import { baseMuteResponse, permissionsResponse } from '#lib/extensions/discord.js/ExtendedGuildMember.js'; import { ActivePunishment, ActivePunishmentType, Guild as GuildDB, ModLog, type ModLogType } from '#lib/models/index.js'; import { colors, emojis } from '#lib/utils/Constants.js'; import { format, humanizeDuration, ValueOf } from '#lib/utils/Utils.js'; import assert from 'assert/strict'; import { ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle, Client, EmbedBuilder, PermissionFlagsBits, type Guild, type GuildMember, type GuildMemberResolvable, type GuildResolvable, type Snowflake, type UserResolvable } from 'discord.js'; export enum Action { Warn, Mute, Unmute, Kick, Ban, Unban, Timeout, Untimeout, Block, Unblock, AddPunishRole, RemovePunishRole } interface ActionInfo { /** * The base verb of the action */ base: string; /** * The past tense form of the action */ past: string; /** * Whether or not a user can appeal this action */ appealable: boolean; /** * Whether a moderator can perform this action on themself. */ selfInflictable: boolean; /** * Whether the action requires the target to be in the guild. */ membershipRequired: boolean; /** * Custom appeal title, otherwise {@link ActionInfo.base} is used. */ appealCustom?: string; } export const punishments: Record = { [Action.Warn]: { base: 'warn', past: 'warned', appealable: false, selfInflictable: false, membershipRequired: true }, [Action.Mute]: { base: 'mute', past: 'muted', appealable: true, selfInflictable: false, membershipRequired: true }, [Action.Unmute]: { base: 'unmute', past: 'unmuted', appealable: false, selfInflictable: true, membershipRequired: true }, [Action.Kick]: { base: 'kick', past: 'kicked', appealable: false, selfInflictable: false, membershipRequired: true }, [Action.Ban]: { base: 'ban', past: 'banned', appealable: true, selfInflictable: false, membershipRequired: false }, [Action.Unban]: { base: 'unban', past: 'unbanned', appealable: false, selfInflictable: true, membershipRequired: false }, [Action.Timeout]: { base: 'timeout', past: 'timed out', appealable: true, selfInflictable: false, membershipRequired: true }, [Action.Untimeout]: { base: 'untimeout', past: 'untimed out', appealable: false, selfInflictable: true, membershipRequired: true }, [Action.Block]: { base: 'block', past: 'blocked', appealable: true, selfInflictable: false, membershipRequired: true }, [Action.Unblock]: { base: 'unblock', past: 'unblocked', appealable: false, selfInflictable: true, membershipRequired: true }, [Action.AddPunishRole]: { base: 'add a punishment role to', past: 'added punishment role', appealable: true, appealCustom: 'Punishment Role', selfInflictable: false, membershipRequired: true }, [Action.RemovePunishRole]: { base: 'remove a punishment role from', past: 'removed punishment role', appealable: false, selfInflictable: true, membershipRequired: true } }; interface BaseOptions { /** * The client. */ client: Client; } interface BaseCreateModLogEntryOptions extends BaseOptions { /** * The type of modlog entry. */ type: ModLogType; /** * The reason for the punishment. */ reason: string | undefined | null; /** * The duration of the punishment. */ duration?: number; /** * Whether the punishment is a pseudo punishment. */ pseudo?: boolean; /** * The evidence for the punishment. */ evidence?: string; /** * Makes the modlog entry hidden. */ hidden?: boolean; } /** * Checks if a moderator can perform a moderation action on another user. * @param moderator The person trying to perform the action. * @param victim The person getting punished. * @param type The type of punishment - used to format the response. * @param checkModerator Whether or not to check if the victim is a moderator. * @param force Override permissions checks. * @returns `true` if the moderator can perform the action otherwise a reason why they can't. */ export async function permissionCheck( moderator: GuildMember, victim: GuildMember, type: Action, checkModerator = true, force = false ): Promise { if (force) return true; const action = punishments[type]; // If the victim is not in the guild anymore it will be undefined if (!victim?.guild && action.membershipRequired) return true; assert( ===, 'moderator and victim should be from the same guild'); const isOwner = moderator.guild.ownerId ===; const selfInflicted = ===; if (selfInflicted && !action.selfInflictable) { return `${emojis.error} You cannot ${action.base} yourself.`; } if ( moderator.roles.highest.position <= victim.roles.highest.position && !isOwner && !(action.selfInflictable && selfInflicted) ) { return `${emojis.error} You cannot ${action.base} ${format.input( victim.user.tag )} because they have higher or equal role hierarchy as you do.`; } if ( victim.roles.highest.position >=!.roles.highest.position && !(action.selfInflictable && selfInflicted) ) { return `${emojis.error} You cannot ${action.base} ${format.input( victim.user.tag )} because they have higher or equal role hierarchy as I do.`; } if ( checkModerator && victim.permissions.has(PermissionFlagsBits.ManageMessages) && !(action.selfInflictable && selfInflicted) ) { if (await moderator.guild.hasFeature('modsCanPunishMods')) { return true; } else { return `${emojis.error} You cannot ${action.base} ${format.input(victim.user.tag)} because they are a moderator.`; } } return true; } /** * Performs permission checks that are required in order to (un)mute a member. * @param guild The guild to check the mute permissions in. * @returns A {@link MuteResponse} or true if nothing failed. */ export async function checkMutePermissions( guild: Guild ): Promise | ValueOf | true> { if (!!.permissions.has('ManageRoles')) { return permissionsResponse.MISSING_PERMISSIONS; } const muteRoleID = await guild.getSetting('muteRole'); if (!muteRoleID) return baseMuteResponse.NO_MUTE_ROLE; const muteRole = guild.roles.cache.get(muteRoleID); if (!muteRole) return baseMuteResponse.MUTE_ROLE_INVALID; if (muteRole.position >=!.roles.highest.position || muteRole.managed) { return baseMuteResponse.MUTE_ROLE_NOT_MANAGEABLE; } return true; } /** * Options for creating a modlog entry. */ export interface CreateModLogEntryOptions extends BaseCreateModLogEntryOptions { /** * The client. */ client: Client; /** * The user that a modlog entry is created for. */ user: GuildMemberResolvable; /** * The moderator that created the modlog entry. */ moderator: GuildMemberResolvable; /** * The guild that the punishment is created for. */ guild: GuildResolvable; } /** * Creates a modlog entry for a punishment. * @param options Options for creating a modlog entry. * @param getCaseNumber Whether or not to get the case number of the entry. * @returns An object with the modlog and the case number. */ export async function createModLogEntry( options: CreateModLogEntryOptions, getCaseNumber = false ): Promise<{ log: ModLog | null; caseNum: number | null }> { const user = (await options.client.utils.resolveNonCachedUser(options.user))!.id; const moderator = (await options.client.utils.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator))!.id; const guild = options.client.guilds.resolveId(options.guild)!; return createModLogEntrySimple( { ...options, user: user, moderator: moderator, guild: guild }, getCaseNumber ); } /** * Simple options for creating a modlog entry. */ export interface SimpleCreateModLogEntryOptions extends BaseCreateModLogEntryOptions { /** * The user that a modlog entry is created for. */ user: Snowflake; /** * The moderator that created the modlog entry. */ moderator: Snowflake; /** * The guild that the punishment is created for. */ guild: Snowflake; } /** * Creates a modlog entry with already resolved ids. * @param options Options for creating a modlog entry. * @param getCaseNumber Whether or not to get the case number of the entry. * @returns An object with the modlog and the case number. */ export async function createModLogEntrySimple( options: SimpleCreateModLogEntryOptions, getCaseNumber = false ): Promise<{ log: ModLog | null; caseNum: number | null }> { // If guild does not exist create it so the modlog can reference a guild. await GuildDB.findOrCreate({ where: { id: options.guild }, defaults: { id: options.guild } }); const modLogEntry ={ type: options.type, user: options.user, moderator: options.moderator, reason: options.reason, duration: options.duration ? options.duration : undefined, guild: options.guild, pseudo: options.pseudo ?? false, evidence: options.evidence, hidden: options.hidden ?? false }); const saveResult: ModLog | null = await (e) => { await options.client.utils.handleError('createModLogEntry', e); return null; }); if (!getCaseNumber) return { log: saveResult, caseNum: null }; const caseNum = ( await ModLog.findAll({ where: { type: options.type, user: options.user, guild: options.guild, hidden: false } }) )?.length; return { log: saveResult, caseNum }; } /** * Options for creating a punishment entry. */ export interface CreatePunishmentEntryOptions extends BaseOptions { /** * The type of punishment. */ type: 'mute' | 'ban' | 'role' | 'block'; /** * The user that the punishment is created for. */ user: GuildMemberResolvable; /** * The length of time the punishment lasts for. */ duration: number | undefined; /** * The guild that the punishment is created for. */ guild: GuildResolvable; /** * The id of the modlog that is linked to the punishment entry. */ modlog: string; /** * Extra information for the punishment. The role for role punishments and the channel for blocks. */ extraInfo?: Snowflake; } /** * Creates a punishment entry. * @param options Options for creating the punishment entry. * @returns The database entry, or null if no entry is created. */ export async function createPunishmentEntry(options: CreatePunishmentEntryOptions): Promise { const expires = options.duration ? new Date(+new Date() + options.duration ?? 0) : undefined; const user = (await options.client.utils.resolveNonCachedUser(options.user))!.id; const guild = options.client.guilds.resolveId(options.guild)!; const type = findTypeEnum(options.type)!; const entry = options.extraInfo ? { user, type, guild, expires, modlog: options.modlog, extraInfo: options.extraInfo } : { user, type, guild, expires, modlog: options.modlog } ); return await (e) => { await options.client.utils.handleError('createPunishmentEntry', e); return null; }); } /** * Options for removing a punishment entry. */ export interface RemovePunishmentEntryOptions extends BaseOptions { /** * The type of punishment. */ type: 'mute' | 'ban' | 'role' | 'block'; /** * The user that the punishment is destroyed for. */ user: GuildMemberResolvable; /** * The guild that the punishment was in. */ guild: GuildResolvable; /** * Extra information for the punishment. The role for role punishments and the channel for blocks. */ extraInfo?: Snowflake; } /** * Destroys a punishment entry. * @param options Options for destroying the punishment entry. * @returns Whether or not the entry was destroyed. */ export async function removePunishmentEntry(options: RemovePunishmentEntryOptions): Promise { const user = await options.client.utils.resolveNonCachedUser(options.user); const guild = options.client.guilds.resolveId(options.guild); const type = findTypeEnum(options.type); if (!user || !guild) return false; let success = true; const entries = await ActivePunishment.findAll({ // finding all cases of a certain type incase there were duplicates or something where: options.extraInfo ? { user:, guild: guild, type, extraInfo: options.extraInfo } : { user:, guild: guild, type } }).catch(async (e) => { await options.client.utils.handleError('removePunishmentEntry', e); success = false; }); if (entries) { const promises = (entry) => entry.destroy().catch(async (e) => { await options.client.utils.handleError('removePunishmentEntry', e); success = false; }) ); await Promise.all(promises); } return success; } /** * Returns the punishment type enum for the given type. * @param type The type of the punishment. * @returns The punishment type enum. */ function findTypeEnum(type: 'mute' | 'ban' | 'role' | 'block') { const typeMap = { mute: ActivePunishmentType.Mute, ban: ActivePunishmentType.Ban, role: ActivePunishmentType.Role, block: ActivePunishmentType.Block }; return typeMap[type]; } /** * Options for sending a user a punishment dm. */ export interface PunishDMOptions extends BaseOptions { /** * The modlog case id so the user can make an appeal. */ modlog?: string; /** * The guild that the punishment is taking place in. */ guild: Guild; /** * The user that is being punished. */ user: UserResolvable; /** * The punishment that the user has received. */ punishment: Action; /** * The reason the user's punishment. */ reason?: string; /** * The duration of the punishment. */ duration?: number; /** * Whether or not to send the guild's punishment footer with the dm. * @default true */ sendFooter: boolean; /** * The channel that the user was (un)blocked from. */ channel?: Snowflake; } /** * Notifies the specified user of their punishment. * @param options Options for notifying the user. * @returns Whether or not the dm was successfully sent. */ export async function punishDM(options: PunishDMOptions): Promise { const ending = await options.guild.getSetting('punishmentEnding'); const dmEmbed = ending && ending.length && options.sendFooter ? new EmbedBuilder().setDescription(ending).setColor(colors.newBlurple) : undefined; const appealsEnabled = (await options.guild.hasFeature('punishmentAppeals')) && Boolean(await options.guild.getLogChannel('appeals')); let content = `You have been ${options.punishment} `; if ([Action.Block, Action.Unblock].includes(options.punishment)) { assert(; content += `from <#${}> `; } content += `in ${format.input(} `; if (options.duration !== null && options.duration !== undefined) { content += options.duration ? `for ${humanizeDuration(options.duration)} ` : 'permanently '; } const reason = options.reason?.trim() ? options.reason?.trim() : 'No reason provided'; content += `for ${format.input(reason)}.`; let components; if (appealsEnabled && options.modlog) { const punishment = options.punishment; const guildId =; const userId = options.client.users.resolveId(options.user); const modlogCase = options.modlog; components = [ new ActionRowBuilder({ components: [ new ButtonBuilder({ customId: `appeal_attempt;${Action[punishment]};${guildId};${userId};${modlogCase}`, style: ButtonStyle.Primary, label: 'Appeal Punishment' }) ] }) ]; } const dmSuccess = await options.client.users .send(options.user, { content, embeds: dmEmbed ? [dmEmbed] : undefined, components }) .catch(() => false); return !!dmSuccess; }