import { AllowedMentions, banResponse, colors, dmResponse, emojis, permissionsResponse, punishmentEntryRemove, type BanResponse, type GuildFeatures, type GuildLogType, type GuildModel } from '#lib'; import assert from 'assert/strict'; import { AttachmentBuilder, AttachmentPayload, Collection, Guild, JSONEncodable, Message, MessageType, PermissionFlagsBits, SnowflakeUtil, ThreadChannel, type APIMessage, type GuildMember, type GuildMemberResolvable, type GuildTextBasedChannel, type MessageOptions, type MessagePayload, type NewsChannel, type Snowflake, type TextChannel, type User, type UserResolvable, type VoiceChannel, type Webhook, type WebhookMessageOptions } from 'discord.js'; import _ from 'lodash'; import * as Moderation from '../../common/Moderation.js'; import { Guild as GuildDB } from '../../models/instance/Guild.js'; import { ModLogType } from '../../models/instance/ModLog.js'; import { addOrRemoveFromArray } from '../../utils/BushUtils.js'; declare module 'discord.js' { export interface Guild { /** * Checks if the guild has a certain custom feature. * @param feature The feature to check for */ hasFeature(feature: GuildFeatures): Promise; /** * Adds a custom feature to the guild. * @param feature The feature to add * @param moderator The moderator responsible for adding a feature */ addFeature(feature: GuildFeatures, moderator?: GuildMember): Promise; /** * Removes a custom feature from the guild. * @param feature The feature to remove * @param moderator The moderator responsible for removing a feature */ removeFeature(feature: GuildFeatures, moderator?: GuildMember): Promise; /** * Makes a custom feature the opposite of what it was before * @param feature The feature to toggle * @param moderator The moderator responsible for toggling a feature */ toggleFeature(feature: GuildFeatures, moderator?: GuildMember): Promise; /** * Fetches a custom setting for the guild * @param setting The setting to get */ getSetting(setting: K): Promise; /** * Sets a custom setting for the guild * @param setting The setting to change * @param value The value to change the setting to * @param moderator The moderator to responsible for changing the setting */ setSetting>( setting: K, value: GuildModel[K], moderator?: GuildMember ): Promise; /** * Get a the log channel configured for a certain log type. * @param logType The type of log channel to get. * @returns Either the log channel or undefined if not configured. */ getLogChannel(logType: GuildLogType): Promise; /** * Sends a message to the guild's specified logging channel * @param logType The corresponding channel that the message will be sent to * @param message The parameters for {@link BushTextChannel.send} */ sendLogChannel(logType: GuildLogType, message: string | MessagePayload | MessageOptions): Promise; /** * Sends a formatted error message in a guild's error log channel * @param title The title of the error embed * @param message The description of the error embed */ error(title: string, message: string): Promise; /** * Bans a user, dms them, creates a mod log entry, and creates a punishment entry. * @param options Options for banning the user. * @returns A string status message of the ban. */ bushBan(options: GuildBushBanOptions): Promise; /** * {@link bushBan} with less resolving and checks * @param options Options for banning the user. * @returns A string status message of the ban. * **Preconditions:** * - {@link me} has the `BanMembers` permission * **Warning:** * - Doesn't emit bushBan Event */ massBanOne(options: GuildMassBanOneOptions): Promise; /** * Unbans a user, dms them, creates a mod log entry, and destroys the punishment entry. * @param options Options for unbanning the user. * @returns A status message of the unban. */ bushUnban(options: GuildBushUnbanOptions): Promise; /** * Denies send permissions in specified channels * @param options The options for locking down the guild */ lockdown(options: LockdownOptions): Promise; quote(rawQuote: APIMessage, channel: GuildTextBasedChannel): Promise; } } /** * Represents a guild (or a server) on Discord. * It's recommended to see if a guild is available before performing operations or reading data from it. You can * check this with {@link ExtendedGuild.available}. */ export class ExtendedGuild extends Guild { /** * Checks if the guild has a certain custom feature. * @param feature The feature to check for */ public override async hasFeature(feature: GuildFeatures): Promise { const features = await this.getSetting('enabledFeatures'); return features.includes(feature); } /** * Adds a custom feature to the guild. * @param feature The feature to add * @param moderator The moderator responsible for adding a feature */ public override async addFeature(feature: GuildFeatures, moderator?: GuildMember): Promise { const features = await this.getSetting('enabledFeatures'); const newFeatures = addOrRemoveFromArray('add', features, feature); return (await this.setSetting('enabledFeatures', newFeatures, moderator)).enabledFeatures; } /** * Removes a custom feature from the guild. * @param feature The feature to remove * @param moderator The moderator responsible for removing a feature */ public override async removeFeature(feature: GuildFeatures, moderator?: GuildMember): Promise { const features = await this.getSetting('enabledFeatures'); const newFeatures = addOrRemoveFromArray('remove', features, feature); return (await this.setSetting('enabledFeatures', newFeatures, moderator)).enabledFeatures; } /** * Makes a custom feature the opposite of what it was before * @param feature The feature to toggle * @param moderator The moderator responsible for toggling a feature */ public override async toggleFeature(feature: GuildFeatures, moderator?: GuildMember): Promise { return (await this.hasFeature(feature)) ? await this.removeFeature(feature, moderator) : await this.addFeature(feature, moderator); } /** * Fetches a custom setting for the guild * @param setting The setting to get */ public override async getSetting(setting: K): Promise { return ( this.client.cache.guilds.get([setting] ?? ((await GuildDB.findByPk( ??{ id: }))[setting] ); } /** * Sets a custom setting for the guild * @param setting The setting to change * @param value The value to change the setting to * @param moderator The moderator to responsible for changing the setting */ public override async setSetting>( setting: K, value: GuildDB[K], moderator?: GuildMember ): Promise { const row = (await GuildDB.findByPk( ??{ id: }); const oldValue = row[setting] as GuildDB[K]; row[setting] = value; this.client.cache.guilds.set(, row.toJSON() as GuildDB); this.client.emit('bushUpdateSettings', setting, this, oldValue, row[setting], moderator); return await; } /** * Get a the log channel configured for a certain log type. * @param logType The type of log channel to get. * @returns Either the log channel or undefined if not configured. */ public override async getLogChannel(logType: GuildLogType): Promise { const channelId = (await this.getSetting('logChannels'))[logType]; if (!channelId) return undefined; return ( (this.channels.cache.get(channelId) as TextChannel | undefined) ?? ((await this.channels.fetch(channelId)) as TextChannel | null) ?? undefined ); } /** * Sends a message to the guild's specified logging channel * @param logType The corresponding channel that the message will be sent to * @param message The parameters for {@link BushTextChannel.send} */ public override async sendLogChannel( logType: GuildLogType, message: string | MessagePayload | MessageOptions ): Promise { const logChannel = await this.getLogChannel(logType); if (!logChannel || !logChannel.isTextBased()) { void this.client.console.warn('sendLogChannel', `No log channel found for <<${logType}<< in <<${}>>.`); return; } if ( !logChannel .permissionsFor(!.id) ?.has([PermissionFlagsBits.ViewChannel, PermissionFlagsBits.SendMessages, PermissionFlagsBits.EmbedLinks]) ) return; return await logChannel.send(message).catch(() => null); } /** * Sends a formatted error message in a guild's error log channel * @param title The title of the error embed * @param message The description of the error embed */ public override async error(title: string, message: string): Promise { void, message.replace(/\*\*(.*?)\*\*/g, '<<$1>>')); void this.sendLogChannel('error', { embeds: [{ title: title, description: message, color: colors.error }] }); } /** * Bans a user, dms them, creates a mod log entry, and creates a punishment entry. * @param options Options for banning the user. * @returns A string status message of the ban. */ public override async bushBan(options: GuildBushBanOptions): Promise { // checks if (!!.permissions.has(PermissionFlagsBits.BanMembers)) return banResponse.MISSING_PERMISSIONS; let caseID: string | undefined = undefined; let dmSuccessEvent: boolean | undefined = undefined; const user = await this.client.utils.resolveNonCachedUser(options.user); const moderator = this.client.users.resolve(options.moderator ?? this.client.user!); if (!user || !moderator) return banResponse.CANNOT_RESOLVE_USER; if ((await this.bans.fetch()).has( return banResponse.ALREADY_BANNED; const ret = await (async () => { // add modlog entry const { log: modlog } = await Moderation.createModLogEntry({ client: this.client, type: options.duration ? ModLogType.TEMP_BAN : ModLogType.PERM_BAN, user: user, moderator:, reason: options.reason, duration: options.duration, guild: this, evidence: options.evidence }); if (!modlog) return banResponse.MODLOG_ERROR; caseID =; // dm user dmSuccessEvent = await Moderation.punishDM({ client: this.client, modlog:, guild: this, user: user, punishment: 'banned', duration: options.duration ?? 0, reason: options.reason ?? undefined, sendFooter: true }); // ban const banSuccess = await this.bans .create(user?.id ?? options.user, { reason: `${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}`, deleteMessageDays: options.deleteDays }) .catch(() => false); if (!banSuccess) return banResponse.ACTION_ERROR; // add punishment entry so they can be unbanned later const punishmentEntrySuccess = await Moderation.createPunishmentEntry({ client: this.client, type: 'ban', user: user, guild: this, duration: options.duration, modlog: }); if (!punishmentEntrySuccess) return banResponse.PUNISHMENT_ENTRY_ADD_ERROR; if (!dmSuccessEvent) return banResponse.DM_ERROR; return banResponse.SUCCESS; })(); if (!([banResponse.ACTION_ERROR, banResponse.MODLOG_ERROR, banResponse.PUNISHMENT_ENTRY_ADD_ERROR] as const).includes(ret)) this.client.emit( 'bushBan', user, moderator, this, options.reason ?? undefined, caseID!, options.duration ?? 0, dmSuccessEvent, options.evidence ); return ret; } /** * {@link bushBan} with less resolving and checks * @param options Options for banning the user. * @returns A string status message of the ban. * **Preconditions:** * - {@link me} has the `BanMembers` permission * **Warning:** * - Doesn't emit bushBan Event */ public override async massBanOne(options: GuildMassBanOneOptions): Promise { if (this.bans.cache.has(options.user)) return banResponse.ALREADY_BANNED; const ret = await (async () => { // add modlog entry const { log: modlog } = await Moderation.createModLogEntrySimple({ client: this.client, type: ModLogType.PERM_BAN, user: options.user, moderator: options.moderator, reason: options.reason, duration: 0, guild: }); if (!modlog) return banResponse.MODLOG_ERROR; let dmSuccessEvent: boolean | undefined = undefined; // dm user if (this.members.cache.has(options.user)) { dmSuccessEvent = await Moderation.punishDM({ client: this.client, modlog:, guild: this, user: options.user, punishment: 'banned', duration: 0, reason: options.reason ?? undefined, sendFooter: true }); } // ban const banSuccess = await this.bans .create(options.user, { reason: `${options.moderator} | ${options.reason}`, deleteMessageDays: options.deleteDays }) .catch(() => false); if (!banSuccess) return banResponse.ACTION_ERROR; // add punishment entry so they can be unbanned later const punishmentEntrySuccess = await Moderation.createPunishmentEntry({ client: this.client, type: 'ban', user: options.user, guild: this, duration: 0, modlog: }); if (!punishmentEntrySuccess) return banResponse.PUNISHMENT_ENTRY_ADD_ERROR; if (!dmSuccessEvent) return banResponse.DM_ERROR; return banResponse.SUCCESS; })(); return ret; } /** * Unbans a user, dms them, creates a mod log entry, and destroys the punishment entry. * @param options Options for unbanning the user. * @returns A status message of the unban. */ public override async bushUnban(options: GuildBushUnbanOptions): Promise { // checks if (!!.permissions.has(PermissionFlagsBits.BanMembers)) return unbanResponse.MISSING_PERMISSIONS; let caseID: string | undefined = undefined; let dmSuccessEvent: boolean | undefined = undefined; const user = await this.client.utils.resolveNonCachedUser(options.user); const moderator = this.client.users.resolve(options.moderator ?? this.client.user!); if (!user || !moderator) return unbanResponse.CANNOT_RESOLVE_USER; const ret = await (async () => { const bans = await this.bans.fetch(); let notBanned = false; if (!bans.has( notBanned = true; const unbanSuccess = await this.bans .remove(user, `${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}`) .catch((e) => { if (e?.code === 'UNKNOWN_BAN') { notBanned = true; return true; } else return false; }); if (notBanned) return unbanResponse.NOT_BANNED; if (!unbanSuccess) return unbanResponse.ACTION_ERROR; // add modlog entry const { log: modlog } = await Moderation.createModLogEntry({ client: this.client, type: ModLogType.UNBAN, user:, moderator:, reason: options.reason, guild: this, evidence: options.evidence }); if (!modlog) return unbanResponse.MODLOG_ERROR; caseID =; // remove punishment entry const removePunishmentEntrySuccess = await Moderation.removePunishmentEntry({ client: this.client, type: 'ban', user:, guild: this }); if (!removePunishmentEntrySuccess) return unbanResponse.PUNISHMENT_ENTRY_REMOVE_ERROR; // dm user dmSuccessEvent = await Moderation.punishDM({ client: this.client, guild: this, user: user, punishment: 'unbanned', reason: options.reason ?? undefined, sendFooter: false }); if (!dmSuccessEvent) return unbanResponse.DM_ERROR; return unbanResponse.SUCCESS; })(); if ( !([unbanResponse.ACTION_ERROR, unbanResponse.MODLOG_ERROR, unbanResponse.PUNISHMENT_ENTRY_REMOVE_ERROR] as const).includes( ret ) ) this.client.emit( 'bushUnban', user, moderator, this, options.reason ?? undefined, caseID!, dmSuccessEvent!, options.evidence ); return ret; } /** * Denies send permissions in specified channels * @param options The options for locking down the guild */ public override async lockdown(options: LockdownOptions): Promise { if (!options.all && ! return 'all not chosen and no channel specified'; const channelIds = options.all ? await this.getSetting('lockdownChannels') : [!.id]; if (!channelIds.length) return 'no channels configured'; const mappedChannels = => this.channels.cache.get(id)); const invalidChannels = mappedChannels.filter((c) => c === undefined); if (invalidChannels.length) return `invalid channel configured: ${invalidChannels.join(', ')}`; const moderator = this.members.resolve(options.moderator); if (!moderator) return 'moderator not found'; const errors = new Collection(); const success = new Collection(); const ret = await (async (): Promise => { for (const _channel of mappedChannels) { const channel = _channel!; if (!channel.isTextBased()) { errors.set(, new Error('wrong channel type')); success.set(, false); continue; } if (!channel.permissionsFor(!.id)?.has([PermissionFlagsBits.ManageChannels])) { errors.set(, new Error('client no permission')); success.set(, false); continue; } else if (!channel.permissionsFor(moderator)?.has([PermissionFlagsBits.ManageChannels])) { errors.set(, new Error('moderator no permission')); success.set(, false); continue; } const reason = `[${options.unlock ? 'Unlockdown' : 'Lockdown'}] ${moderator.user.tag} | ${ options.reason ?? 'No reason provided' }`; const permissionOverwrites = channel.isThread() ? channel.parent!.permissionOverwrites : channel.permissionOverwrites; const perms = { SendMessagesInThreads: options.unlock ? null : false, SendMessages: options.unlock ? null : false }; const permsForMe = { [channel.isThread() ? 'SendMessagesInThreads' : 'SendMessages']: options.unlock ? null : true }; // so I can send messages in the channel const changePermSuccess = await permissionOverwrites.edit(, perms, { reason }).catch((e) => e); if (changePermSuccess instanceof Error) { errors.set(, changePermSuccess); success.set(, false); } else { success.set(, true); await permissionOverwrites.edit(!, permsForMe, { reason }); await channel.send({ embeds: [ { author: { name: moderator.user.tag, icon_url: moderator.displayAvatarURL() }, title: `This channel has been ${options.unlock ? 'un' : ''}locked`, description: options.reason ?? 'No reason provided', color: options.unlock ? colors.Green : colors.Red, timestamp: new Date().toISOString() } ] }); } } if (errors.size) return errors; else return `success: ${success.filter((c) => c === true).size}`; })(); this.client.emit(options.unlock ? 'bushUnlockdown' : 'bushLockdown', moderator, options.reason, success, options.all); return ret; } public override async quote(rawQuote: APIMessage, channel: GuildTextBasedChannel): Promise { if (!channel.isTextBased() || channel.isDMBased() || channel.guildId !== || ! return null; if (!channel.permissionsFor('ManageWebhooks')) return null; const quote = new Message(this.client, rawQuote); const target = channel instanceof ThreadChannel ? channel.parent : channel; if (!target) return null; const webhooks: Collection = await target.fetchWebhooks().catch((e) => e); if (!(webhooks instanceof Collection)) return null; // find a webhook that we can use let webhook = webhooks.find((w) => !!w.token) ?? null; if (!webhook) webhook = await target .createWebhook({ name: `${this.client.user!.username} Quotes #${}`, avatar: this.client.user!.displayAvatarURL({ size: 2048 }), reason: 'Creating a webhook for quoting' }) .catch(() => null); if (!webhook) return null; const sendOptions: Omit = {}; const displayName = quote.member?.displayName ??; switch (quote.type) { case MessageType.Default: case MessageType.Reply: case MessageType.ChatInputCommand: case MessageType.ContextMenuCommand: case MessageType.ThreadStarterMessage: sendOptions.content = quote.content || undefined; sendOptions.threadId = channel instanceof ThreadChannel ? : undefined; sendOptions.embeds = quote.embeds.length ? quote.embeds : undefined; //@ts-expect-error: jank sendOptions.attachments = quote.attachments.size ? [...quote.attachments.values()].map((a) => AttachmentBuilder.from(a as JSONEncodable)) : undefined; if (quote.stickers.size && !(quote.content || quote.embeds.length || quote.attachments.size)) sendOptions.content = '[[This message has a sticker but not content]]'; break; case MessageType.RecipientAdd: { const recipient = rawQuote.mentions[0]; if (!recipient) { sendOptions.content = `${emojis.error} Cannot resolve recipient.`; break; } if ( { const recipientDisplay = quote.guild?.members.cache.get( ?? recipient.username; sendOptions.content = `${emojis.join} ${displayName} added ${recipientDisplay} to the thread.`; } else { // this should never happen sendOptions.content = `${emojis.join} ${displayName} added ${recipient.username} to the group.`; } break; } case MessageType.RecipientRemove: { const recipient = rawQuote.mentions[0]; if (!recipient) { sendOptions.content = `${emojis.error} Cannot resolve recipient.`; break; } if ( { const recipientDisplay = quote.guild?.members.cache.get( ?? recipient.username; sendOptions.content = `${emojis.leave} ${displayName} removed ${recipientDisplay} from the thread.`; } else { // this should never happen sendOptions.content = `${emojis.leave} ${displayName} removed ${recipient.username} from the group.`; } break; } case MessageType.ChannelNameChange: sendOptions.content = `<:pencil:957988608994861118> ${displayName} changed the channel name: **${quote.content}**`; break; case MessageType.ChannelPinnedMessage: throw new Error('Not implemented yet: MessageType.ChannelPinnedMessage case'); case MessageType.UserJoin: { const messages = [ '{username} joined the party.', '{username} is here.', 'Welcome, {username}. We hope you brought pizza.', 'A wild {username} appeared.', '{username} just landed.', '{username} just slid into the server.', '{username} just showed up!', 'Welcome {username}. Say hi!', '{username} hopped into the server.', 'Everyone welcome {username}!', "Glad you're here, {username}.", 'Good to see you, {username}.', 'Yay you made it, {username}!' ]; const timestamp = SnowflakeUtil.timestampFrom(; // this is the same way that the discord client decides what message to use. const message = messages[timestamp % messages.length].replace(/{username}/g, displayName); sendOptions.content = `${emojis.join} ${message}`; break; } case MessageType.GuildBoost: sendOptions.content = `<:NitroBoost:585558042309820447> ${displayName} just boosted the server${ quote.content ? ` **${quote.content}** times` : '' }!`; break; case MessageType.GuildBoostTier1: case MessageType.GuildBoostTier2: case MessageType.GuildBoostTier3: sendOptions.content = `<:NitroBoost:585558042309820447> ${displayName} just boosted the server${ quote.content ? ` **${quote.content}** times` : '' }! ${quote.guild?.name} has achieved **Level ${quote.type - 8}!**`; break; case MessageType.ChannelFollowAdd: sendOptions.content = `${displayName} has added **${quote.content}** to this channel. Its most important updates will show up here.`; break; case MessageType.GuildDiscoveryDisqualified: sendOptions.content = '<:SystemMessageCross:842172192418693173> This server has been removed from Server Discovery because it no longer passes all the requirements. Check Server Settings for more details.'; break; case MessageType.GuildDiscoveryRequalified: sendOptions.content = '<:SystemMessageCheck:842172191801212949> This server is eligible for Server Discovery again and has been automatically relisted!'; break; case MessageType.GuildDiscoveryGracePeriodInitialWarning: sendOptions.content = '<:SystemMessageWarn:842172192401915971> This server has failed Discovery activity requirements for 1 week. If this server fails for 4 weeks in a row, it will be automatically removed from Discovery.'; break; case MessageType.GuildDiscoveryGracePeriodFinalWarning: sendOptions.content = '<:SystemMessageWarn:842172192401915971> This server has failed Discovery activity requirements for 3 weeks in a row. If this server fails for 1 more week, it will be removed from Discovery.'; break; case MessageType.ThreadCreated: { const threadId = rawQuote.message_reference?.channel_id; sendOptions.content = `<:thread:865033845753249813> ${displayName} started a thread: **[${quote.content}](${quote.guildId}/${threadId} )**. See all threads.`; break; } case MessageType.GuildInviteReminder: sendOptions.content = 'Wondering who to invite? Start by inviting anyone who can help you build the server!'; break; // todo: use enum for this case 24 as MessageType: { const embed = quote.embeds[0]; // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation assert.equal(, 'auto_moderation_message'); const ruleName = embed.fields!.find((f) => === 'rule_name')!.value; const channelId = embed.fields!.find((f) => === 'channel_id')!.value; const keyword = embed.fields!.find((f) => === 'keyword')!.value; sendOptions.username = `AutoMod (${quote.member?.displayName ??})`; sendOptions.content = `Automod has blocked a message in <#${channelId}>`; sendOptions.embeds = [ { title: quote.member?.displayName ??, description: embed.description ?? 'There is no content???', footer: { text: `Keyword: ${keyword} • Rule: ${ruleName}` }, color: 0x36393f } ]; break; } case MessageType.ChannelIconChange: case MessageType.Call: default: sendOptions.content = `${emojis.error} I cannot quote messages of type **${ MessageType[quote.type] || quote.type }** messages, please report this to my developers.`; break; } sendOptions.allowedMentions = AllowedMentions.none(); sendOptions.username ??= quote.member?.displayName ??; sendOptions.avatarURL = quote.member?.displayAvatarURL({ size: 2048 }) ??{ size: 2048 }); return await webhook.send(sendOptions); /* .catch((e: any) => e); */ } } /** * Options for unbanning a user */ export interface GuildBushUnbanOptions { /** * The user to unban */ user: UserResolvable | User; /** * The reason for unbanning the user */ reason?: string | null; /** * The moderator who unbanned the user */ moderator?: UserResolvable; /** * The evidence for the unban */ evidence?: string; } export interface GuildMassBanOneOptions { /** * The user to ban */ user: Snowflake; /** * The reason to ban the user */ reason: string; /** * The moderator who banned the user */ moderator: Snowflake; /** * The number of days to delete the user's messages for */ deleteDays?: number; } /** * Options for banning a user */ export interface GuildBushBanOptions { /** * The user to ban */ user: UserResolvable; /** * The reason to ban the user */ reason?: string | null; /** * The moderator who banned the user */ moderator?: UserResolvable; /** * The duration of the ban */ duration?: number; /** * The number of days to delete the user's messages for */ deleteDays?: number; /** * The evidence for the ban */ evidence?: string; } type ValueOf = T[keyof T]; export const unbanResponse = Object.freeze({ ...dmResponse, ...permissionsResponse, ...punishmentEntryRemove, NOT_BANNED: 'user not banned' } as const); /** * Response returned when unbanning a user */ export type UnbanResponse = ValueOf; /** * Options for locking down channel(s) */ export interface LockdownOptions { /** * The moderator responsible for the lockdown */ moderator: GuildMemberResolvable; /** * Whether to lock down all (specified) channels */ all: boolean; /** * Reason for the lockdown */ reason?: string; /** * A specific channel to lockdown */ channel?: ThreadChannel | NewsChannel | TextChannel | VoiceChannel; /** * Whether or not to unlock the channel(s) instead of locking them */ unlock?: boolean; } /** * Response returned when locking down a channel */ export type LockdownResponse = | `success: ${number}` | 'all not chosen and no channel specified' | 'no channels configured' | `invalid channel configured: ${string}` | 'moderator not found' | Collection;