path: root/src/lib/extensions/BushClientUtil.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/extensions/BushClientUtil.ts')
1 files changed, 879 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/extensions/BushClientUtil.ts b/src/lib/extensions/BushClientUtil.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b87efd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/extensions/BushClientUtil.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,879 @@
+import { exec } from 'child_process';
+import { ClientUtil, Command } from 'discord-akairo';
+import {
+ APIInteractionDataResolvedChannel,
+ APIInteractionDataResolvedGuildMember,
+ APIMessage,
+ APIRole,
+ ApplicationCommandOptionType
+} from 'discord-api-types';
+import {
+ ButtonInteraction,
+ CommandInteraction,
+ CommandInteractionOption,
+ Constants,
+ Guild,
+ GuildChannel,
+ GuildMember,
+ InteractionReplyOptions,
+ Message,
+ MessageActionRow,
+ MessageButton,
+ MessageComponentInteraction,
+ MessageEditOptions,
+ MessageEmbed,
+ MessageOptions,
+ Role,
+ Snowflake,
+ TextChannel,
+ User,
+ Util,
+ WebhookEditMessageOptions
+} from 'discord.js';
+import got from 'got';
+import { promisify } from 'util';
+import { BushClient } from './BushClient';
+import { BushMessage } from './BushMessage';
+interface hastebinRes {
+ key: string;
+export interface uuidRes {
+ uuid: string;
+ username: string;
+ username_history?: { username: string }[] | null;
+ textures: {
+ custom: boolean;
+ slim: boolean;
+ skin: {
+ url: string;
+ data: string;
+ };
+ raw: {
+ value: string;
+ signature: string;
+ };
+ };
+ created_at: string;
+export interface SlashCommandOption<T> {
+ name: string;
+ type: ApplicationCommandOptionType;
+ value?: T;
+ options?: CommandInteractionOption[];
+ user?: User;
+ member?: GuildMember | APIInteractionDataResolvedGuildMember;
+ channel?: GuildChannel | APIInteractionDataResolvedChannel;
+ role?: Role | APIRole;
+export class BushClientUtil extends ClientUtil {
+ /** The client of this ClientUtil */
+ public declare client: BushClient;
+ /** The hastebin urls used to post to hastebin, attempts to post in order */
+ public hasteURLs: string[] = [
+ 'https://hst.sh',
+ 'https://hasteb.in',
+ 'https://hastebin.com',
+ 'https://mystb.in',
+ 'https://haste.clicksminuteper.net',
+ 'https://paste.pythondiscord.com',
+ 'https://haste.unbelievaboat.com',
+ 'https://haste.tyman.tech'
+ ];
+ public paginateEmojis = {
+ beginning: '853667381335162910',
+ back: '853667410203770881',
+ stop: '853667471110570034',
+ forward: '853667492680564747',
+ end: '853667514915225640'
+ };
+ /** A simple promise exec method */
+ private exec = promisify(exec);
+ /**
+ * Creates this client util
+ * @param client The client to initialize with
+ */
+ constructor(client: BushClient) {
+ super(client);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Maps an array of user ids to user objects.
+ * @param ids The list of IDs to map
+ * @returns The list of users mapped
+ */
+ public async mapIDs(ids: Snowflake[]): Promise<User[]> {
+ return await Promise.all(ids.map((id) => this.client.users.fetch(id)));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Capitalizes the first letter of the given text
+ * @param text The text to capitalize
+ * @returns The capitalized text
+ */
+ public capitalize(text: string): string {
+ return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Runs a shell command and gives the output
+ * @param command The shell command to run
+ * @returns The stdout and stderr of the shell command
+ */
+ public async shell(command: string): Promise<{
+ stdout: string;
+ stderr: string;
+ }> {
+ return await this.exec(command);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Posts text to hastebin
+ * @param content The text to post
+ * @returns The url of the posted text
+ */
+ public async haste(content: string): Promise<string> {
+ for (const url of this.hasteURLs) {
+ try {
+ const res: hastebinRes = await got.post(`${url}/documents`, { body: content }).json();
+ return `${url}/${res.key}`;
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.client.console.error('Haste', `Unable to upload haste to ${url}`);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ return 'Unable to post';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Resolves a user-provided string into a user object, if possible
+ * @param text The text to try and resolve
+ * @returns The user resolved or null
+ */
+ public async resolveUserAsync(text: string): Promise<User | null> {
+ const idReg = /\d{17,19}/;
+ const idMatch = text.match(idReg);
+ if (idMatch) {
+ try {
+ const user = await this.client.users.fetch(text as Snowflake);
+ return user;
+ } catch {
+ // pass
+ }
+ }
+ const mentionReg = /<@!?(?<id>\d{17,19})>/;
+ const mentionMatch = text.match(mentionReg);
+ if (mentionMatch) {
+ try {
+ const user = await this.client.users.fetch(mentionMatch.groups.id as Snowflake);
+ return user;
+ } catch {
+ // pass
+ }
+ }
+ const user = this.client.users.cache.find((u) => u.username === text);
+ if (user) return user;
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Appends the correct ordinal to the given number
+ * @param n The number to append an ordinal to
+ * @returns The number with the ordinal
+ */
+ public ordinal(n: number): string {
+ const s = ['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd'],
+ v = n % 100;
+ return n + (s[(v - 20) % 10] || s[v] || s[0]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Chunks an array to the specified size
+ * @param arr The array to chunk
+ * @param perChunk The amount of items per chunk
+ * @returns The chunked array
+ */
+ public chunk<T>(arr: T[], perChunk: number): T[][] {
+ return arr.reduce((all, one, i) => {
+ const ch = Math.floor(i / perChunk);
+ all[ch] = [].concat(all[ch] || [], one);
+ return all;
+ }, []);
+ }
+ /** Commonly Used Colors */
+ public colors = {
+ default: '#1FD8F1',
+ error: '#EF4947',
+ warn: '#FEBA12',
+ success: '#3BB681',
+ info: '#3B78FF',
+ red: '#ff0000',
+ blue: '#0055ff',
+ aqua: '#00bbff',
+ purple: '#8400ff',
+ blurple: '#5440cd',
+ pink: '#ff00e6',
+ green: '#00ff1e',
+ darkGreen: '#008f11',
+ gold: '#b59400',
+ yellow: '#ffff00',
+ white: '#ffffff',
+ gray: '#a6a6a6',
+ lightGray: '#cfcfcf',
+ darkGray: '#7a7a7a',
+ black: '#000000',
+ orange: '#E86100'
+ };
+ /** Commonly Used Emojis */
+ public emojis = {
+ success: '<:checkmark:837109864101707807>',
+ warn: '<:warn:848726900876247050> ',
+ error: '<:error:837123021016924261>',
+ successFull: '<:checkmark_full:850118767576088646>',
+ warnFull: '<:warn_full:850118767391539312>',
+ errorFull: '<:error_full:850118767295201350>',
+ mad: '<:mad:783046135392239626>',
+ join: '<:join:850198029809614858>',
+ leave: '<:leave:850198048205307919>',
+ loading: '<a:Loading:853419254619963392>'
+ };
+ /**
+ * A simple utility to create and embed with the needed style for the bot
+ */
+ public createEmbed(color?: string, author?: User | GuildMember): MessageEmbed {
+ if (author instanceof GuildMember) {
+ author = author.user; // Convert to User if GuildMember
+ }
+ let embed = new MessageEmbed().setTimestamp();
+ if (author)
+ embed = embed.setAuthor(
+ author.username,
+ author.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }),
+ `https://discord.com/users/${author.id}`
+ );
+ if (color) embed = embed.setColor(color);
+ return embed;
+ }
+ public async mcUUID(username: string): Promise<string> {
+ const apiRes = (await got.get(`https://api.ashcon.app/mojang/v2/user/${username}`).json()) as uuidRes;
+ return apiRes.uuid.replace(/-/g, '');
+ }
+ public async syncSlashCommands(force = false, guild?: Snowflake): Promise<void> {
+ let fetchedGuild: Guild;
+ if (guild) fetchedGuild = this.client.guilds.cache.get(guild);
+ try {
+ const registered =
+ guild === undefined ? await this.client.application.commands.fetch() : await fetchedGuild.commands.fetch();
+ for (const [, registeredCommand] of registered) {
+ if (!this.client.commandHandler.modules.find((cmd) => cmd.id == registeredCommand.name)?.execSlash || force) {
+ guild === undefined
+ ? await this.client.application.commands.delete(registeredCommand.id)
+ : await fetchedGuild.commands.delete(registeredCommand.id);
+ this.client.logger.verbose(
+ 'syncSlashCommands',
+ `Deleted slash command <<${registeredCommand.name}>>${
+ guild !== undefined ? ` in guild <<${fetchedGuild.name}>>` : ''
+ }`
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ for (const [, botCommand] of this.client.commandHandler.modules) {
+ if (botCommand.execSlash) {
+ const found = registered.find((i) => i.name == botCommand.id);
+ Command;
+ const slashdata = {
+ name: botCommand.id,
+ description: botCommand.description.content,
+ options: botCommand.options.slashCommandOptions
+ };
+ botCommand;
+ if (found?.id && !force) {
+ if (slashdata.description !== found.description) {
+ guild === undefined
+ ? await this.client.application.commands.edit(found.id, slashdata)
+ : fetchedGuild.commands.edit(found.id, slashdata);
+ this.client.logger.verbose(
+ 'syncSlashCommands',
+ `Edited slash command <<${botCommand.id}>>${guild !== undefined ? ` in guild <<${fetchedGuild?.name}>>` : ''}`
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ guild === undefined
+ ? await this.client.application.commands.create(slashdata)
+ : fetchedGuild.commands.create(slashdata);
+ this.client.logger.verbose(
+ 'syncSlashCommands',
+ `Created slash command <<${botCommand.id}>>${guild !== undefined ? ` in guild <<${fetchedGuild?.name}>>` : ''}}`
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this.client.logger.log(
+ 'syncSlashCommands',
+ `Slash commands registered${guild !== undefined ? ` in guild <<${fetchedGuild?.name}>>` : ''}`
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ return this.client.logger.error(
+ 'syncSlashCommands',
+ `Slash commands not registered${
+ guild !== undefined ? ` in guild <<${fetchedGuild?.name}>>` : ''
+ }, with the following error:\n${e?.stack}`
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ public moulberryBushRoleMap = [
+ { name: '*', id: '792453550768390194' },
+ { name: 'Admin Perms', id: '746541309853958186' },
+ { name: 'Sr. Moderator', id: '782803470205190164' },
+ { name: 'Moderator', id: '737308259823910992' },
+ { name: 'Helper', id: '737440116230062091' },
+ { name: 'Trial Helper', id: '783537091946479636' },
+ { name: 'Contributor', id: '694431057532944425' },
+ { name: 'Giveaway Donor', id: '784212110263451649' },
+ { name: 'Giveaway (200m)', id: '810267756426690601' },
+ { name: 'Giveaway (100m)', id: '801444430522613802' },
+ { name: 'Giveaway (50m)', id: '787497512981757982' },
+ { name: 'Giveaway (25m)', id: '787497515771232267' },
+ { name: 'Giveaway (10m)', id: '787497518241153025' },
+ { name: 'Giveaway (5m)', id: '787497519768403989' },
+ { name: 'Giveaway (1m)', id: '787497521084891166' },
+ { name: 'Suggester', id: '811922322767609877' },
+ { name: 'Partner', id: '767324547312779274' },
+ { name: 'Level Locked', id: '784248899044769792' },
+ { name: 'No Files', id: '786421005039173633' },
+ { name: 'No Reactions', id: '786421270924361789' },
+ { name: 'No Links', id: '786421269356740658' },
+ { name: 'No Bots', id: '786804858765312030' },
+ { name: 'No VC', id: '788850482554208267' },
+ { name: 'No Giveaways', id: '808265422334984203' },
+ { name: 'No Support', id: '790247359824396319' }
+ ];
+ /** Paginates an array of embeds using buttons. */
+ public async buttonPaginate(
+ message: BushMessage,
+ embeds: MessageEmbed[],
+ text: string | null = null,
+ deleteOnExit?: boolean
+ ): Promise<void> {
+ if (deleteOnExit === undefined) deleteOnExit = true;
+ embeds.forEach((_e, i) => {
+ embeds[i] = embeds[i].setFooter(`Page ${i + 1}/${embeds.length}`);
+ });
+ const style = Constants.MessageButtonStyles.PRIMARY;
+ let curPage = 0;
+ if (typeof embeds !== 'object') throw 'embeds must be an object';
+ const msg = (await message.util.reply({
+ content: text,
+ embeds: [embeds[curPage]],
+ components: [getPaginationRow()]
+ })) as Message;
+ const filter = (interaction: ButtonInteraction) =>
+ interaction.customID.startsWith('paginate_') && interaction.message == msg;
+ const collector = msg.createMessageComponentInteractionCollector(filter, { time: 300000 });
+ collector.on('collect', async (interaction: MessageComponentInteraction) => {
+ if (interaction.user.id == message.author.id || this.client.config.owners.includes(interaction.user.id)) {
+ switch (interaction.customID) {
+ case 'paginate_beginning': {
+ curPage = 0;
+ await edit(interaction);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'paginate_back': {
+ curPage--;
+ await edit(interaction);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'paginate_stop': {
+ if (deleteOnExit) {
+ await interaction.deferUpdate().catch(() => {});
+ if (msg.deletable && !msg.deleted) {
+ await msg.delete();
+ }
+ } else {
+ await interaction
+ ?.update({ content: `${text ? text + '\n' : ''}Command closed by user.`, embeds: [], components: [] })
+ .catch(() => {});
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ case 'paginate_next': {
+ curPage++;
+ await edit(interaction);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'paginate_end': {
+ curPage = embeds.length - 1;
+ await edit(interaction);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ return await interaction?.deferUpdate().catch(() => {});
+ }
+ });
+ collector.on('end', async () => {
+ await msg.edit({ content: text, embeds: [embeds[curPage]], components: [getPaginationRow(true)] }).catch(() => {});
+ });
+ async function edit(interaction: MessageComponentInteraction): Promise<void> {
+ return await interaction
+ ?.update({ content: text, embeds: [embeds[curPage]], components: [getPaginationRow()] })
+ .catch(() => {});
+ }
+ const paginateEmojis = this.paginateEmojis;
+ function getPaginationRow(disableAll = false): MessageActionRow {
+ return new MessageActionRow().addComponents(
+ new MessageButton({
+ style,
+ customID: 'paginate_beginning',
+ emoji: paginateEmojis.beginning,
+ disabled: disableAll || curPage == 0
+ }),
+ new MessageButton({
+ style,
+ customID: 'paginate_back',
+ emoji: paginateEmojis.back,
+ disabled: disableAll || curPage == 0
+ }),
+ new MessageButton({ style, customID: 'paginate_stop', emoji: paginateEmojis.stop, disabled: disableAll }),
+ new MessageButton({
+ style,
+ customID: 'paginate_next',
+ emoji: paginateEmojis.forward,
+ disabled: disableAll || curPage == embeds.length - 1
+ }),
+ new MessageButton({
+ style,
+ customID: 'paginate_end',
+ emoji: paginateEmojis.end,
+ disabled: disableAll || curPage == embeds.length - 1
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /** Sends a message with a button for the user to delete it. */
+ public async sendWithDeleteButton(message: BushMessage, options: MessageOptions): Promise<void> {
+ updateOptions();
+ const msg = (await message.util.reply(options as MessageOptions & { split?: false })) as Message;
+ const filter = (interaction: ButtonInteraction) => interaction.customID == 'paginate__stop' && interaction.message == msg;
+ const collector = msg.createMessageComponentInteractionCollector(filter, { time: 300000 });
+ collector.on('collect', async (interaction: MessageComponentInteraction) => {
+ if (interaction.user.id == message.author.id || this.client.config.owners.includes(interaction.user.id)) {
+ await interaction.deferUpdate().catch(() => {});
+ if (msg.deletable && !msg.deleted) {
+ await msg.delete();
+ }
+ return;
+ } else {
+ return await interaction?.deferUpdate().catch(() => {});
+ }
+ });
+ collector.on('end', async () => {
+ updateOptions(true, true);
+ await msg.edit(options as MessageEditOptions).catch(() => {});
+ });
+ const paginateEmojis = this.paginateEmojis;
+ function updateOptions(edit?: boolean, disable?: boolean) {
+ if (edit == undefined) edit = false;
+ if (disable == undefined) disable = false;
+ options.components = [
+ new MessageActionRow().addComponents(
+ new MessageButton({
+ style: Constants.MessageButtonStyles.PRIMARY,
+ customID: 'paginate__stop',
+ emoji: paginateEmojis.stop,
+ disabled: disable
+ })
+ )
+ ];
+ if (edit) {
+ options.reply = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Surrounds text in a code block with the specified language and puts it in a hastebin if its too long.
+ *
+ * * Embed Description Limit = 2048 characters
+ * * Embed Field Limit = 1024 characters
+ */
+ public async codeblock(code: string, length: number, language: 'ts' | 'js' | 'sh' | 'json' | '' = ''): Promise<string> {
+ let hasteOut = '';
+ const tildes = '```';
+ const formattingLength = 2 * tildes.length + language.length + 2 * '\n'.length;
+ if (code.length + formattingLength > length) hasteOut = 'Too large to display. Hastebin: ' + (await this.haste(code));
+ const code2 = code.length > length ? code.substring(0, length - (hasteOut.length + '\n'.length + formattingLength)) : code;
+ return (
+ tildes + language + '\n' + Util.cleanCodeBlockContent(code2) + '\n' + tildes + (hasteOut.length ? '\n' + hasteOut : '')
+ );
+ }
+ public async slashRespond(
+ interaction: CommandInteraction,
+ responseOptions: string | InteractionReplyOptions
+ ): Promise<Message | APIMessage | void> {
+ let newResponseOptions: InteractionReplyOptions | WebhookEditMessageOptions = {};
+ if (typeof responseOptions === 'string') {
+ newResponseOptions.content = responseOptions;
+ } else {
+ newResponseOptions = responseOptions;
+ }
+ if (interaction.replied || interaction.deferred) {
+ //@ts-expect-error: stop being dumb
+ delete newResponseOptions.ephemeral; // Cannot change a preexisting message to be ephemeral
+ return (await interaction.editReply(newResponseOptions)) as APIMessage;
+ } else {
+ await interaction.reply(newResponseOptions);
+ return await interaction.fetchReply().catch(() => {});
+ }
+ }
+ /** Gets the channel configs as a TextChannel */
+ public getConfigChannel(channel: 'log' | 'error' | 'dm'): Promise<TextChannel> {
+ return this.client.channels.fetch(this.client.config.channels[channel]) as Promise<TextChannel>;
+ }
+ /** A bunch of mappings */
+ public mappings = {
+ guilds: {
+ bush: '516977525906341928',
+ tree: '767448775450820639',
+ staff: '784597260465995796',
+ space_ship: '717176538717749358',
+ sbr: '839287012409999391'
+ },
+ permissions: {
+ CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE: { name: 'Create Invite', important: false },
+ KICK_MEMBERS: { name: 'Kick Members', important: true },
+ BAN_MEMBERS: { name: 'Ban Members', important: true },
+ ADMINISTRATOR: { name: 'Administrator', important: true },
+ MANAGE_CHANNELS: { name: 'Manage Channels', important: true },
+ MANAGE_GUILD: { name: 'Manage Server', important: true },
+ ADD_REACTIONS: { name: 'Add Reactions', important: false },
+ VIEW_AUDIT_LOG: { name: 'View Audit Log', important: true },
+ PRIORITY_SPEAKER: { name: 'Priority Speaker', important: true },
+ STREAM: { name: 'Video', important: false },
+ VIEW_CHANNEL: { name: 'View Channel', important: false },
+ SEND_MESSAGES: { name: 'Send Messages', important: false },
+ SEND_TTS_MESSAGES: { name: 'Send Text-to-Speech Messages', important: true },
+ MANAGE_MESSAGES: { name: 'Manage Messages', important: true },
+ EMBED_LINKS: { name: 'Embed Links', important: false },
+ ATTACH_FILES: { name: 'Attach Files', important: false },
+ READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY: { name: 'Read Message History', important: false },
+ MENTION_EVERYONE: { name: 'Mention @​everyone, @​here, and All Roles', important: true }, // name has a zero-width space to prevent accidents
+ USE_EXTERNAL_EMOJIS: { name: 'Use External Emoji', important: false },
+ VIEW_GUILD_INSIGHTS: { name: 'View Server Insights', important: true },
+ CONNECT: { name: 'Connect', important: false },
+ SPEAK: { name: 'Speak', important: false },
+ MUTE_MEMBERS: { name: 'Mute Members', important: true },
+ DEAFEN_MEMBERS: { name: 'Deafen Members', important: true },
+ MOVE_MEMBERS: { name: 'Move Members', important: true },
+ USE_VAD: { name: 'Use Voice Activity', important: false },
+ CHANGE_NICKNAME: { name: 'Change Nickname', important: false },
+ MANAGE_NICKNAMES: { name: 'Change Nicknames', important: true },
+ MANAGE_ROLES: { name: 'Manage Roles', important: true },
+ MANAGE_WEBHOOKS: { name: 'Manage Webhooks', important: true },
+ MANAGE_EMOJIS: { name: 'Manage Emojis', important: true },
+ USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS: { name: 'Use Slash Commands', important: false },
+ REQUEST_TO_SPEAK: { name: 'Request to Speak', important: false },
+ USE_PUBLIC_THREADS: { name: 'Use Public Threads', important: false },
+ USE_PRIVATE_THREADS: { name: 'Use Private Threads', important: true }
+ },
+ features: {
+ ANIMATED_ICON: { name: 'Animated Icon', important: false, emoji: '<:animatedIcon:850774498071412746>', weight: 14 },
+ BANNER: { name: 'Banner', important: false, emoji: '<:banner:850786673150787614>', weight: 15 },
+ COMMERCE: { name: 'Store Channels', important: true, emoji: '<:storeChannels:850786692432396338>', weight: 11 },
+ COMMUNITY: { name: 'Community', important: false, emoji: '<:community:850786714271875094>', weight: 20 },
+ DISCOVERABLE: { name: 'Discoverable', important: true, emoji: '<:discoverable:850786735360966656>', weight: 6 },
+ name: 'Enabled Discovery Before',
+ important: false,
+ emoji: '<:enabledDiscoverableBefore:850786754670624828>',
+ weight: 7
+ },
+ FEATURABLE: { name: 'Featurable', important: true, emoji: '<:featurable:850786776372084756>', weight: 4 },
+ INVITE_SPLASH: { name: 'Invite Splash', important: false, emoji: '<:inviteSplash:850786798246559754>', weight: 16 },
+ name: 'Membership Verification Gate',
+ important: false,
+ emoji: '<:memberVerificationGateEnabled:850786829984858212>',
+ weight: 18
+ },
+ MONETIZATION_ENABLED: { name: 'Monetization Enabled', important: true, emoji: null, weight: 8 },
+ MORE_EMOJI: { name: 'More Emoji', important: true, emoji: '<:moreEmoji:850786853497602080>', weight: 3 },
+ MORE_STICKERS: { name: 'More Stickers', important: true, emoji: null, weight: 2 },
+ NEWS: {
+ name: 'Announcement Channels',
+ important: false,
+ emoji: '<:announcementChannels:850790491796013067>',
+ weight: 17
+ },
+ PARTNERED: { name: 'Partnered', important: true, emoji: '<:partneredServer:850794851955507240>', weight: 1 },
+ PREVIEW_ENABLED: { name: 'Preview Enabled', important: true, emoji: '<:previewEnabled:850790508266913823>', weight: 10 },
+ RELAY_ENABLED: { name: 'Relay Enabled', important: true, emoji: '<:relayEnabled:850790531441229834>', weight: 5 },
+ TICKETED_EVENTS_ENABLED: { name: 'Ticketed Events Enabled', important: true, emoji: null, weight: 9 },
+ VANITY_URL: { name: 'Vanity URL', important: false, emoji: '<:vanityURL:850790553079644160>', weight: 12 },
+ VERIFIED: { name: 'Verified', important: true, emoji: '<:verified:850795049817473066>', weight: 0 },
+ VIP_REGIONS: { name: 'VIP Regions', important: false, emoji: '<:VIPRegions:850794697496854538>', weight: 13 },
+ name: 'Welcome Screen Enabled',
+ important: false,
+ emoji: '<:welcomeScreenEnabled:850790575875817504>',
+ weight: 19
+ }
+ },
+ otherEmojis: {
+ SERVER_BOOSTER_1: '<:serverBooster1:848740052091142145>',
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+ SERVER_BOOSTER_3: '<:serverBooster3:848740124992077835>',
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+ SERVER_BOOSTER_9: '<:serverBooster9:848740188846030889>',
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+ SERVER_BOOSTER_15: '<:serverBooster15:848740354890137680>',
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+ SERVER_BOOSTER_24: '<:serverBooster24:848740444628320256>',
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+ OWNER: '<:owner:848746439311753286>',
+ ADMIN: '<:admin:848963914628333598>',
+ SUPERUSER: '<:superUser:848947986326224926>',
+ DEVELOPER: '<:developer:848954538111139871>',
+ BUSH_VERIFIED: '<:verfied:853360152090771497>',
+ BOOST_1: '<:boostitle:853363736679940127>',
+ BOOST_2: '<:boostitle:853363752728789075>',
+ BOOST_3: '<:boostitle:853363769132056627>',
+ TEXT: '<:text:853375537791893524>',
+ NEWS: '<:announcements:853375553531674644>',
+ VOICE: '<:voice:853375566735212584>',
+ STAGE: '<:stage:853375583521210468>',
+ STORE: '<:store:853375601175691266>',
+ CATEGORY: '<:category:853375615260819476>'
+ },
+ userFlags: {
+ DISCORD_EMPLOYEE: '<:discordEmployee:848742947826434079>',
+ PARTNERED_SERVER_OWNER: '<:partneredServerOwner:848743051593777152>',
+ HYPESQUAD_EVENTS: '<:hypeSquadEvents:848743108283072553>',
+ BUGHUNTER_LEVEL_1: '<:bugHunter:848743239850393640>',
+ HOUSE_BRAVERY: '<:hypeSquadBravery:848742910563844127>',
+ HOUSE_BRILLIANCE: '<:hypeSquadBrilliance:848742840649646101>',
+ HOUSE_BALANCE: '<:hypeSquadBalance:848742877537370133>',
+ EARLY_SUPPORTER: '<:earlySupporter:848741030102171648>',
+ //'TEAM_USER': '',
+ //'SYSTEM': '',
+ BUGHUNTER_LEVEL_2: '<:bugHunterGold:848743283080822794>',
+ //'VERIFIED_BOT': '',
+ EARLY_VERIFIED_BOT_DEVELOPER: '<:earlyVerifiedBotDeveloper:848741079875846174>'
+ },
+ status: {
+ online: '<:online:848937141639577690>',
+ idle: '<:idle:848937158261211146>',
+ dnd: '<:dnd:848937173780135986>',
+ offline: '<:offline:848939387277672448>',
+ streaming: '<:streaming:848937187479519242>'
+ },
+ maybeNitroDiscrims: ['1111', '2222', '3333', '4444', '5555', '6666', '6969', '7777', '8888', '9999'],
+ capes: [
+ // supporter capes
+ { name: 'patreon1', index: 0 },
+ { name: 'patreon2', index: 1 },
+ { name: 'fade', custom: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotEnoughUpdates/capes/master/fade.gif', index: 2 },
+ { name: 'lava', custom: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotEnoughUpdates/capes/master/lava.gif', index: 3 },
+ {
+ name: 'mcworld',
+ custom: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotEnoughUpdates/capes/master/mcworld_compressed.gif',
+ index: 4
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'negative',
+ custom: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotEnoughUpdates/capes/master/negative_compressed.gif',
+ index: 5
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'space',
+ custom: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotEnoughUpdates/capes/master/space_compressed.gif',
+ index: 6
+ },
+ { name: 'void', custom: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotEnoughUpdates/capes/master/void.gif', index: 7 },
+ { name: 'tunnel', custom: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotEnoughUpdates/capes/master/tunnel.gif', index: 8 },
+ // Staff capes
+ { name: 'contrib', index: 9 },
+ { name: 'mbstaff', index: 10 },
+ { name: 'ironmoon', index: 11 },
+ { name: 'gravy', index: 12 },
+ { name: 'nullzee', index: 13 },
+ // partner capes
+ { name: 'thebakery', index: 14 },
+ { name: 'dsm', index: 15 },
+ { name: 'packshq', index: 16 },
+ { name: 'furf', index: 17 },
+ { name: 'skytils', index: 18 },
+ { name: 'sbp', index: 19 },
+ { name: 'subreddit_light', index: 20 },
+ { name: 'subreddit_dark', index: 21 },
+ // streamer capes
+ { name: 'alexxoffi', index: 22 },
+ { name: 'jakethybro', index: 23 },
+ { name: 'krusty', index: 24 },
+ { name: 'soldier', index: 25 },
+ { name: 'zera', index: 26 }
+ ],
+ roleMap: [
+ { name: '*', id: '792453550768390194' },
+ { name: 'Admin Perms', id: '746541309853958186' },
+ { name: 'Sr. Moderator', id: '782803470205190164' },
+ { name: 'Moderator', id: '737308259823910992' },
+ { name: 'Helper', id: '737440116230062091' },
+ { name: 'Trial Helper', id: '783537091946479636' },
+ { name: 'Contributor', id: '694431057532944425' },
+ { name: 'Giveaway Donor', id: '784212110263451649' },
+ { name: 'Giveaway (200m)', id: '810267756426690601' },
+ { name: 'Giveaway (100m)', id: '801444430522613802' },
+ { name: 'Giveaway (50m)', id: '787497512981757982' },
+ { name: 'Giveaway (25m)', id: '787497515771232267' },
+ { name: 'Giveaway (10m)', id: '787497518241153025' },
+ { name: 'Giveaway (5m)', id: '787497519768403989' },
+ { name: 'Giveaway (1m)', id: '787497521084891166' },
+ { name: 'Suggester', id: '811922322767609877' },
+ { name: 'Partner', id: '767324547312779274' },
+ { name: 'Level Locked', id: '784248899044769792' },
+ { name: 'No Files', id: '786421005039173633' },
+ { name: 'No Reactions', id: '786421270924361789' },
+ { name: 'No Links', id: '786421269356740658' },
+ { name: 'No Bots', id: '786804858765312030' },
+ { name: 'No VC', id: '788850482554208267' },
+ { name: 'No Giveaways', id: '808265422334984203' },
+ { name: 'No Support', id: '790247359824396319' },
+ { name: 'DJ', id: '782619038403919902' }
+ ],
+ roleWhitelist: {
+ 'Partner': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'],
+ 'Suggester': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator', 'Helper', 'Trial Helper', 'Contributor'],
+ 'Level Locked': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'],
+ 'No Files': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'],
+ 'No Reactions': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'],
+ 'No Links': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'],
+ 'No Bots': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'],
+ 'No VC': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'],
+ 'No Giveaways': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator', 'Helper'],
+ 'No Support': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'],
+ 'Giveaway Donor': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'],
+ 'Giveaway (200m)': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'],
+ 'Giveaway (100m)': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'],
+ 'Giveaway (50m)': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'],
+ 'Giveaway (25m)': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'],
+ 'Giveaway (10m)': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'],
+ 'Giveaway (5m)': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'],
+ 'Giveaway (1m)': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'],
+ 'DJ': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator']
+ }
+ };
+// I just copy pasted this code from stackoverflow don't yell at me if there is issues for it
+export class CanvasProgressBar {
+ private x: number;
+ private y: number;
+ private w: number;
+ private h: number;
+ private color: string;
+ private percentage: number;
+ private p: number;
+ private ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D;
+ constructor(
+ ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
+ dimension: { x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number },
+ color: string,
+ percentage: number
+ ) {
+ ({ x: this.x, y: this.y, width: this.w, height: this.h } = dimension);
+ this.color = color;
+ this.percentage = percentage;
+ this.p;
+ this.ctx = ctx;
+ }
+ draw(): void {
+ // -----------------
+ this.p = this.percentage * this.w;
+ if (this.p <= this.h) {
+ this.ctx.beginPath();
+ this.ctx.arc(
+ this.h / 2 + this.x,
+ this.h / 2 + this.y,
+ this.h / 2,
+ Math.PI - Math.acos((this.h - this.p) / this.h),
+ Math.PI + Math.acos((this.h - this.p) / this.h)
+ );
+ this.ctx.save();
+ this.ctx.scale(-1, 1);
+ this.ctx.arc(
+ this.h / 2 - this.p - this.x,
+ this.h / 2 + this.y,
+ this.h / 2,
+ Math.PI - Math.acos((this.h - this.p) / this.h),
+ Math.PI + Math.acos((this.h - this.p) / this.h)
+ );
+ this.ctx.restore();
+ this.ctx.closePath();
+ } else {
+ this.ctx.beginPath();
+ this.ctx.arc(this.h / 2 + this.x, this.h / 2 + this.y, this.h / 2, Math.PI / 2, (3 / 2) * Math.PI);
+ this.ctx.lineTo(this.p - this.h + this.x, 0 + this.y);
+ this.ctx.arc(this.p - this.h / 2 + this.x, this.h / 2 + this.y, this.h / 2, (3 / 2) * Math.PI, Math.PI / 2);
+ this.ctx.lineTo(this.h / 2 + this.x, this.h + this.y);
+ this.ctx.closePath();
+ }
+ this.ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
+ this.ctx.fill();
+ }
+ // showWholeProgressBar(){
+ // this.ctx.beginPath();
+ // this.ctx.arc(this.h / 2 + this.x, this.h / 2 + this.y, this.h / 2, Math.PI / 2, 3 / 2 * Math.PI);
+ // this.ctx.lineTo(this.w - this.h + this.x, 0 + this.y);
+ // this.ctx.arc(this.w - this.h / 2 + this.x, this.h / 2 + this.y, this.h / 2, 3 / 2 *Math.PI, Math.PI / 2);
+ // this.ctx.lineTo(this.h / 2 + this.x, this.h + this.y);
+ // this.ctx.strokeStyle = '#000000';
+ // this.ctx.stroke();
+ // this.ctx.closePath();
+ // }
+ get PPercentage(): number {
+ return this.percentage * 100;
+ }
+ set PPercentage(x: number) {
+ this.percentage = x / 100;
+ }