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1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/utils/BushConstants.ts b/src/lib/utils/BushConstants.ts
index 0f9311f..67723e3 100644
--- a/src/lib/utils/BushConstants.ts
+++ b/src/lib/utils/BushConstants.ts
@@ -282,9 +282,9 @@ export const mappings = deepLock({
THREADS_ENABLED: {name: 'Threads Enabled', important: false, emoji: '<:threadsEnabled:869756035345317919>', weight: 26 },
THREADS_ENABLED_TESTING: {name: 'Threads Enabled Testing', important: false, emoji: null, weight: 27 },
[GuildFeature.AnimatedBanner]: { name: 'Animated Banner', important: false, emoji: null, weight: 28 },
- [GuildFeature.HasDirectoryEntry]: { name: 'Has Directory Entry', important: false, emoji: null, weight: 29 },
- [GuildFeature.Hub]: { name: 'Hub', important: false, emoji: null, weight: 30 },
- [GuildFeature.LinkedToHub]: { name: 'Linked To Hub', important: false, emoji: null, weight: 31 },
+ [GuildFeature.HasDirectoryEntry]: { name: 'Has Directory Entry', important: true, emoji: null, weight: 29 },
+ [GuildFeature.Hub]: { name: 'Hub', important: true, emoji: null, weight: 30 },
+ [GuildFeature.LinkedToHub]: { name: 'Linked To Hub', important: true, emoji: null, weight: 31 },
regions: {