path: root/src/lib/common/AutoMod.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/common/AutoMod.ts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 529 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/common/AutoMod.ts b/src/lib/common/AutoMod.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 44c6dee..0000000
--- a/src/lib/common/AutoMod.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
-import { colors, emojis, format, formatError, Moderation, unmuteResponse } from '#lib';
-import assert from 'assert/strict';
-import chalk from 'chalk';
-import {
- ActionRowBuilder,
- ButtonBuilder,
- ButtonStyle,
- EmbedBuilder,
- GuildMember,
- PermissionFlagsBits,
- type ButtonInteraction,
- type Message,
- type Snowflake,
- type TextChannel
-} from 'discord.js';
-import UnmuteCommand from '../../commands/moderation/unmute.js';
- * Handles auto moderation functionality.
- */
-export class AutoMod {
- /**
- * Whether or not a punishment has already been given to the user
- */
- private punished = false;
- /**
- * @param message The message to check and potentially perform automod actions to
- */
- public constructor(private message: Message) {
- if (message.author.id === message.client.user?.id) return;
- void this.handle();
- }
- /**
- * Whether or not the message author is immune to auto moderation
- */
- private get isImmune() {
- if (!this.message.inGuild()) return false;
- assert(this.message.member);
- if (this.message.author.isOwner()) return true;
- if (this.message.guild.ownerId === this.message.author.id) return true;
- if (this.message.member.permissions.has('Administrator')) return true;
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Handles the auto moderation
- */
- private async handle() {
- if (!this.message.inGuild()) return;
- if (!(await this.message.guild.hasFeature('automod'))) return;
- if (this.message.author.bot) return;
- traditional: {
- if (this.isImmune) break traditional;
- const badLinksArray = this.message.client.utils.getShared('badLinks');
- const badLinksSecretArray = this.message.client.utils.getShared('badLinksSecret');
- const badWordsRaw = this.message.client.utils.getShared('badWords');
- const customAutomodPhrases = (await this.message.guild.getSetting('autoModPhases')) ?? [];
- const uniqueLinks = [...new Set([...badLinksArray, ...badLinksSecretArray])];
- const badLinks: BadWordDetails[] = uniqueLinks.map((link) => ({
- match: link,
- severity: Severity.PERM_MUTE,
- ignoreSpaces: false,
- ignoreCapitalization: true,
- reason: 'malicious link',
- regex: false
- }));
- const parsedBadWords = Object.values(badWordsRaw).flat();
- const result = [
- ...this.checkWords(customAutomodPhrases),
- ...this.checkWords((await this.message.guild.hasFeature('excludeDefaultAutomod')) ? [] : parsedBadWords),
- ...this.checkWords((await this.message.guild.hasFeature('excludeAutomodScamLinks')) ? [] : badLinks)
- ];
- if (result.length === 0) break traditional;
- const highestOffence = result.sort((a, b) => b.severity - a.severity)[0];
- if (highestOffence.severity === undefined || highestOffence.severity === null) {
- void this.message.guild.sendLogChannel('error', {
- embeds: [
- {
- title: 'AutoMod Error',
- description: `Unable to find severity information for ${format.inlineCode(highestOffence.match)}`,
- color: colors.error
- }
- ]
- });
- } else {
- const color = this.punish(highestOffence);
- void this.log(highestOffence, color, result);
- }
- }
- other: {
- if (this.isImmune) break other;
- if (!this.punished && (await this.message.guild.hasFeature('delScamMentions'))) void this.checkScamMentions();
- }
- if (!this.punished && (await this.message.guild.hasFeature('perspectiveApi'))) void this.checkPerspectiveApi();
- }
- /**
- * Checks if any of the words provided are in the message
- * @param words The words to check for
- * @returns The blacklisted words found in the message
- */
- private checkWords(words: BadWordDetails[]): BadWordDetails[] {
- if (words.length === 0) return [];
- const matchedWords: BadWordDetails[] = [];
- for (const word of words) {
- if (word.regex) {
- if (new RegExp(word.match).test(this.format(word.match, word))) {
- matchedWords.push(word);
- }
- } else {
- if (this.format(this.message.content, word).includes(this.format(word.match, word))) {
- matchedWords.push(word);
- }
- }
- }
- return matchedWords;
- }
- /**
- * If the message contains '@everyone' or '@here' and it contains a common scam phrase, it will be deleted
- * @returns
- */
- private async checkScamMentions() {
- const includes = (c: string) => this.message.content.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(c);
- if (!includes('@everyone') && !includes('@here')) return;
- // It would be bad if we deleted a message that actually pinged @everyone or @here
- if (
- this.message.member?.permissionsIn(this.message.channelId).has(PermissionFlagsBits.MentionEveryone) ||
- this.message.mentions.everyone
- )
- return;
- if (
- includes('steam') ||
- includes('www.youtube.com') ||
- includes('youtu.be') ||
- includes('nitro') ||
- includes('1 month') ||
- includes('3 months') ||
- includes('personalize your profile') ||
- includes('even more') ||
- includes('xbox and discord') ||
- includes('left over') ||
- includes('check this lol') ||
- includes('airdrop')
- ) {
- const color = this.punish({ severity: Severity.TEMP_MUTE, reason: 'everyone mention and scam phrase' } as BadWordDetails);
- void this.message.guild!.sendLogChannel('automod', {
- embeds: [
- new EmbedBuilder()
- .setTitle(`[Severity ${Severity.TEMP_MUTE}] Mention Scam Deleted`)
- .setDescription(
- `**User:** ${this.message.author} (${this.message.author.tag})\n**Sent From:** <#${this.message.channel.id}> [Jump to context](${this.message.url})`
- )
- .addFields({
- name: 'Message Content',
- value: `${await this.message.client.utils.codeblock(this.message.content, 1024)}`
- })
- .setColor(color)
- .setTimestamp()
- ],
- components: [this.buttons(this.message.author.id, 'everyone mention and scam phrase')]
- });
- }
- }
- private async checkPerspectiveApi() {
- return;
- if (!this.message.client.config.isDevelopment) return;
- if (!this.message.content) return;
- this.message.client.perspective.comments.analyze(
- {
- key: this.message.client.config.credentials.perspectiveApiKey,
- resource: {
- comment: {
- text: this.message.content
- },
- requestedAttributes: {
- INSULT: {},
- THREAT: {},
- }
- }
- },
- (err: any, response: any) => {
- if (err) return console.log(err?.message);
- const normalize = (val: number, min: number, max: number) => (val - min) / (max - min);
- const color = (val: number) => {
- if (val >= 0.5) {
- const x = 194 - Math.round(normalize(val, 0.5, 1) * 194);
- return chalk.rgb(194, x, 0)(val);
- } else {
- const x = Math.round(normalize(val, 0, 0.5) * 194);
- return chalk.rgb(x, 194, 0)(val);
- }
- };
- console.log(chalk.cyan(this.message.content));
- Object.entries(response.data.attributeScores)
- .sort(([a], [b]) => a.localeCompare(b))
- .forEach(([key, value]: any[]) => console.log(chalk.white(key), color(value.summaryScore.value)));
- }
- );
- }
- /**
- * Format a string according to the word options
- * @param string The string to format
- * @param wordOptions The word options to format with
- * @returns The formatted string
- */
- private format(string: string, wordOptions: BadWordDetails) {
- const temp = wordOptions.ignoreCapitalization ? string.toLowerCase() : string;
- return wordOptions.ignoreSpaces ? temp.replace(/ /g, '') : temp;
- }
- /**
- * Punishes the user based on the severity of the offense
- * @param highestOffence The highest offense to punish the user for
- * @returns The color of the embed that the log should, based on the severity of the offense
- */
- private punish(highestOffence: BadWordDetails) {
- let color;
- switch (highestOffence.severity) {
- case Severity.DELETE: {
- color = colors.lightGray;
- void this.message.delete().catch((e) => deleteError.bind(this, e));
- this.punished = true;
- break;
- }
- case Severity.WARN: {
- color = colors.yellow;
- void this.message.delete().catch((e) => deleteError.bind(this, e));
- void this.message.member?.bushWarn({
- moderator: this.message.guild!.members.me!,
- reason: `[AutoMod] ${highestOffence.reason}`
- });
- this.punished = true;
- break;
- }
- case Severity.TEMP_MUTE: {
- color = colors.orange;
- void this.message.delete().catch((e) => deleteError.bind(this, e));
- void this.message.member?.bushMute({
- moderator: this.message.guild!.members.me!,
- reason: `[AutoMod] ${highestOffence.reason}`,
- duration: 900_000 // 15 minutes
- });
- this.punished = true;
- break;
- }
- case Severity.PERM_MUTE: {
- color = colors.red;
- void this.message.delete().catch((e) => deleteError.bind(this, e));
- void this.message.member?.bushMute({
- moderator: this.message.guild!.members.me!,
- reason: `[AutoMod] ${highestOffence.reason}`,
- duration: 0 // permanent
- });
- this.punished = true;
- break;
- }
- default: {
- throw new Error(`Invalid severity: ${highestOffence.severity}`);
- }
- }
- return color;
- async function deleteError(this: AutoMod, e: Error | any) {
- void this.message.guild?.sendLogChannel('error', {
- embeds: [
- {
- title: 'AutoMod Error',
- description: `Unable to delete triggered message.`,
- fields: [{ name: 'Error', value: await this.message.client.utils.codeblock(`${formatError(e)}`, 1024, 'js', true) }],
- color: colors.error
- }
- ]
- });
- }
- }
- /**
- * Log an automod infraction to the guild's specified automod log channel
- * @param highestOffence The highest severity word found in the message
- * @param color The color that the log embed should be (based on the severity)
- * @param offenses The other offenses that were also matched in the message
- */
- private async log(highestOffence: BadWordDetails, color: number, offenses: BadWordDetails[]) {
- void this.message.client.console.info(
- 'autoMod',
- `Severity <<${highestOffence.severity}>> action performed on <<${this.message.author.tag}>> (<<${
- this.message.author.id
- }>>) in <<#${(this.message.channel as TextChannel).name}>> in <<${this.message.guild!.name}>>`
- );
- await this.message.guild!.sendLogChannel('automod', {
- embeds: [
- new EmbedBuilder()
- .setTitle(`[Severity ${highestOffence.severity}] Automod Action Performed`)
- .setDescription(
- `**User:** ${this.message.author} (${this.message.author.tag})\n**Sent From:** <#${
- this.message.channel.id
- }> [Jump to context](${this.message.url})\n**Blacklisted Words:** ${offenses.map((o) => `\`${o.match}\``).join(', ')}`
- )
- .addFields({
- name: 'Message Content',
- value: `${await this.message.client.utils.codeblock(this.message.content, 1024)}`
- })
- .setColor(color)
- .setTimestamp()
- .setAuthor({ name: this.message.author.tag, url: this.message.author.displayAvatarURL() })
- ],
- components: highestOffence.severity >= 2 ? [this.buttons(this.message.author.id, highestOffence.reason)] : undefined
- });
- }
- private buttons(userId: Snowflake, reason: string): ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder> {
- return new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents(
- new ButtonBuilder({
- style: ButtonStyle.Danger,
- label: 'Ban User',
- customId: `automod;ban;${userId};${reason}`
- }),
- new ButtonBuilder({
- style: ButtonStyle.Success,
- label: 'Unmute User',
- customId: `automod;unmute;${userId}`
- })
- );
- }
- /**
- * Handles the ban button in the automod log.
- * @param interaction The button interaction.
- */
- public static async handleInteraction(interaction: ButtonInteraction) {
- if (!interaction.memberPermissions?.has(PermissionFlagsBits.BanMembers))
- return interaction.reply({
- content: `${emojis.error} You are missing the **Ban Members** permission.`,
- ephemeral: true
- });
- const [action, userId, reason] = interaction.customId.replace('automod;', '').split(';') as [
- 'ban' | 'unmute',
- string,
- string
- ];
- if (!(['ban', 'unmute'] as const).includes(action)) throw new TypeError(`Invalid automod button action: ${action}`);
- const victim = await interaction.guild!.members.fetch(userId).catch(() => null);
- const moderator =
- interaction.member instanceof GuildMember
- ? interaction.member
- : await interaction.guild!.members.fetch(interaction.user.id);
- switch (action) {
- case 'ban': {
- if (!interaction.guild?.members.me?.permissions.has('BanMembers'))
- return interaction.reply({
- content: `${emojis.error} I do not have permission to ${action} members.`,
- ephemeral: true
- });
- const check = victim ? await Moderation.permissionCheck(moderator, victim, 'ban', true) : true;
- if (check !== true) return interaction.reply({ content: check, ephemeral: true });
- const result = await interaction.guild?.bushBan({
- user: userId,
- reason,
- moderator: interaction.user.id,
- evidence: (interaction.message as Message).url ?? undefined
- });
- const victimUserFormatted = (await interaction.client.utils.resolveNonCachedUser(userId))?.tag ?? userId;
- const content = (() => {
- if (result === unmuteResponse.SUCCESS) {
- return `${emojis.success} Successfully banned ${format.input(victimUserFormatted)}.`;
- } else if (result === unmuteResponse.DM_ERROR) {
- return `${emojis.warn} Banned ${format.input(victimUserFormatted)} however I could not send them a dm.`;
- } else {
- return `${emojis.error} Could not ban ${format.input(victimUserFormatted)}: \`${result}\` .`;
- }
- })();
- return interaction.reply({
- content: content,
- ephemeral: true
- });
- }
- case 'unmute': {
- if (!victim)
- return interaction.reply({
- content: `${emojis.error} Cannot find member, they may have left the server.`,
- ephemeral: true
- });
- if (!interaction.guild)
- return interaction.reply({
- content: `${emojis.error} This is weird, I don't seem to be in the server...`,
- ephemeral: true
- });
- const check = await Moderation.permissionCheck(moderator, victim, 'unmute', true);
- if (check !== true) return interaction.reply({ content: check, ephemeral: true });
- const check2 = await Moderation.checkMutePermissions(interaction.guild);
- if (check2 !== true)
- return interaction.reply({ content: UnmuteCommand.formatCode('/', victim!, check2), ephemeral: true });
- const result = await victim.bushUnmute({
- reason,
- moderator: interaction.member as GuildMember,
- evidence: (interaction.message as Message).url ?? undefined
- });
- const victimUserFormatted = victim.user.tag;
- const content = (() => {
- if (result === unmuteResponse.SUCCESS) {
- return `${emojis.success} Successfully unmuted ${format.input(victimUserFormatted)}.`;
- } else if (result === unmuteResponse.DM_ERROR) {
- return `${emojis.warn} Unmuted ${format.input(victimUserFormatted)} however I could not send them a dm.`;
- } else {
- return `${emojis.error} Could not unmute ${format.input(victimUserFormatted)}: \`${result}\` .`;
- }
- })();
- return interaction.reply({
- content: content,
- ephemeral: true
- });
- }
- }
- }
- * The severity of the blacklisted word
- */
-export const enum Severity {
- /**
- * Delete message
- */
- /**
- * Delete message and warn user
- */
- /**
- * Delete message and mute user for 15 minutes
- */
- /**
- * Delete message and mute user permanently
- */
- * Details about a blacklisted word
- */
-export interface BadWordDetails {
- /**
- * The word that is blacklisted
- */
- match: string;
- /**
- * The severity of the word
- */
- severity: Severity | 1 | 2 | 3;
- /**
- * Whether or not to ignore spaces when checking for the word
- */
- ignoreSpaces: boolean;
- /**
- * Whether or not to ignore case when checking for the word
- */
- ignoreCapitalization: boolean;
- /**
- * The reason that this word is blacklisted (used for the punishment reason)
- */
- reason: string;
- /**
- * Whether or not the word is regex
- */
- regex: boolean;
- * Blacklisted words mapped to their details
- */
-export interface BadWords {
- [category: string]: BadWordDetails[];