path: root/src/lib/common/AutoMod.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/common/AutoMod.ts')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/common/AutoMod.ts b/src/lib/common/AutoMod.ts
index 970fecd..21bcb00 100644
--- a/src/lib/common/AutoMod.ts
+++ b/src/lib/common/AutoMod.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { banResponse, colors, emojis, format, formatError, Moderation } from '#lib';
+import { colors, emojis, format, formatError, Moderation, unmuteResponse } from '#lib';
import assert from 'assert';
import chalk from 'chalk';
import {
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ import {
type ButtonInteraction,
type Message,
+ type Snowflake,
type TextChannel
} from 'discord.js';
+import UnmuteCommand from '../../commands/moderation/unmute.js';
* Handles auto moderation functionality.
@@ -165,21 +167,14 @@ export class AutoMod {
`**User:** ${this.message.author} (${this.message.author.tag})\n**Sent From:** <#${this.message.channel.id}> [Jump to context](${this.message.url})`
- .addFields([
- { name: 'Message Content', value: `${await this.message.client.utils.codeblock(this.message.content, 1024)}` }
- ])
+ .addFields({
+ name: 'Message Content',
+ value: `${await this.message.client.utils.codeblock(this.message.content, 1024)}`
+ })
- components: [
- new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents([
- new ButtonBuilder({
- style: ButtonStyle.Danger,
- label: 'Ban User',
- customId: `automod;ban;${this.message.author.id};everyone mention and scam phrase`
- })
- ])
- ]
+ components: [this.buttons(this.message.author.id, 'everyone mention and scam phrase')]
@@ -332,28 +327,33 @@ export class AutoMod {
}> [Jump to context](${this.message.url})\n**Blacklisted Words:** ${offenses.map((o) => `\`${o.match}\``).join(', ')}`
- .addFields([
- { name: 'Message Content', value: `${await this.message.client.utils.codeblock(this.message.content, 1024)}` }
- ])
+ .addFields({
+ name: 'Message Content',
+ value: `${await this.message.client.utils.codeblock(this.message.content, 1024)}`
+ })
.setAuthor({ name: this.message.author.tag, url: this.message.author.displayAvatarURL() })
- components:
- highestOffence.severity >= 2
- ? [
- new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents([
- new ButtonBuilder({
- style: ButtonStyle.Danger,
- label: 'Ban User',
- customId: `automod;ban;${this.message.author.id};${highestOffence.reason}`
- })
- ])
- ]
- : undefined
+ components: highestOffence.severity >= 2 ? [this.buttons(this.message.author.id, highestOffence.reason)] : undefined
+ private buttons(userId: Snowflake, reason: string): ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder> {
+ return new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents(
+ new ButtonBuilder({
+ style: ButtonStyle.Danger,
+ label: 'Ban User',
+ customId: `automod;ban;${userId};${reason}`
+ }),
+ new ButtonBuilder({
+ style: ButtonStyle.Success,
+ label: 'Unmute User',
+ customId: `automod;unmute;${userId}`
+ })
+ );
+ }
* Handles the ban button in the automod log.
* @param interaction The button interaction.
@@ -364,23 +364,31 @@ export class AutoMod {
content: `${emojis.error} You are missing the **Ban Members** permission.`,
ephemeral: true
- const [action, userId, reason] = interaction.customId.replace('automod;', '').split(';');
- switch (action) {
- case 'ban': {
- const victim = await interaction.guild!.members.fetch(userId).catch(() => null);
- const moderator =
- interaction.member instanceof GuildMember
- ? interaction.member
- : await interaction.guild!.members.fetch(interaction.user.id);
+ const [action, userId, reason] = interaction.customId.replace('automod;', '').split(';') as [
+ 'ban' | 'unmute',
+ string,
+ string
+ ];
- const check = victim ? await Moderation.permissionCheck(moderator, victim, 'ban', true) : true;
+ if ((['ban', 'unmute'] as const).includes(action)) throw new TypeError(`Invalid automod button action: ${action}`);
+ const victim = await interaction.guild!.members.fetch(userId).catch(() => null);
+ const moderator =
+ interaction.member instanceof GuildMember
+ ? interaction.member
+ : await interaction.guild!.members.fetch(interaction.user.id);
- if (check !== true)
+ switch (action) {
+ case 'ban': {
+ if (!interaction.guild?.members.me?.permissions.has('BanMembers'))
return interaction.reply({
- content: check,
+ content: `${emojis.error} I do not have permission to ${action} members.`,
ephemeral: true
+ const check = victim ? await Moderation.permissionCheck(moderator, victim, 'ban', true) : true;
+ if (check !== true) return interaction.reply({ content: check, ephemeral: true });
const result = await interaction.guild?.bushBan({
user: userId,
@@ -389,21 +397,65 @@ export class AutoMod {
const victimUserFormatted = (await interaction.client.utils.resolveNonCachedUser(userId))?.tag ?? userId;
- if (result === banResponse.SUCCESS)
- return interaction.reply({
- content: `${emojis.success} Successfully banned **${victimUserFormatted}**.`,
- ephemeral: true
- });
- else if (result === banResponse.DM_ERROR)
+ const content = (() => {
+ if (result === unmuteResponse.SUCCESS) {
+ return `${emojis.success} Successfully banned ${format.input(victimUserFormatted)}.`;
+ } else if (result === unmuteResponse.DM_ERROR) {
+ return `${emojis.warn} Banned ${format.input(victimUserFormatted)} however I could not send them a dm.`;
+ } else {
+ return `${emojis.error} Could not ban ${format.input(victimUserFormatted)}: \`${result}\` .`;
+ }
+ })();
+ return interaction.reply({
+ content: content,
+ ephemeral: true
+ });
+ }
+ case 'unmute': {
+ if (!victim)
return interaction.reply({
- content: `${emojis.warn} Banned ${victimUserFormatted} however I could not send them a dm.`,
+ content: `${emojis.error} Cannot find member, they may have left the server.`,
ephemeral: true
- else
+ if (!interaction.guild)
return interaction.reply({
- content: `${emojis.error} Could not ban **${victimUserFormatted}**: \`${result}\` .`,
+ content: `${emojis.error} This is weird, I don't seem to be in the server...`,
ephemeral: true
+ const check = await Moderation.permissionCheck(moderator, victim, 'unmute', true);
+ if (check !== true) return interaction.reply({ content: check, ephemeral: true });
+ const check2 = await Moderation.checkMutePermissions(interaction.guild);
+ if (check2 !== true)
+ return interaction.reply({ content: UnmuteCommand.formatCode('/', victim!, check2), ephemeral: true });
+ const result = await victim.bushUnmute({
+ reason,
+ moderator: interaction.member as GuildMember,
+ evidence: (interaction.message as Message).url ?? undefined
+ });
+ const victimUserFormatted = victim.user.tag;
+ const content = (() => {
+ if (result === unmuteResponse.SUCCESS) {
+ return `${emojis.success} Successfully unmuted ${format.input(victimUserFormatted)}.`;
+ } else if (result === unmuteResponse.DM_ERROR) {
+ return `${emojis.warn} Unmuted ${format.input(victimUserFormatted)} however I could not send them a dm.`;
+ } else {
+ return `${emojis.error} Could not unmute ${format.input(victimUserFormatted)}: \`${result}\` .`;
+ }
+ })();
+ return interaction.reply({
+ content: content,
+ ephemeral: true
+ });