-import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
-const __dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
-registerFont(join(__dirname, 'assets', 'Faithful.ttf'), { family: 'ComplianceSans' });
-registerFont(join(dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)), 'assets', 'Roboto-Regular.ttf'), { family: 'Roboto' });
-/** @typedef {string} McItemId */
-/** @typedef {string} SbItemId */
-/** @typedef {string} MojangJson */
-/** @typedef {`${SbItemId}:${number}` | ''} SbRecipeItem */
-/** @typedef {{[Location in `${'A' | 'B' | 'C'}${1 | 2 | 3}`]: SbRecipeItem;}} SbRecipe */
-/** @typedef {'WIKI_URL' | ''} InfoType */
-/** @typedef {`${'WOLF' | 'BLAZE' | 'EMAN'}_${1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9}`} Slayer */
-/** @typedef {'0'|'1'|'2'|'3'|'4'|'5'|'6'|'7'|'8'|'9'|'a'|'b'|'c'|'d'|'e'|'f'} code */
- * @typedef RawNeuItem
- * @property {McItemId} itemid
- * @property {string} displayname
- * @property {MojangJson} nbttag
- * @property {number} damage
- * @property {string[]} lore
- * @property {SbRecipe} [recipe]
- * @property {SbItemId} internalname
- * @property {InfoType} infoType
- * @property {string[]} [info]
- * @property {string} crafttext
- * @property {boolean} [vanilla]
- * @property {boolean} [useneucraft]
- * @property {Slayer} [slayer_req]
- * @property {string} [clickcommand]
- * @property {number} [x]
- * @property {number} [y]
- * @property {number} [z]
- * @property {string} [island]
- * @property {{ type: string; cost: any[]; result: SbItemId }[]} [recipes]
- * @property {SbItemId} [parent]
- * @property {boolean} [noseal]
- */
-const FormattingCodes = {
- Black: '§0',
- DarkBlue: '§1',
- DarkGreen: '§2',
- DarkAqua: '§3',
- DarkRed: '§4',
- DarkPurple: '§5',
- Gold: '§6',
- Gray: '§7',
- DarkGray: '§8',
- Blue: '§9',
- Green: '§a',
- Aqua: '§b',
- Red: '§c',
- LightPurple: '§d',
- Yellow: '§e',
- White: '§f',
- Obfuscated: '§k',
- Bold: '§l',
- Strikethrough: '§m',
- Underline: '§n',
- Italic: '§o',
- Reset: '§r'
-const formattingInfo = {
- [FormattingCodes.Black]: {
- foreground: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
- foregroundDarker: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
- background: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
- backgroundDarker: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
- ansi: '\u001b[0;30m'
- },
- [FormattingCodes.DarkBlue]: {
- foreground: 'rgb(0, 0, 170)',
- foregroundDarker: 'rgb(0, 0, 118)',
- background: 'rgb(0, 0, 42)',
- backgroundDarker: 'rgb(0, 0, 29)',
- ansi: '\u001b[0;34m'
- },
- [FormattingCodes.DarkGreen]: {
- foreground: 'rgb(0, 170, 0)',
- foregroundDarker: 'rgb(0, 118, 0)',
- background: 'rgb(0, 42, 0)',
- backgroundDarker: 'rgb(0, 29, 0)',
- ansi: '\u001b[0;32m'
- },
- [FormattingCodes.DarkAqua]: {
- foreground: 'rgb(0, 170, 170)',
- foregroundDarker: 'rgb(0, 118, 118)',
- background: 'rgb(0, 42, 42)',
- backgroundDarker: 'rgb(0, 29, 29)',
- ansi: '\u001b[0;36m'
- },
- [FormattingCodes.DarkRed]: {
- foreground: 'rgb(170, 0, 0)',
- foregroundDarker: 'rgb(118, 0, 0)',
- background: 'rgb(42, 0, 0)',
- backgroundDarker: 'rgb(29, 0, 0)',
- ansi: '\u001b[0;31m'
- },
- [FormattingCodes.DarkPurple]: {
- foreground: 'rgb(170, 0, 170)',
- foregroundDarker: 'rgb(118, 0, 118)',
- background: 'rgb(42, 0, 42)',
- backgroundDarker: 'rgb(29, 0, 29)',
- ansi: '\u001b[0;35m'
- },
- [FormattingCodes.Gold]: {
- foreground: 'rgb(255, 170, 0)',
- foregroundDarker: 'rgb(178, 118, 0)',
- background: 'rgb(42, 42, 0)',
- backgroundDarker: 'rgb(29, 29, 0)',
- ansi: '\u001b[0;33m'
- },
- [FormattingCodes.Gray]: {
- foreground: 'rgb(170, 170, 170)',
- foregroundDarker: 'rgb(118, 118, 118)',
- background: 'rgb(42, 42, 42)',
- backgroundDarker: 'rgb(29, 29, 29)',
- ansi: '\u001b[0;37m'
- },
- [FormattingCodes.DarkGray]: {
- foreground: 'rgb(85, 85, 85)',
- foregroundDarker: 'rgb(59, 59, 59)',
- background: 'rgb(21, 21, 21)',
- backgroundDarker: 'rgb(14, 14, 14)',
- ansi: '\u001b[0;90m'
- },
- [FormattingCodes.Blue]: {
- foreground: 'rgb(85, 85, 255)',
- foregroundDarker: 'rgb(59, 59, 178)',
- background: 'rgb(21, 21, 63)',
- backgroundDarker: 'rgb(14, 14, 44)',
- ansi: '\u001b[0;94m'
- },
- [FormattingCodes.Green]: {
- foreground: 'rgb(85, 255, 85)',
- foregroundDarker: 'rgb(59, 178, 59)',
- background: 'rgb(21, 63, 21)',
- backgroundDarker: 'rgb(14, 44, 14)',
- ansi: '\u001b[0;92m'
- },
- [FormattingCodes.Aqua]: {
- foreground: 'rgb(85, 255, 255)',
- foregroundDarker: 'rgb(59, 178, 178)',
- background: 'rgb(21, 63, 63)',
- backgroundDarker: 'rgb(14, 44, 44)',
- ansi: '\u001b[0;96m'
- },
- [FormattingCodes.Red]: {
- foreground: 'rgb(255, 85, 85)',
- foregroundDarker: 'rgb(178, 59, 59)',
- background: 'rgb(63, 21, 21)',
- backgroundDarker: 'rgb(44, 14, 14)',
- ansi: '\u001b[0;91m'
- },
- [FormattingCodes.LightPurple]: {
- foreground: 'rgb(255, 85, 255)',
- foregroundDarker: 'rgb(178, 59, 178)',
- background: 'rgb(63, 21, 63)',
- backgroundDarker: 'rgb(44, 14, 44)',
- ansi: '\u001b[0;95m'
- },
- [FormattingCodes.Yellow]: {
- foreground: 'rgb(255, 255, 85)',
- foregroundDarker: 'rgb(178, 178, 59)',
- background: 'rgb(63, 63, 21)',
- backgroundDarker: 'rgb(44, 44, 14)',
- ansi: '\u001b[0;93m'
- },
- [FormattingCodes.White]: {
- foreground: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
- foregroundDarker: 'rgb(178, 178, 178)',
- background: 'rgb(63, 63, 63)',
- backgroundDarker: 'rgb(44, 44, 44)',
- ansi: '\u001b[0;97m'
- },
- [FormattingCodes.Obfuscated]: { ansi: '\u001b[8m' },
- [FormattingCodes.Bold]: { ansi: '\u001b[1m' },
- [FormattingCodes.Strikethrough]: { ansi: '\u001b[9m' },
- [FormattingCodes.Underline]: { ansi: '\u001b[4m' },
- [FormattingCodes.Italic]: { ansi: '\u001b[3m' },
- [FormattingCodes.Reset]: { ansi: '\u001b[0m' }
- * stolen from NEU
- * @param {string} displayname
- * @returns {code}
- */
-function getPrimaryColourCode(displayname) {
- let lastColourCode = -99;
- let currentColour = 0;
- const mostCommon = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
- for (let i = 0; i < displayname.length; i++) {
- const c = displayname.charAt(i);
- if (c === '\u00A7') {
- lastColourCode = i;
- } else if (lastColourCode === i - 1) {
- const colIndex = '0123456789abcdef'.indexOf(c);
- if (colIndex >= 0) {
- currentColour = colIndex;
- } else {
- currentColour = 0;
- }
- } else if ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.indexOf(c) >= 0) {
- if (currentColour > 0) {
- mostCommon[currentColour] = mostCommon[currentColour]++;
- }
- }
- }
- let mostCommonCount = 0;
- for (let index = 0; index < mostCommon.length; index++) {
- if (mostCommon[index] > mostCommonCount) {
- mostCommonCount = mostCommon[index];
- currentColour = index;
- }
- }
- /** @type {code} */
- // @ts-ignore
- const code = '0123456789abcdef'.charAt(currentColour);
- return code;
- * @param {number} decimal
- */
-function decimalToHex(decimal) {
- return decimal.toString(16).padStart(6, '0');
- * @param {RawNeuItem} item
- * @returns {Buffer}
- */
-function tooltip(item) {
- const background = '#100010';
- const width = 1920;
- const height = 1080;
- const scale = 10;
- const itemRender = createCanvas(width, height),
- ctx = itemRender.getContext('2d');
- // ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
- // ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
- // ctx.globalAlpha = 0.94;
- ctx.fillStyle = background;
- // top outside
- ctx.fillRect(scale, 0, width - 2 * scale, scale);
- // bottom outside
- ctx.fillRect(scale, height - scale, width - 2 * scale, scale);
- // left outside
- ctx.fillRect(0, scale, scale, height - 2 * scale);
- // right outside
- ctx.fillRect(width - scale, scale, scale, height - 2 * scale);
- // middle
- ctx.fillRect(2 * scale, 2 * scale, width - 4 * scale, height - 4 * scale);
- // ctx.globalAlpha = 0.78;
- const borderColorStart = parseInt(new tinycolor(getPrimaryColour(item.displayname)).toHex(), 16);
- const borderColorEnd = ((borderColorStart & 0xfefefe) >> 1) | (borderColorStart & 0xff000000);
- const borderColorStartStr = `#${decimalToHex(borderColorStart)}`;
- const borderColorEndStr = `#${decimalToHex(borderColorEnd)}`;
- console.log(borderColorStartStr, borderColorEndStr);
- ctx.fillStyle = borderColorStartStr;
- // top highlight
- ctx.fillRect(scale, scale, width - 2 * scale, scale);
- // left highlight
- ctx.fillRect(scale, 2 * scale, scale, height - 3 * scale);
- // bottom highlight
- {
- const x = 2 * scale,
- y = height - 2 * scale,
- w = width - 3 * scale,
- h = scale;
- const gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(x, y, x + w, y + h);
- gradient.addColorStop(0, borderColorStartStr);
- gradient.addColorStop(1, borderColorEndStr);
- ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
- ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
- }
- // right highlight
- {
- const x = width - 2 * scale,
- y = 2 * scale,
- w = scale,
- h = height - 4 * scale;
- const gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(x, y, x + w, y + h);
- gradient.addColorStop(0, borderColorStartStr);
- gradient.addColorStop(1, borderColorEndStr);
- ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
- ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
- }
- ctx.font = `50px ComplianceSans`;
- ctx.fillText(stripCodes(item.displayname), scale * 4, scale * 7);
- for (let i = 0; i < item.lore.length; i++) {
- const line = item.lore[i];
- ctx.fillStyle = `#${decimalToHex(parseInt(new tinycolor(getPrimaryColour(line)).toHex(), 16))}`;
- ctx.fillText(stripCodes(line), scale * 4, scale * (7 + (i + 1) * 5));
- }
- return itemRender.toBuffer('image/png');
- * @param {string} displayname
- */
-function getPrimaryColour(displayname) {
- const code = getPrimaryColourCode(displayname);
- return formattingInfo[`§${code}`].foregroundDarker;
- * @param {string} str
- * @returns {string}
- */
-function stripCodes(str) {
- for (const format in formattingInfo) {
- // @ts-ignore
- str = str.replaceAll(new RegExp(format, 'ig'), '');
- }
- return str;
-const repo = path.join(__dirname, 'neu-item-repo-dangerous');
-const itemPath = path.join(repo, 'items');
-const items = await fs.readdir(itemPath);
-const randomItem = items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)];
-/** @type {RawNeuItem} */
-const item = (await import(path.join(itemPath, randomItem), { assert: { type: 'json' } })).default;
-fs.writeFile('./test.png', tooltip(item));