import { DeleteButton, type CommandMessage, type SlashMessage } from '#lib'; import { CommandUtil } from '@notenoughupdates/discord-akairo'; import { ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle, EmbedBuilder, type APIEmbed, type Message, type MessageComponentInteraction } from 'discord.js'; /** * Sends multiple embeds with controls to switch between them */ export class ButtonPaginator { /** * The current page of the paginator */ protected curPage: number; /** * The paginator message */ protected sentMessage: Message | undefined; /** * @param message The message that triggered the command * @param embeds The embeds to switch between * @param text The optional text to send with the paginator * @param {} [deleteOnExit=true] Whether the paginator message gets deleted when the exit button is pressed * @param startOn The page to start from (**not** the index) */ protected constructor( protected message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage, protected embeds: EmbedBuilder[] | APIEmbed[], protected text: string, protected deleteOnExit: boolean, startOn: number ) { this.curPage = startOn - 1; // add footers for (let i = 0; i < embeds.length; i++) { if (embeds[i] instanceof EmbedBuilder) { (embeds[i] as EmbedBuilder).setFooter({ text: `Page ${(i + 1).toLocaleString()}/${embeds.length.toLocaleString()}` }); } else { (embeds[i] as APIEmbed).footer = { text: `Page ${(i + 1).toLocaleString()}/${embeds.length.toLocaleString()}` }; } } } /** * The number of pages in the paginator */ protected get numPages(): number { return this.embeds.length; } /** * Sends the paginator message */ protected async send() { this.sentMessage = await this.message.util.reply({ content: this.text, embeds: [this.embeds[this.curPage]], components: [this.getPaginationRow()] }); const collector = this.sentMessage.createMessageComponentCollector({ filter: (i) => i.customId.startsWith('paginate_'), time: 300_000 }); collector.on('collect', (i) => void this.collect(i)); collector.on('end', () => void this.end()); } /** * Handles interactions with the paginator * @param interaction The interaction received */ protected async collect(interaction: MessageComponentInteraction) { if ( !== && !this.message.client.config.owners.includes( return await interaction?.deferUpdate().catch(() => null); switch (interaction.customId) { case 'paginate_beginning': this.curPage = 0; await this.edit(interaction); break; case 'paginate_back': this.curPage--; await this.edit(interaction); break; case 'paginate_stop': if (this.deleteOnExit) { await interaction.deferUpdate().catch(() => null); await this.sentMessage!.delete().catch(() => null); break; } else { await interaction ?.update({ content: `${this.text ? `${this.text}\n` : ''}Command closed by user.`, embeds: [], components: [] }) .catch(() => null); break; } case 'paginate_next': this.curPage++; await this.edit(interaction); break; case 'paginate_end': this.curPage = this.embeds.length - 1; await this.edit(interaction); break; } } /** * Ends the paginator */ protected async end() { if (this.sentMessage && !CommandUtil.deletedMessages.has( await this.sentMessage .edit({ content: this.text, embeds: [this.embeds[this.curPage]], components: [this.getPaginationRow(true)] }) .catch(() => null); } /** * Edits the paginator message * @param interaction The interaction received */ protected async edit(interaction: MessageComponentInteraction) { await interaction ?.update({ content: this.text, embeds: [this.embeds[this.curPage]], components: [this.getPaginationRow()] }) .catch(() => null); } /** * Generates the pagination row based on the class properties * @param disableAll Whether to disable all buttons * @returns The generated {@link ActionRow} */ protected getPaginationRow(disableAll = false) { return new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents( new ButtonBuilder({ style: ButtonStyle.Primary, customId: 'paginate_beginning', emoji: PaginateEmojis.BEGINNING, disabled: disableAll || this.curPage === 0 }), new ButtonBuilder({ style: ButtonStyle.Primary, customId: 'paginate_back', emoji: PaginateEmojis.BACK, disabled: disableAll || this.curPage === 0 }), new ButtonBuilder({ style: ButtonStyle.Primary, customId: 'paginate_stop', emoji: PaginateEmojis.STOP, disabled: disableAll }), new ButtonBuilder({ style: ButtonStyle.Primary, customId: 'paginate_next', emoji: PaginateEmojis.FORWARD, disabled: disableAll || this.curPage === this.numPages - 1 }), new ButtonBuilder({ style: ButtonStyle.Primary, customId: 'paginate_end', emoji: PaginateEmojis.END, disabled: disableAll || this.curPage === this.numPages - 1 }) ); } /** * Sends multiple embeds with controls to switch between them * @param message The message to respond to * @param embeds The embeds to switch between * @param text The text send with the embeds (optional) * @param deleteOnExit Whether to delete the message when the exit button is clicked (defaults to true) * @param startOn The page to start from (**not** the index) */ public static async send( message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage, embeds: EmbedBuilder[] | APIEmbed[], text: string = '', deleteOnExit = true, startOn = 1 ) { // no need to paginate if there is only one page if (embeds.length === 1) return DeleteButton.send(message, { embeds: embeds }); return await new ButtonPaginator(message, embeds, text, deleteOnExit, startOn).send(); } } export const PaginateEmojis = { BEGINNING: { id: '853667381335162910', name: 'w_paginate_beginning', animated: false } as const, BACK: { id: '853667410203770881', name: 'w_paginate_back', animated: false } as const, STOP: { id: '853667471110570034', name: 'w_paginate_stop', animated: false } as const, FORWARD: { id: '853667492680564747', name: 'w_paginate_next', animated: false } as const, END: { id: '853667514915225640', name: 'w_paginate_end', animated: false } as const } as const;