import * as Moderation from '#lib/common/Moderation.js'; import { unmuteResponse } from '#lib/extensions/discord.js/ExtendedGuildMember.js'; import { colors, emojis } from '#lib/utils/Constants.js'; import * as Format from '#lib/utils/Format.js'; import { formatUnmuteResponse } from '#lib/utils/FormatResponse.js'; import { ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonInteraction, ButtonStyle, GuildMember, Message, PermissionFlagsBits, Snowflake } from 'discord.js'; /** * Handles shared auto moderation functionality. */ export abstract class Automod { /** * Whether or not a punishment has already been given to the user */ protected punished = false; /** * @param member The guild member that the automod is checking */ protected constructor(protected readonly member: GuildMember) {} /** * The user */ protected get user() { return this.member.user; } /** * The client instance */ protected get client() { return this.member.client; } /** * The guild member that the automod is checking */ protected get guild() { return this.member.guild; } /** * Whether or not the member should be immune to auto moderation */ protected get isImmune() { if (this.member.user.isOwner()) return true; if (this.member.guild.ownerId === return true; if (this.member.permissions.has('Administrator')) return true; return false; } protected buttons(userId: Snowflake, reason: string, undo = true): ActionRowBuilder { const row = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents([ new ButtonBuilder({ style: ButtonStyle.Danger, label: 'Ban User', customId: `automod;ban;${userId};${reason}` }) ]); if (undo) { row.addComponents( new ButtonBuilder({ style: ButtonStyle.Success, label: 'Unmute User', customId: `automod;unmute;${userId}` }) ); } return row; } protected logColor(severity: Severity) { switch (severity) { case Severity.DELETE: return colors.lightGray; case Severity.WARN: return colors.yellow; case Severity.TEMP_MUTE: return; case Severity.PERM_MUTE: return; } throw new Error(`Unknown severity: ${severity}`); } /** * Checks if any of the words provided are in the message * @param words The words to check for * @returns The blacklisted words found in the message */ protected checkWords(words: BadWordDetails[], str: string): BadWordDetails[] { if (words.length === 0) return []; const matchedWords: BadWordDetails[] = []; for (const word of words) { if (word.regex) { if (new RegExp(word.match).test(this.format(word.match, word))) { matchedWords.push(word); } } else { if (this.format(str, word).includes(this.format(word.match, word))) { matchedWords.push(word); } } } return matchedWords; } /** * Format a string according to the word options * @param string The string to format * @param wordOptions The word options to format with * @returns The formatted string */ protected format(string: string, wordOptions: BadWordDetails) { const temp = wordOptions.ignoreCapitalization ? string.toLowerCase() : string; return wordOptions.ignoreSpaces ? temp.replace(/ /g, '') : temp; } /** * Handles the auto moderation */ protected abstract handle(): Promise; } /** * Handles the ban button in the automod log. * @param interaction The button interaction. */ export async function handleAutomodInteraction(interaction: ButtonInteraction) { if (!interaction.memberPermissions?.has(PermissionFlagsBits.BanMembers)) return interaction.reply({ content: `${emojis.error} You are missing the **Ban Members** permission.`, ephemeral: true }); const [action, userId, reason] = interaction.customId.replace('automod;', '').split(';') as ['ban' | 'unmute', string, string]; if (!(['ban', 'unmute'] as const).includes(action)) throw new TypeError(`Invalid automod button action: ${action}`); const victim = await interaction.guild!.members.fetch(userId).catch(() => null); const moderator = interaction.member instanceof GuildMember ? interaction.member : await interaction.guild!.members.fetch(; switch (action) { case 'ban': { if (!interaction.guild?'BanMembers')) return interaction.reply({ content: `${emojis.error} I do not have permission to ${action} members.`, ephemeral: true }); const check = victim ? await Moderation.permissionCheck(moderator, victim, Moderation.Action.Ban, true) : true; if (check !== true) return interaction.reply({ content: check, ephemeral: true }); const result = await interaction.guild?.customBan({ user: userId, reason, moderator:, evidence: (interaction.message as Message).url ?? undefined }); const victimUserFormatted = (await interaction.client.utils.resolveNonCachedUser(userId))?.tag ?? userId; const content = (() => { if (result === unmuteResponse.Success) { return `${emojis.success} Successfully banned ${Format.input(victimUserFormatted)}.`; } else if (result === unmuteResponse.DmError) { return `${emojis.warn} Banned ${Format.input(victimUserFormatted)} however I could not send them a dm.`; } else { return `${emojis.error} Could not ban ${Format.input(victimUserFormatted)}: \`${result}\` .`; } })(); return interaction.reply({ content: content, ephemeral: true }); } case 'unmute': { if (!victim) return interaction.reply({ content: `${emojis.error} Cannot find member, they may have left the server.`, ephemeral: true }); if (!interaction.guild) return interaction.reply({ content: `${emojis.error} This is weird, I don't seem to be in the server...`, ephemeral: true }); const check = await Moderation.permissionCheck(moderator, victim, Moderation.Action.Unmute, true); if (check !== true) return interaction.reply({ content: check, ephemeral: true }); const check2 = await Moderation.checkMutePermissions(interaction.guild); if (check2 !== true) return interaction.reply({ content: formatUnmuteResponse('/', victim!, check2), ephemeral: true }); const result = await victim.customUnmute({ reason, moderator: interaction.member as GuildMember, evidence: (interaction.message as Message).url ?? undefined }); const victimUserFormatted = victim.user.tag; const content = (() => { if (result === unmuteResponse.Success) { return `${emojis.success} Successfully unmuted ${Format.input(victimUserFormatted)}.`; } else if (result === unmuteResponse.DmError) { return `${emojis.warn} Unmuted ${Format.input(victimUserFormatted)} however I could not send them a dm.`; } else { return `${emojis.error} Could not unmute ${Format.input(victimUserFormatted)}: \`${result}\` .`; } })(); return interaction.reply({ content: content, ephemeral: true }); } } } /** * The severity of the blacklisted word */ export const enum Severity { /** * Delete message */ DELETE, /** * Delete message and warn user */ WARN, /** * Delete message and mute user for 15 minutes */ TEMP_MUTE, /** * Delete message and mute user permanently */ PERM_MUTE } /** * Details about a blacklisted word */ export interface BadWordDetails { /** * The word that is blacklisted */ match: string; /** * The severity of the word */ severity: Severity | 1 | 2 | 3; /** * Whether or not to ignore spaces when checking for the word */ ignoreSpaces: boolean; /** * Whether or not to ignore case when checking for the word */ ignoreCapitalization: boolean; /** * The reason that this word is blacklisted (used for the punishment reason) */ reason: string; /** * Whether or not the word is regex * @default false */ regex: boolean; /** * Whether to also check a user's status and username for the phrase * @default false */ userInfo: boolean; } /** * Blacklisted words mapped to their details */ export interface BadWords { [category: string]: BadWordDetails[]; }