import { AppealStatus, ModLog } from '#lib/models/instance/ModLog.js'; import { colors, emojis } from '#lib/utils/Constants.js'; import { input } from '#lib/utils/Format.js'; import { capitalize, ModalInput } from '#lib/utils/Utils.js'; import { ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle, EmbedBuilder, TextInputStyle, type ButtonInteraction, type ModalSubmitInteraction, type Snowflake } from 'discord.js'; import assert from 'node:assert/strict'; import { Action, punishments } from './Moderation.js'; type AppealBase = 'appeal_attempt' | 'appeal_submit' | 'appeal_accept' | 'appeal_deny'; type RawAppealInfo = [baseId: AppealBase, punishment: `${Action}`, guildId: Snowflake, userId: Snowflake, modlogId: string]; type AppealInfo = [baseId: AppealBase, punishment: Action, guildId: Snowflake, userId: Snowflake, modlogId: string]; export type AppealIdString = `${RawAppealInfo[0]};${RawAppealInfo[1]};${RawAppealInfo[2]};${RawAppealInfo[3]};${RawAppealInfo[4]}`; function parseAppeal(customId: AppealIdString | string): AppealInfo { const [baseId, _punishment, guildId, userId, modlogId] = customId.split(';') as RawAppealInfo; const punishment = Action[Action[_punishment] as keyof typeof Action]; return [baseId, punishment, guildId, userId, modlogId]; } /** * Handles when a user clicks the "Appeal Punishment" button on a punishment dm. * @param interaction A button interaction with a custom id thar starts with "appeal_attempt;". */ export async function handleAppealAttempt(interaction: ButtonInteraction) { const [baseId, punishment, guildId, userId, modlogId] = parseAppeal(interaction.customId); const { base, past, appealCustom } = punishments[punishment]; const appealName = appealCustom ?? capitalize(base); const guild = interaction.client.guilds.resolve(guildId); if (!guild) { return await interaction.reply(`${emojis.error} I am no longer in that server.`); } const modlog = await ModLog.findByPk(modlogId); if (!modlog) { return await interaction.reply(`:skull: I cannot find the modlog ${input(modlogId)}. Please report this to my developers.`); } switch (modlog.appeal) { case AppealStatus.Accepted: return await interaction.reply( `${emojis.error} Your punishment (${input(modlogId)}) has already been appealed and accepted.` ); case AppealStatus.Denied: return await interaction.reply( `${emojis.error} Your punishment (${input(modlogId)}) has already been appealed and denied.` ); case AppealStatus.Submitted: return await interaction.reply( `${emojis.error} Your punishment (${input( modlogId )}) has already been appealed, please be patient for a moderator to review your appeal.` ); default: { const _exhaustiveCheck: AppealStatus.None = modlog.appeal; } } const baseInput = { style: TextInputStyle.Paragraph, required: true, maxLength: 1024 }; return await interaction.showModal({ customId: `appeal_submit;${punishment};${guildId};${userId};${modlogId}`, title: `${appealName} Appeal`, components: [ ModalInput({ ...baseInput, label: `Why were you ${past}?`, placeholder: `Why do you think you received a ${base}?`, customId: 'appeal_reason' }), ModalInput({ ...baseInput, label: 'Do you believe it was fair?', placeholder: `Do you think that your ${base} is fair?`, customId: 'appeal_fair' }), ModalInput({ ...baseInput, label: `Why should your ${base} be removed?`, placeholder: `Why do you think your ${base} be removed?`, customId: 'appeal_why' }) ] }); } /** * Handles when a user submits the modal for appealing a punishment. * @param interaction A modal interaction with a custom id that starts with "appeal_submit;". */ export async function handleAppealSubmit(interaction: ModalSubmitInteraction) { const [baseId, punishment, guildId, userId, modlogId] = parseAppeal(interaction.customId); const { base, past, appealCustom } = punishments[punishment]; const appealName = appealCustom ?? capitalize(base); const guild = interaction.client.guilds.resolve(guildId); if (!guild) { return await interaction.reply(`${emojis.error} I am no longer in that server.`); } const modlog = await ModLog.findByPk(modlogId); if (!modlog) { return await interaction.reply(`:skull: I cannot find the modlog ${input(modlogId)}. Please report this to my developers.`); } if (modlog.appeal !== AppealStatus.None) { return await interaction.reply(`Invalid appeal status: ${modlog.appeal}`); } modlog.appeal = AppealStatus.Submitted; await; const appealChannel = await guild.getLogChannel('appeals'); if (!appealChannel) { return await interaction.reply(`${emojis.error} I could not find an appeals channel in this server.`); } const user = await interaction.client.users.fetch(userId); const reason = interaction.fields.getTextInputValue('appeal_reason'); const fair = interaction.fields.getTextInputValue('appeal_fair'); const why = interaction.fields.getTextInputValue('appeal_why'); const embed = new EmbedBuilder() .setTitle(`${appealName} Appeal`) .setColor(colors.newBlurple) .setTimestamp() .setFooter({ text: `CaseID: ${modlogId}` }) .setAuthor({ name: user.tag, iconURL: user.displayAvatarURL() }) .addFields( { name: `Why were you ${past}?`, value: reason }, { name: 'Do you believe it was fair?', value: fair }, { name: `Why should your ${base} be removed?`, value: why } ); return await appealChannel.send({ content: `Appeal submitted by ${user.tag} (${})`, embeds: [embed], components: [ new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents( new ButtonBuilder({ customId: `appeal_accept;${punishment};${guildId};${userId};${modlogId}`, label: 'Accept Appeal', style: ButtonStyle.Success }), new ButtonBuilder({ customId: `appeal_deny;${punishment};${guildId};${userId};${modlogId}`, label: 'Deny Appeal', style: ButtonStyle.Danger }) ) ] }); } /** * Handles interactions when a moderator clicks the "Accept" or "Deny" button on a punishment appeal. * @param interaction A button interaction with a custom id that starts with "appeal_accept;" or "appeal_deny;". */ export async function handleAppealDecision(interaction: ButtonInteraction) { const [baseId, punishment, guildId, userId, modlogId] = parseAppeal(interaction.customId); const { base, past, appealCustom } = punishments[punishment]; const appealName = (appealCustom ?? base).toLowerCase(); const modlog = await ModLog.findByPk(modlogId); if (!modlog) { return await interaction.reply(`:skull: I cannot find the modlog ${input(modlogId)}. Please report this to my developers.`); } if (modlog.appeal !== AppealStatus.Submitted) { return await interaction.reply( `:skull: Case ${input(modlogId)} has an invalid state of ${input(modlog.appeal)}. Please report this to my developers.` ); } if (baseId === 'appeal_deny') { modlog.appeal = AppealStatus.Denied; await; await interaction.client.users .send(userId, `Your ${appealName} appeal has been denied in ${interaction.client.guilds.resolve(guildId)!}.`) .catch(() => {}); return await interaction.update({ content: `${emojis.cross} Appeal denied.`, embeds: interaction.message.embeds, components: [ new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents( new ButtonBuilder({ disabled: true, style: ButtonStyle.Danger, label: 'Appeal Denied', custom_id: 'noop' }) ) ] }); } else if (baseId === 'appeal_accept') { modlog.appeal = AppealStatus.Accepted; await; await interaction.client.users .send(userId, `Your ${appealName} appeal has been accepted in ${interaction.client.guilds.resolve(guildId)!}.`) .catch(() => {}); switch (punishment) { case Action.Warn: case Action.Unmute: case Action.Kick: case Action.Unban: case Action.Untimeout: case Action.Unblock: case Action.RemovePunishRole:`Cannot appeal ${appealName} (Action.${Action[punishment]})`); return; case Action.Mute: { throw new Error('Not implemented'); } case Action.Ban: { throw new Error('Not implemented'); } case Action.Timeout: { throw new Error('Not implemented'); } case Action.Block: { throw new Error('Not implemented'); } case Action.AddPunishRole: { throw new Error('Not implemented'); } default: { const _exhaustiveCheck: never = punishment; } } return await interaction.update({ content: `${emojis.check} Appeal accepted.`, embeds: interaction.message.embeds, components: [ new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents( new ButtonBuilder({ disabled: true, style: ButtonStyle.Success, label: 'Appeal Accepted', custom_id: 'noop' }) ) ] }); } }