import { type Snowflake } from 'discord.js'; import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'; import { DataTypes, type Sequelize } from 'sequelize'; import { BaseModel } from '../BaseModel.js'; export interface HighlightModel { pk: string; user: Snowflake; guild: Snowflake; words: HighlightWord[]; blacklistedChannels: Snowflake[]; blacklistedUsers: Snowflake[]; } export interface HighLightCreationAttributes { pk?: string; user: Snowflake; guild: Snowflake; words?: HighlightWord[]; blacklistedChannels?: Snowflake[]; blacklistedUsers?: Snowflake[]; } export interface HighlightWord { word: string; regex: boolean; } /** * List of words that should cause the user to be notified for if found in the specified guild. */ export class Highlight extends BaseModel implements HighlightModel { /** * The primary key of the highlight. */ public declare pk: string; /** * The user that the highlight is for. */ public declare user: Snowflake; /** * The guild to look for highlights in. */ public declare guild: Snowflake; /** * The words to look for. */ public declare words: HighlightWord[]; /** * Channels that the user choose to ignore highlights in. */ public declare blacklistedChannels: Snowflake[]; /** * Users that the user choose to ignore highlights from. */ public declare blacklistedUsers: Snowflake[]; /** * Initializes the model. * @param sequelize The sequelize instance. */ public static initModel(sequelize: Sequelize): void { Highlight.init( { pk: { type: DataTypes.STRING, primaryKey: true, defaultValue: nanoid }, user: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: false }, guild: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: false }, words: { type: DataTypes.JSONB, allowNull: false, defaultValue: [] }, blacklistedChannels: { type: DataTypes.JSONB, allowNull: false, defaultValue: [] }, blacklistedUsers: { type: DataTypes.JSONB, allowNull: false, defaultValue: [] } }, { sequelize } ); } }