import { type DiscordEmojiInfo, type RoleWithDuration } from '#args'; import type { BotArgumentTypeCaster, BotCommandHandler, BotInhibitor, BotListener, BotTask, ParsedDuration, TanzaniteClient } from '#lib'; import { Command, CommandArguments, type ArgumentMatch, type ArgumentOptions, type ArgumentType, type ArgumentTypeCaster, type BaseArgumentType, type CommandOptions, type CommandUtil, type ContextMenuCommand, type SlashOption, type SlashResolveType } from '@notenoughupdates/discord-akairo'; import { ApplicationCommandChannelOption, PermissionsBitField, type ApplicationCommandOptionChoiceData, type ApplicationCommandOptionType, type Message, type PermissionsString, type Snowflake, type User } from 'discord.js'; import { camelCase } from 'lodash-es'; import { SlashMessage } from './SlashMessage.js'; export interface OverriddenBaseArgumentType extends BaseArgumentType { commandAlias: BotCommand | null; command: BotCommand | null; inhibitor: BotInhibitor | null; listener: BotListener | null; task: BotTask | null; contextMenuCommand: ContextMenuCommand | null; } export interface BaseBotArgumentType extends OverriddenBaseArgumentType { duration: number | null; contentWithDuration: ParsedDuration; permission: PermissionsString | null; snowflake: Snowflake | null; discordEmoji: DiscordEmojiInfo | null; roleWithDuration: RoleWithDuration | null; abbreviatedNumber: number | null; globalUser: User | null; messageLink: Message | null; durationSeconds: number | null; tinyColor: string | null; } export type BotArgumentType = keyof BaseBotArgumentType | RegExp; interface BaseBotArgumentOptions extends Omit, ExtraArgumentOptions { id: string; description: string; /** * The message sent for the prompt and the slash command description. */ prompt?: string; /** * The message set for the retry prompt. */ retry?: string; /** * Whether or not the argument is optional. */ optional?: boolean; /** * The type used for slash commands. Set to false to disable this argument for slash commands. */ slashType: SlashOption['type'] | false; /** * Allows you to get a discord resolved object * * ex. get the resolved member object when the type is {@link ApplicationCommandOptionType.User User} */ slashResolve?: SlashResolveType; /** * The choices of the option for the user to pick from */ choices?: ApplicationCommandOptionChoiceData[]; /** * Whether the option is an autocomplete option */ autocomplete?: boolean; /** * When the option type is channel, the allowed types of channels that can be selected */ channelTypes?: ApplicationCommandChannelOption['channelTypes']; /** * The minimum value for an {@link ApplicationCommandOptionType.Integer Integer} or {@link ApplicationCommandOptionType.Number Number} option */ minValue?: number; /** * The maximum value for an {@link ApplicationCommandOptionType.Integer Integer} or {@link ApplicationCommandOptionType.Number Number} option */ maxValue?: number; } interface ExtraArgumentOptions { /** * Restrict this argument to only slash or only text commands. */ only?: 'slash' | 'text'; /** * Readable type for the help command. */ readableType?: string; /** * Whether the argument is only accessible to the owners. * @default false */ ownerOnly?: boolean; /** * Whether the argument is only accessible to the super users. * @default false */ superUserOnly?: boolean; } export interface BotArgumentOptions extends BaseBotArgumentOptions { /** * The type that the argument should be cast to. * - `string` does not cast to any type. * - `lowercase` makes the input lowercase. * - `uppercase` makes the input uppercase. * - `charCodes` transforms the input to an array of char codes. * - `number` casts to a number. * - `integer` casts to an integer. * - `bigint` casts to a big integer. * - `url` casts to an `URL` object. * - `date` casts to a `Date` object. * - `color` casts a hex code to an integer. * - `commandAlias` tries to resolve to a command from an alias. * - `command` matches the ID of a command. * - `inhibitor` matches the ID of an inhibitor. * - `listener` matches the ID of a listener. * * Possible Discord-related types. * These types can be plural (add an 's' to the end) and a collection of matching objects will be used. * - `user` tries to resolve to a user. * - `member` tries to resolve to a member. * - `relevant` tries to resolve to a relevant user, works in both guilds and DMs. * - `channel` tries to resolve to a channel. * - `textChannel` tries to resolve to a text channel. * - `voiceChannel` tries to resolve to a voice channel. * - `stageChannel` tries to resolve to a stage channel. * - `threadChannel` tries to resolve a thread channel. * - `role` tries to resolve to a role. * - `emoji` tries to resolve to a custom emoji. * - `guild` tries to resolve to a guild. * - `permission` tries to resolve to a permissions. * * Other Discord-related types: * - `message` tries to fetch a message from an ID within the channel. * - `guildMessage` tries to fetch a message from an ID within the guild. * - `relevantMessage` is a combination of the above, works in both guilds and DMs. * - `invite` tries to fetch an invite object from a link. * - `userMention` matches a mention of a user. * - `memberMention` matches a mention of a guild member. * - `channelMention` matches a mention of a channel. * - `roleMention` matches a mention of a role. * - `emojiMention` matches a mention of an emoji. * * Misc: * - `duration` tries to parse duration in milliseconds * - `contentWithDuration` tries to parse duration in milliseconds and returns the remaining content with the duration * removed */ type?: BotArgumentType | (keyof BaseBotArgumentType)[] | BotArgumentTypeCaster; } export interface CustomBotArgumentOptions extends BaseBotArgumentOptions { /** * An array of strings can be used to restrict input to only those strings, case insensitive. * The array can also contain an inner array of strings, for aliases. * If so, the first entry of the array will be used as the final argument. * * A regular expression can also be used. * The evaluated argument will be an object containing the `match` and `matches` if global. */ customType?: (string | string[])[] | RegExp | string | null; } export type CustomMissingPermissionSupplier = (message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage) => Promise | any; interface ExtendedCommandOptions { /** * Whether the command is hidden from the help command. * @default false */ hidden?: boolean; /** * The channels the command is limited to run in. */ restrictedChannels?: Snowflake[]; /** * The guilds the command is limited to run in. */ restrictedGuilds?: Snowflake[]; /** * Show how to use the command. */ usage: string[]; /** * Examples for how to use the command. */ examples: string[]; /** * A fake command, completely hidden from the help command. * @default false */ pseudo?: boolean; /** * Allow this command to be run in channels that are blacklisted. * @default false */ bypassChannelBlacklist?: boolean; /** * Use instead of {@link BaseBotCommandOptions.args} when using argument generators or custom slashOptions */ helpArgs?: ArgsInfo[]; /** * Extra information about the command, displayed in the help command. */ note?: string; /** * Whether to check for channel overrides when considering client permissions. * @default false */ clientCheckChannel?: boolean; /** * Whether to check for channel overrides when considering user permissions. * @default false */ userCheckChannel?: boolean; /** * **Text Command Only**: Don't check if the user has send permissions in the channel. * @default false */ skipSendCheck?: boolean; } export interface BaseBotCommandOptions extends Omit, ExtendedCommandOptions { /** * The description of the command. */ description: string; /** * The arguments for the command. */ args?: BotArgumentOptions[] & CustomBotArgumentOptions[]; category: string; /** * Permissions required by the client to run this command. */ clientPermissions: PermissionsString[]; /** * Permissions required by the user to run this command. */ userPermissions: PermissionsString[]; /** * Whether the argument is only accessible to the owners. */ ownerOnly?: boolean; /** * Whether the argument is only accessible to the super users. */ superUserOnly?: boolean; } export type CustomCommandOptions = Omit | Omit; export interface ArgsInfo { /** * The name of the argument. */ name: string; /** * The description of the argument. */ description: string; /** * Whether the argument is optional. * @default false */ optional?: boolean; /** * Whether or not the argument has autocomplete enabled. * @default false */ autocomplete?: boolean; /** * Whether the argument is restricted a certain command. * @default 'slash & text' */ only?: 'slash & text' | 'slash' | 'text'; /** * The method that arguments are matched for text commands. * @default 'phrase' */ match?: ArgumentMatch; /** * The readable type of the argument. */ type: string; /** * If {@link match} is 'flag' or 'option', these are the flags that are matched * @default [] */ flag?: string[]; /** * Whether the argument is only accessible to the owners. * @default false */ ownerOnly?: boolean; /** * Whether the argument is only accessible to the super users. * @default false */ superUserOnly?: boolean; } export abstract class BotCommand extends Command { public declare client: TanzaniteClient; public declare handler: BotCommandHandler; public declare description: string; public declare userPermissions: PermissionsString[]; public declare clientPermissions: PermissionsString[]; /** * Show how to use the command. */ public usage: string[]; /** * Examples for how to use the command. */ public examples: string[]; /** * The options sent to the constructor */ public options: CustomCommandOptions; /** * The options sent to the super call */ public parsedOptions: CommandOptions; /** * The channels the command is limited to run in. */ public restrictedChannels: Snowflake[] | undefined; /** * The guilds the command is limited to run in. */ public restrictedGuilds: Snowflake[] | undefined; /** * Whether the command is hidden from the help command. */ public hidden: boolean; /** * A fake command, completely hidden from the help command. */ public pseudo: boolean; /** * Allow this command to be run in channels that are blacklisted. */ public bypassChannelBlacklist: boolean; /** * Information about the arguments for the help command. */ public argsInfo?: ArgsInfo[]; /** * Extra information about the command, displayed in the help command. */ public note?: string; /** * Whether to check for channel overrides when considering client permissions. * @default true */ public clientCheckChannel: boolean; /** * Whether to check for channel overrides when considering user permissions. * @default true */ public userCheckChannel: boolean; /** * **Text Command Only**: Don't check if the user has send permissions in the channel. * @default false */ public skipSendCheck: boolean; public constructor(id: string, options: CustomCommandOptions) { const options_ = options as BaseBotCommandOptions; if (options_.args && typeof options_.args !== 'function') { options_.args.forEach((_, index: number) => { if ('customType' in (options_.args?.[index] ?? {})) { if (!options_.args![index]['type']) options_.args![index]['type'] = options_.args![index]['customType']! as any; delete options_.args![index]['customType']; } }); } const newOptions: Partial = {}; for (const _key in options_) { const key = _key as keyof typeof options_; // you got to love typescript if (key === 'args' && 'args' in options_ && typeof options_.args === 'object') { const newTextArgs: (ArgumentOptions & ExtraArgumentOptions)[] = []; const newSlashArgs: SlashOption[] = []; for (const arg of options_.args) { if (arg.only !== 'slash' && !options_.slashOnly) { const newArg: ArgumentOptions & ExtraArgumentOptions = {}; if ('default' in arg) newArg.default = arg.default; if ('description' in arg) newArg.description = arg.description; if ('flag' in arg) newArg.flag = arg.flag; if ('id' in arg) =; if ('index' in arg) newArg.index = arg.index; if ('limit' in arg) newArg.limit = arg.limit; if ('match' in arg) newArg.match = arg.match; if ('modifyOtherwise' in arg) newArg.modifyOtherwise = arg.modifyOtherwise; if ('multipleFlags' in arg) newArg.multipleFlags = arg.multipleFlags; if ('otherwise' in arg) newArg.otherwise = arg.otherwise; if ('prompt' in arg || 'retry' in arg || 'optional' in arg) { newArg.prompt = {}; if ('prompt' in arg) newArg.prompt.start = arg.prompt; if ('retry' in arg) newArg.prompt.retry = arg.retry; if ('optional' in arg) newArg.prompt.optional = arg.optional; } if ('type' in arg) newArg.type = arg.type as ArgumentType | ArgumentTypeCaster; if ('unordered' in arg) newArg.unordered = arg.unordered; if ('ownerOnly' in arg) newArg.ownerOnly = arg.ownerOnly; if ('superUserOnly' in arg) newArg.superUserOnly = arg.superUserOnly; newTextArgs.push(newArg); } if ( arg.only !== 'text' && !('slashOptions' in options_) && (options_.slash || options_.slashOnly) && arg.slashType !== false ) { // credit to type AllKeys = T extends any ? keyof T : never; const newArg: { [key in AllKeys]?: any; } = { name:, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing description: arg.prompt || arg.description || 'No description provided.', type: arg.slashType }; if ('slashResolve' in arg) newArg.resolve = arg.slashResolve; if ('autocomplete' in arg) newArg.autocomplete = arg.autocomplete; if ('channelTypes' in arg) newArg.channelTypes = arg.channelTypes; if ('choices' in arg) newArg.choices = arg.choices; if ('minValue' in arg) newArg.minValue = arg.minValue; if ('maxValue' in arg) newArg.maxValue = arg.maxValue; newArg.required = 'optional' in arg ? !arg.optional : true; newSlashArgs.push(newArg as SlashOption); } } if (newTextArgs.length > 0) newOptions.args = newTextArgs; if (newSlashArgs.length > 0) newOptions.slashOptions = options_.slashOptions ?? newSlashArgs; } else if (key === 'clientPermissions' || key === 'userPermissions') { newOptions[key] = options_[key]; } else { newOptions[key] = options_[key]; } } if ( 'userPermissions' in newOptions && !('slashDefaultMemberPermissions' in newOptions) && typeof newOptions.userPermissions !== 'function' ) { const perms = new PermissionsBitField(newOptions.userPermissions); newOptions.slashDefaultMemberPermissions = perms.toArray().length === 0 ? null : perms; } super(id, newOptions); if (options_.args ?? options_.helpArgs) { const argsInfo: ArgsInfo[] = []; const combined = (options_.args ?? options_.helpArgs)!.map((arg) => { const norm = options_.args ? options_.args.find((_arg) => === ('id' in arg ? : ?? ({} as BotArgumentOptions) : ({} as BotArgumentOptions); const help = options_.helpArgs ? options_.helpArgs.find((_arg) => === ('id' in arg ? : ?? ({} as ArgsInfo) : ({} as ArgsInfo); return { ...norm, }; }); for (const arg of combined) { const name = camelCase('id' in arg ? :, description = arg.description || '*No description provided.*', optional = arg.optional ?? false, autocomplete = arg.autocomplete ?? false, only = arg.only ?? 'slash & text', match = arg.match ?? 'phrase', type = match === 'flag' ? 'flag' : arg.readableType ?? arg.type ?? 'string', flag = arg.flag ? (Array.isArray(arg.flag) ? arg.flag : [arg.flag]) : [], ownerOnly = arg.ownerOnly ?? false, superUserOnly = arg.superUserOnly ?? false; argsInfo.push({ name, description, optional, autocomplete, only, match, type, flag, ownerOnly, superUserOnly }); } this.argsInfo = argsInfo; } this.description = options_.description; this.usage = options_.usage; this.examples = options_.examples; this.options = options_; this.parsedOptions = newOptions; this.hidden = options_.hidden ?? false; this.restrictedChannels = options_.restrictedChannels; this.restrictedGuilds = options_.restrictedGuilds; this.pseudo = options_.pseudo ?? false; this.bypassChannelBlacklist = options_.bypassChannelBlacklist ?? false; this.note = options_.note; this.clientCheckChannel = options_.clientCheckChannel ?? false; this.userCheckChannel = options_.userCheckChannel ?? false; this.skipSendCheck = options_.skipSendCheck ?? false; } /** * Executes the command. * @param message - Message that triggered the command. * @param args - Evaluated arguments. */ public abstract override exec(message: CommandMessage, args: CommandArguments): any; /** * Executes the command. * @param message - Message that triggered the command. * @param args - Evaluated arguments. */ public abstract override exec(message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage, args: CommandArguments): any; } interface PseudoArguments extends BaseBotArgumentType { boolean: boolean; flag: boolean; regex: { match: RegExpMatchArray; matches: RegExpExecArray[] }; } export type ArgType = NonNullable; export type OptArgType = PseudoArguments[T]; /** * `util` is always defined for messages after `'all'` inhibitors */ export type CommandMessage = Message & { /** * Extra properties applied to the Discord.js message object. * Utilities for command responding. * Available on all messages after 'all' inhibitors and built-in inhibitors (bot, client). * Not all properties of the util are available, depending on the input. * */ util: CommandUtil; };