import { BushCommand, BushMessage, BushSlashMessage, GuildSettings, guildSettingsObj, settingsArr } from '@lib'; import { ArgumentOptions, Flag } from 'discord-akairo'; import { Formatters, Message, MessageActionRow, MessageButton, MessageComponentInteraction, MessageEmbed, MessageOptions, MessageSelectMenu } from 'discord.js'; import _ from 'lodash'; export default class SettingsCommand extends BushCommand { public constructor() { super('config', { aliases: ['config', 'settings', 'setting', 'configure'], category: 'config', description: { content: 'Configure server settings.', usage: `settings (${ => `\`${s}\``).join(', ')}) (${['view', 'set', 'add', 'remove'].map( (s) => `\`${s}\`` )})`, examples: ['settings', 'config prefix set -'] }, slash: true, slashOptions: => { return { name: _.snakeCase(setting), description: `Manage the server's ${guildSettingsObj[setting].name.toLowerCase()}`, type: 'SUB_COMMAND_GROUP', options: guildSettingsObj[setting].type.includes('-array') ? [ { name: 'view', description: `View the server's ${guildSettingsObj[setting].name.toLowerCase()}.`, type: 'SUB_COMMAND' }, { name: 'add', description: `Add a value to the server's ${guildSettingsObj[setting].name.toLowerCase()}.`, type: 'SUB_COMMAND', options: [ { name: 'value', description: `What would you like to add to the server's ${guildSettingsObj[ setting ].name.toLowerCase()}?'`, type: guildSettingsObj[setting].type.replace('-array', '').toUpperCase() as 'ROLE' | 'STRING' | 'CHANNEL', required: true } ] }, { name: 'remove', description: `Remove a value from the server's ${guildSettingsObj[setting].name.toLowerCase()}.`, type: 'SUB_COMMAND', options: [ { name: 'value', description: `What would you like to remove from the server's ${guildSettingsObj[ setting ].name.toLowerCase()}?'`, type: guildSettingsObj[setting].type.replace('-array', '').toUpperCase() as 'ROLE' | 'STRING' | 'CHANNEL', required: true } ] } ] : [ { name: 'view', description: `View the server's ${guildSettingsObj[setting].name.toLowerCase()}.`, type: 'SUB_COMMAND' }, { name: 'set', description: `Set the server's ${guildSettingsObj[setting].name.toLowerCase()}.`, type: 'SUB_COMMAND', options: [ { name: 'value', description: `What would you like to set the server's ${guildSettingsObj[ setting ].name.toLowerCase()} to?'`, type: guildSettingsObj[setting].type.toUpperCase() as 'ROLE' | 'STRING' | 'CHANNEL', required: true } ] } ] }; }), slashGuilds: ['516977525906341928', '812400566235430912'], channel: 'guild', clientPermissions: ['SEND_MESSAGES'], userPermissions: ['SEND_MESSAGES', 'MANAGE_GUILD'], ownerOnly: true }); } // I make very readable code :) *args(message: BushMessage): IterableIterator { const setting = yield { id: 'setting', type: settingsArr, prompt: { start: `What setting would you like to see or change? You can choose one of the following: ${settingsArr .map((s) => `\`${s}\``) .join(', ')}`, retry: `{error} Choose one of the following settings: ${ => `\`${s}\``).join(', ')}`, optional: message.util.parsed!.alias === 'settings' } }; const action = setting ? yield { id: 'action', type: guildSettingsObj[setting as unknown as GuildSettings].type.includes('-array') ? ['view', 'add', 'remove'] : ['view', 'set'], prompt: { start: `Would you like to ${util.oxford( (guildSettingsObj[setting as unknown as GuildSettings].type.includes('-array') ? ['view', 'add', 'remove'] : ['view', 'set'] ).map((a) => `\`${a}\``), 'or' )} the \`${setting}\` setting?`, retry: `{error} Choose one of the following actions to perform on the \`${setting}\` setting: ${util.oxford( (guildSettingsObj[setting as unknown as GuildSettings].type.includes('-array') ? ['view', 'add', 'remove'] : ['view', 'set'] ).map((a) => `\`${a}\``), 'or' )}`, optional: message.util.parsed!.alias === 'settings' } } : undefined; const value = setting && action && action !== 'view' ? yield { id: 'value', type: 'string', match: 'restContent', prompt: { start: `What would you like to ${action} ${ (action as unknown as 'add' | 'remove' | 'set') === 'add' ? `to the ${setting} setting` : (action as unknown as 'remove' | 'set') === 'remove' ? `from the ${setting} setting` : `the ${setting} setting to` }?`, retry: `{error} You must choose a value to ${action} ${ (action as unknown as 'add' | 'remove' | 'set') === 'add' ? `to the ${setting} setting` : (action as unknown as 'remove' | 'set') === 'remove' ? `from the ${setting} setting` : `the ${setting} setting to` }.`, optional: message.util.parsed!.alias === 'settings' } } : undefined; return { setting, action, value }; } public override async exec( message: BushMessage | BushSlashMessage, args: { [x in GuildSettings | ('view' | 'set' | 'add' | 'remove') | ('setting' | 'action') | 'value']: string | undefined } ): Promise { if (!message.guild) return await message.util.reply(`${util.emojis.error} This command can only be used in servers.`); if (!message.member?.permissions.has('MANAGE_GUILD')) return await message.util.reply( `${util.emojis.error} You must have the **MANAGE_GUILD** permissions to run this command.` ); const setting = _.camelCase(args[settingsArr.find((s) => args[s]) ?? 'setting']) as GuildSettings | undefined; const action = (args[ (['view', 'set', 'add', 'remove'] as ('view' | 'set' | 'add' | 'remove')[]).find((a) => args[a]) ?? 'action' ] ?? 'view') as 'view' | 'set' | 'add' | 'remove'; const value = args.value; let msg; if (!setting || action === 'view') { const messageOptions = await this.generateMessageOptions(message, setting ?? undefined); msg = (await message.util.reply(messageOptions)) as Message; } else { if (!value) return await message.util.reply( `${util.emojis.error} You must choose a value to ${action} ${ (action as unknown as 'add' | 'remove' | 'set') === 'add' ? `to the ${setting} setting` : (action as unknown as 'remove' | 'set') === 'remove' ? `from the ${setting} setting` : `the ${setting} setting to` }` ); switch (action) { case 'add': case 'remove': { const existing = (await message.guild.getSetting(setting)) as string[]; const updated = util.addOrRemoveFromArray('add', existing, value); await message.guild.setSetting(setting, updated); const messageOptions = await this.generateMessageOptions(message); msg = (await message.util.reply(messageOptions)) as Message; break; } case 'set': { await message.guild.setSetting(setting, value); const messageOptions = await this.generateMessageOptions(message); msg = (await message.util.reply(messageOptions)) as Message; break; } } } const collector = msg.createMessageComponentCollector({ channel: ?? undefined, guild: message.guild, message: message as Message, time: 300_000 }); collector.on('collect', async (interaction: MessageComponentInteraction) => { if ( === || client.config.owners.includes( { if (!message.guild) throw new Error('message.guild is null'); switch (interaction.customId) { case 'command_settingsSel': { if (!interaction.isSelectMenu()) return; return interaction.update( await this.generateMessageOptions(message, interaction.values[0] as keyof typeof guildSettingsObj) ); } case 'command_settingsBack': { if (!interaction.isButton()) return; return interaction.update(await this.generateMessageOptions(message)); } } } else { return await interaction?.deferUpdate().catch(() => undefined); } }); } public async generateMessageOptions( message: BushMessage | BushSlashMessage, feature?: undefined | keyof typeof guildSettingsObj ): Promise { if (!message.guild) throw new Error('message.guild is null'); const settingsEmbed = new MessageEmbed().setColor(util.colors.default); if (!feature) { settingsEmbed.setTitle(`${message.guild!.name}'s Settings`); const desc = => `**${guildSettingsObj[s].name}**`).join('\n'); settingsEmbed.setDescription(desc); const selMenu = new MessageActionRow().addComponents( new MessageSelectMenu() .addOptions( => ({ label: guildSettingsObj[s].name, value: s, description: guildSettingsObj[s].description })) ) .setPlaceholder('Select A Setting to View') .setMaxValues(1) .setMinValues(1) .setCustomId('command_settingsSel') ); return { embeds: [settingsEmbed], components: [selMenu] }; } else { settingsEmbed.setTitle(guildSettingsObj[feature].name); const generateCurrentValue = async ( type: 'string' | 'channel' | 'channel-array' | 'role' | 'role-array' ): Promise => { const feat = await message.guild!.getSetting(feature); console.debug(feat); console.debug(type.replace('-array', '')); switch (type.replace('-array', '') as 'string' | 'channel' | 'role') { case 'string': { return Array.isArray(feat) ? feat.length ? => util.discord.escapeInlineCode(util.inspectAndRedact(feat))).join('\n') : '[Empty Array]' : feat !== null ? util.discord.escapeInlineCode(util.inspectAndRedact(feat)) : '[No Value Set]'; } case 'channel': { return Array.isArray(feat) ? feat.length ? => `<#${feat}>`).join('\n') : '[Empty Array]' : `<#${feat}>`; } case 'role': { return Array.isArray(feat) ? feat.length ? => `<@&${feat}>`).join('\n') : '[Empty Array]' : `<@&${feat}>`; } } }; const components = new MessageActionRow().addComponents( new MessageButton().setStyle('PRIMARY').setCustomId('command_settingsBack').setLabel('Back') ); settingsEmbed.setDescription( `${Formatters.italic(guildSettingsObj[feature].description)}\n\n**Type**: ${guildSettingsObj[feature].type}` ); settingsEmbed.setFooter( `Run "${ message.util.isSlash ? '/' : client.config.isDevelopment ? 'dev ' : message.util.parsed?.prefix ?? client.config.prefix }settings ${feature} ${ guildSettingsObj[feature].type.includes('-array') ? 'add/remove' : 'set' } " to set this setting.` ); settingsEmbed.addField( 'value', (await generateCurrentValue( guildSettingsObj[feature].type as 'string' | 'channel' | 'channel-array' | 'role' | 'role-array' )) || '[No Value Set]' ); return { embeds: [settingsEmbed], components: [components] }; } } }