import { BushCommand, guildSettingsObj, settingsArr, type ArgType, type BushMessage, type BushSlashMessage, type GuildSettings, type GuildSettingType } from '#lib'; import assert from 'assert'; import { SlashOption, type ArgumentOptions, type Flag } from 'discord-akairo'; import { ActionRow, ApplicationCommandOptionType, ButtonComponent, ButtonStyle, Channel, Embed, Formatters, GuildMember, InteractionUpdateOptions, PermissionFlagsBits, Role, SelectMenuComponent, SelectMenuOption, User, type Message, type MessageComponentInteraction, type MessageOptions } from 'discord.js'; import _ from 'lodash'; export default class ConfigCommand extends BushCommand { public constructor() { super('config', { aliases: ['config', 'settings', 'setting', 'configure'], category: 'config', description: 'Configure server settings.', usage: [ `settings (${ => `'${s}'`).join(', ')}) (${['view', 'set', 'add', 'remove'].map((s) => `'${s}'`)})` ], examples: ['settings', 'config prefix set -'], slash: true, slashOptions: SlashOption => { const obj = guildSettingsObj[setting]; const type = obj.type; const baseTypeUpper = type.replace('-array', '').toUpperCase() as SlashArgType; const isArray = type.includes('-array'); const loweredName =; const enumType = baseTypeUpper === 'CHANNEL' ? ApplicationCommandOptionType.Channel : baseTypeUpper === 'ROLE' ? ApplicationCommandOptionType.Role : baseTypeUpper === 'STRING' ? ApplicationCommandOptionType.String : baseTypeUpper === 'USER' ? ApplicationCommandOptionType.User : new Error(`Unknown type: ${type}`); if (enumType instanceof Error) throw enumType; return { name: _.snakeCase(setting), description: `Manage the server's ${loweredName}`, type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.SubcommandGroup, options: isArray ? [ { name: 'view', description: `View the server's ${loweredName}.`, type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand }, { name: 'add', description: `Add a value to the server's ${loweredName}.`, type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, options: [ { name: 'value', description: `What would you like to add to the server's ${loweredName}?'`, type: enumType, channelTypes: baseTypeUpper === 'CHANNEL' && obj.subType ? obj.subType : undefined, required: true } ] }, { name: 'remove', description: `Remove a value from the server's ${loweredName}.`, type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, options: [ { name: 'value', description: `What would you like to remove from the server's ${loweredName}?'`, type: enumType, channelTypes: baseTypeUpper === 'CHANNEL' && obj.subType ? obj.subType : undefined, required: true } ] } ] : [ { name: 'view', description: `View the server's ${loweredName}.`, type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand }, { name: 'set', description: `Set the server's ${loweredName}.`, type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, options: [ { name: 'value', description: `What would you like to set the server's ${loweredName} to?'`, type: enumType, channelTypes: baseTypeUpper === 'CHANNEL' && obj.subType ? obj.subType : undefined, required: true } ] } ] }; }), channel: 'guild', clientPermissions: (m) => util.clientSendAndPermCheck(m), userPermissions: [PermissionFlagsBits.ManageGuild] }); } public override *args(message: BushMessage): Generator { const optional = message.util.parsed!.alias === 'settings'; const setting: GuildSettings = yield { id: 'setting', type: settingsArr, prompt: { start: `What setting would you like to see or change? You can choose one of the following: ${settingsArr .map((s) => `\`${s}\``) .join(', ')}`, retry: `{error} Choose one of the following settings: ${ => `\`${s}\``).join(', ')}`, optional } }; const actionType = setting ? guildSettingsObj[setting as GuildSettings]?.type.includes('-array') ? ['view', 'add', 'remove'] : ['view', 'set'] : undefined; const action: string = setting ? yield { id: 'action', type: actionType, prompt: { start: `Would you like to ${util.oxford( actionType!.map((a) => `\`${a}\``), 'or' )} the \`${setting}\` setting?`, retry: `{error} Choose one of the following actions to perform on the ${setting} setting: ${util.oxford( actionType!.map((a) => `\`${a}\``), 'or' )}`, optional } } : undefined; const valueType = setting && action && action !== 'view' ? (guildSettingsObj[setting as GuildSettings].type.replace('-array', '') as 'string' | 'channel' | 'role') : undefined; const grammar = setting && action && action !== 'view' ? (action as 'add' | 'remove' | 'set') === 'add' ? `to the ${setting} setting` : (action as 'remove' | 'set') === 'remove' ? `from the ${setting} setting` : `the ${setting} setting to` : undefined; const value: typeof valueType = setting && action && action !== 'view' ? yield { id: 'value', type: valueType, match: 'restContent', prompt: { start: `What would you like to ${action} ${grammar}?`, retry: `{error} You must choose a ${valueType === 'string' ? 'value' : valueType} to ${action} ${grammar}.`, optional } } : undefined; return { setting, action, value }; } public override async exec( message: BushMessage | BushSlashMessage, args: { setting?: GuildSettings; subcommandGroup?: GuildSettings; action?: Action; subcommand?: Action; value: ArgType<'channel'> | ArgType<'role'> | string; } ) { if (!message.guild) return await message.util.reply(`${util.emojis.error} This command can only be used in servers.`); if (!message.member?.permissions.has(PermissionFlagsBits.ManageGuild) && !message.member?.user.isOwner()) return await message.util.reply(`${util.emojis.error} You must have the **Manage Server** permission to run this command.`); const setting = message.util.isSlash ? (_.camelCase(args.subcommandGroup)! as GuildSettings) : args.setting!; const action = message.util.isSlash ? args.subcommand! : args.action!; const value = args.value; let msg: Message; if (!setting || action === 'view') { const messageOptions = await this.generateMessageOptions(message, setting ?? undefined); msg = (await message.util.reply(messageOptions)) as Message; } else { const parseVal = (val: string | Channel | Role | User | GuildMember) => { if (val instanceof Channel || val instanceof Role || val instanceof User || val instanceof GuildMember) { return; } return val; }; if (!value) return await message.util.reply( `${util.emojis.error} You must choose a value to ${action} ${ action === 'add' ? `to the ${setting} setting` : action === 'remove' ? `from the ${setting} setting` : `the ${setting} setting to` }` ); switch (action) { case 'add': case 'remove': { const existing = (await message.guild.getSetting(setting)) as string[]; const updated = util.addOrRemoveFromArray(action, existing, parseVal(value)); await message.guild.setSetting(setting, updated, message.member); const messageOptions = await this.generateMessageOptions(message, setting); msg = (await message.util.reply(messageOptions)) as Message; break; } case 'set': { await message.guild.setSetting(setting, parseVal(value), message.member); const messageOptions = await this.generateMessageOptions(message, setting); msg = (await message.util.reply(messageOptions)) as Message; break; } } } const collector = msg.createMessageComponentCollector({ time: 300_000, filter: (i) => i.guildId === msg.guildId && i.message?.id === }); collector.on('collect', async (interaction: MessageComponentInteraction) => { if ( === || client.config.owners.includes( { if (!message.guild) throw new Error('message.guild is null'); switch (interaction.customId) { case 'command_settingsSel': { if (!interaction.isSelectMenu()) return; return interaction.update( await this.generateMessageOptions(message, interaction.values[0] as keyof typeof guildSettingsObj) ); } case 'command_settingsBack': { if (!interaction.isButton()) return; return interaction.update(await this.generateMessageOptions(message)); } } } else { return await interaction?.deferUpdate().catch(() => undefined); } }); } public async generateMessageOptions( message: BushMessage | BushSlashMessage, setting?: undefined | keyof typeof guildSettingsObj ): Promise { if (!message.guild) throw new Error('message.guild is null'); const settingsEmbed = new Embed().setColor(util.colors.default); if (!setting) { settingsEmbed.setTitle(`${message.guild!.name}'s Settings`); const desc = => `:wrench: **${guildSettingsObj[s].name}**`).join('\n'); settingsEmbed.setDescription(desc); const selMenu = new ActionRow().addComponents( new SelectMenuComponent() .addOptions( => new SelectMenuOption() .setLabel(guildSettingsObj[s].name) .setValue(s) .setDescription(guildSettingsObj[s].description) ) ) .setPlaceholder('Select A Setting to View') .setMaxValues(1) .setMinValues(1) .setCustomId('command_settingsSel') ); return { embeds: [settingsEmbed], components: [selMenu] }; } else { settingsEmbed.setTitle(guildSettingsObj[setting].name); const generateCurrentValue = async (type: GuildSettingType): Promise => { const feat = await message.guild!.getSetting(setting); let func = (v: string) => v; switch (type.replace('-array', '') as BaseSettingTypes) { case 'string': { func = (v: string) => util.inspectAndRedact(v); break; } case 'channel': { func = (v: string) => `<#${v}>`; break; } case 'role': { func = (v: string) => `<@&${v}>`; break; } case 'user': { func = (v: string) => `<@${v}>`; break; } case 'custom': { return util.inspectAndRedact(feat); } } assert( feat === null || typeof feat === 'string' || Array.isArray(feat), `feat is not a string or an array: ${util.inspect(feat)}` ); assert(type !== 'custom'); return Array.isArray(feat) ? feat.length ? ((feat)).map(func).join('\n') : '[Empty Array]' : feat !== null ? func(feat) : '[No Value Set]'; }; const components = new ActionRow().addComponents( new ButtonComponent().setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary).setCustomId('command_settingsBack').setLabel('Back') ); settingsEmbed.setDescription( `${Formatters.italic(guildSettingsObj[setting].description)}\n\n**Type:** ${guildSettingsObj[setting].type}` ); settingsEmbed.setFooter({ text: `Run "${util.prefix(message)}${message.util.parsed?.alias ?? 'config'} ${ message.util.isSlash ? _.snakeCase(setting) : setting } ${guildSettingsObj[setting].type.includes('-array') ? 'add/remove' : 'set'} " to set this setting.` }); settingsEmbed.addField({ name: 'value', value: (await generateCurrentValue(guildSettingsObj[setting].type)) || '[No Value Set]' }); return { embeds: [settingsEmbed], components: [components] }; } } } type SlashArgType = 'ROLE' | 'STRING' | 'CHANNEL' | 'USER'; type BaseSettingTypes = 'string' | 'channel' | 'role' | 'user' | 'custom'; type Action = 'view' | 'add' | 'remove' | 'set';