path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/src/commands/config/config.ts b/src/commands/config/config.ts
index 9377dd0..87397ee 100644
--- a/src/commands/config/config.ts
+++ b/src/commands/config/config.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
import {
- ArgType,
+ type ArgType,
type BushMessage,
type BushSlashMessage,
- type GuildSettings
+ type GuildSettings,
+ type GuildSettingType
} from '#lib';
+import assert from 'assert';
import { type ArgumentOptions, type Flag } from 'discord-akairo';
import {
@@ -20,8 +22,7 @@ import {
type Message,
type MessageComponentInteraction,
- type MessageOptions,
- type Snowflake
+ type MessageOptions
} from 'discord.js';
import _ from 'lodash';
@@ -37,41 +38,47 @@ export default class SettingsCommand extends BushCommand {
examples: ['settings', 'config prefix set -'],
slash: true,
slashOptions: settingsArr.map((setting) => {
+ const obj = guildSettingsObj[setting];
+ const type = obj.type;
+ const baseTypeUpper = type.replace('-array', '').toUpperCase() as SlashArgType;
+ const isArray = type.includes('-array');
+ const loweredName = obj.name.toLowerCase();
return {
name: _.snakeCase(setting),
- description: `Manage the server's ${guildSettingsObj[setting].name.toLowerCase()}`,
+ description: `Manage the server's ${loweredName}`,
- options: guildSettingsObj[setting].type.includes('-array')
+ options: isArray
? [
name: 'view',
- description: `View the server's ${guildSettingsObj[setting].name.toLowerCase()}.`,
+ description: `View the server's ${loweredName}.`,
name: 'add',
- description: `Add a value to the server's ${guildSettingsObj[setting].name.toLowerCase()}.`,
+ description: `Add a value to the server's ${loweredName}.`,
type: 'SUB_COMMAND',
options: [
name: 'value',
- description: `What would you like to add to the server's ${guildSettingsObj[setting].name.toLowerCase()}?'`,
- type: guildSettingsObj[setting].type.replace('-array', '').toUpperCase() as SlashArgType,
+ description: `What would you like to add to the server's ${loweredName}?'`,
+ type: baseTypeUpper,
+ channelTypes: baseTypeUpper === 'CHANNEL' && obj.subType ? obj.subType : undefined,
required: true
name: 'remove',
- description: `Remove a value from the server's ${guildSettingsObj[setting].name.toLowerCase()}.`,
+ description: `Remove a value from the server's ${loweredName}.`,
type: 'SUB_COMMAND',
options: [
name: 'value',
- description: `What would you like to remove from the server's ${guildSettingsObj[
- setting
- ].name.toLowerCase()}?'`,
- type: guildSettingsObj[setting].type.replace('-array', '').toUpperCase() as SlashArgType,
+ description: `What would you like to remove from the server's ${loweredName}?'`,
+ type: baseTypeUpper,
+ channelTypes: baseTypeUpper === 'CHANNEL' && obj.subType ? obj.subType : undefined,
required: true
@@ -80,18 +87,19 @@ export default class SettingsCommand extends BushCommand {
: [
name: 'view',
- description: `View the server's ${guildSettingsObj[setting].name.toLowerCase()}.`,
+ description: `View the server's ${loweredName}.`,
name: 'set',
- description: `Set the server's ${guildSettingsObj[setting].name.toLowerCase()}.`,
+ description: `Set the server's ${loweredName}.`,
type: 'SUB_COMMAND',
options: [
name: 'value',
- description: `What would you like to set the server's ${guildSettingsObj[setting].name.toLowerCase()} to?'`,
- type: guildSettingsObj[setting].type.toUpperCase() as SlashArgType,
+ description: `What would you like to set the server's ${loweredName} to?'`,
+ type: baseTypeUpper,
+ channelTypes: baseTypeUpper === 'CHANNEL' && obj.subType ? obj.subType : undefined,
required: true
@@ -105,9 +113,9 @@ export default class SettingsCommand extends BushCommand {
- public override *args(message: BushMessage): Generator<ArgumentOptions | Flag> {
+ public override *args(message: BushMessage): Generator<ArgumentOptions | Flag, any, any> {
const optional = message.util.parsed!.alias === 'settings';
- const setting = yield {
+ const setting: GuildSettings = yield {
id: 'setting',
type: settingsArr,
prompt: {
@@ -125,7 +133,7 @@ export default class SettingsCommand extends BushCommand {
: ['view', 'set']
: undefined;
- const action = setting
+ const action: string = setting
? yield {
id: 'action',
type: actionType,
@@ -156,7 +164,7 @@ export default class SettingsCommand extends BushCommand {
: `the ${setting} setting to`
: undefined;
- const value =
+ const value: typeof valueType =
setting && action && action !== 'view'
? yield {
id: 'value',
@@ -287,44 +295,40 @@ export default class SettingsCommand extends BushCommand {
return { embeds: [settingsEmbed], components: [selMenu] };
} else {
- const generateCurrentValue = async (type: SettingTypes): Promise<string> => {
+ const generateCurrentValue = async (type: GuildSettingType): Promise<string> => {
const feat = await message.guild!.getSetting(setting);
+ let func = (v: string) => v;
switch (type.replace('-array', '') as BaseSettingTypes) {
case 'string': {
- return Array.isArray(feat)
- ? feat.length
- ? feat.map((feat) => util.discord.escapeInlineCode(util.inspectAndRedact(feat))).join('\n')
- : '[Empty Array]'
- : feat !== null
- ? util.discord.escapeInlineCode(util.inspectAndRedact(feat))
- : '[No Value Set]';
+ func = (v: string) => util.inspectAndRedact(v);
+ break;
case 'channel': {
- return Array.isArray(feat)
- ? feat.length
- ? feat.map((feat) => `<#${feat}>`).join('\n')
- : '[Empty Array]'
- : `<#${feat as Snowflake}>`;
+ func = (v: string) => `<#${v}>`;
+ break;
case 'role': {
- return Array.isArray(feat)
- ? feat.length
- ? feat.map((feat) => `<@&${feat}>`).join('\n')
- : '[Empty Array]'
- : `<@&${feat as Snowflake}>`;
+ func = (v: string) => `<@&${v}>`;
+ break;
case 'user': {
- return Array.isArray(feat)
- ? feat.length
- ? feat.map((feat) => `<@${feat}>`).join('\n')
- : '[Empty Array]'
- : `<@${feat as Snowflake}>`;
+ func = (v: string) => `<@${v}>`;
+ break;
case 'custom': {
return util.inspectAndRedact(feat);
+ assert(typeof feat === 'string', `feat is not a string: ${util.inspect(feat)}`);
+ return Array.isArray(feat)
+ ? feat.length
+ ? feat.map(func).join('\n')
+ : '[Empty Array]'
+ : feat !== null
+ ? func(feat)
+ : '[No Value Set]';
const components = new MessageActionRow().addComponents(
@@ -334,11 +338,11 @@ export default class SettingsCommand extends BushCommand {
`${Formatters.italic(guildSettingsObj[setting].description)}\n\n**Type**: ${guildSettingsObj[setting].type}`
- settingsEmbed.setFooter(
- `Run "${util.prefix(message)}${message.util.parsed?.alias ?? 'config'} ${
+ settingsEmbed.setFooter({
+ text: `Run "${util.prefix(message)}${message.util.parsed?.alias ?? 'config'} ${
message.util.isSlash ? _.snakeCase(setting) : setting
} ${guildSettingsObj[setting].type.includes('-array') ? 'add/remove' : 'set'} <value>" to set this setting.`
- );
+ });
settingsEmbed.addField('value', (await generateCurrentValue(guildSettingsObj[setting].type)) || '[No Value Set]');
return { embeds: [settingsEmbed], components: [components] };
@@ -347,5 +351,4 @@ export default class SettingsCommand extends BushCommand {
type SlashArgType = 'ROLE' | 'STRING' | 'CHANNEL' | 'USER';
type BaseSettingTypes = 'string' | 'channel' | 'role' | 'user' | 'custom';
-type SettingTypes = 'string' | 'channel' | 'channel-array' | 'role' | 'role-array' | 'user' | 'user-array' | 'custom';
type Action = 'view' | 'add' | 'remove' | 'set';