import { BushCommand, guildFeaturesArr, guildFeaturesObj, type BushMessage, type BushSlashMessage, type GuildFeatures } from '#lib'; import { MessageActionRow, MessageEmbed, MessageSelectMenu, type Message, type SelectMenuInteraction } from 'discord.js'; export default class FeaturesCommand extends BushCommand { public constructor() { super('features', { aliases: ['features'], category: 'config', description: { content: 'Toggle features the server.', usage: ['features'], examples: ['features'] }, slash: true, channel: 'guild', clientPermissions: (m) => util.clientSendAndPermCheck(m, ['EMBED_LINKS'], true), userPermissions: ['MANAGE_GUILD'] }); } public override async exec(message: BushMessage | BushSlashMessage) { if (!message.guild) return await message.util.reply(`${util.emojis.error} This command can only be used in servers.`); const featureEmbed = new MessageEmbed().setTitle(`${message.guild!.name}'s Features`).setColor(util.colors.default); const enabledFeatures = await message.guild!.getSetting('enabledFeatures'); this.generateDescription(guildFeaturesArr, enabledFeatures, featureEmbed); const components = this.generateComponents(guildFeaturesArr, false); const msg = (await message.util.reply({ embeds: [featureEmbed], components: [components] })) as Message; const collector = msg.createMessageComponentCollector({ componentType: 'SELECT_MENU', time: 300_000, filter: (i) => i.guildId === msg.guildId && === }); collector.on('collect', async (interaction: SelectMenuInteraction) => { if ( === || client.config.owners.includes( { if (!message.guild) throw new Error('message.guild is null'); const [selected]: GuildFeatures[] = interaction.values as GuildFeatures[]; if (!guildFeaturesArr.includes(selected)) throw new Error('Invalid guild feature selected'); const newEnabledFeatures = await message.guild.toggleFeature(selected, message.member!); this.generateDescription(guildFeaturesArr, newEnabledFeatures, featureEmbed); await interaction.update({ embeds: [featureEmbed] }).catch(() => undefined); return; } else { return await interaction?.deferUpdate().catch(() => undefined); } }); collector.on('end', async () => { await msg.edit({ components: [this.generateComponents(guildFeaturesArr, false)] }).catch(() => undefined); }); } public generateDescription(allFeatures: GuildFeatures[], currentFeatures: GuildFeatures[], embed: MessageEmbed): void { embed.setDescription( allFeatures .map( (feature) => `${currentFeatures.includes(feature) ? util.emojis.check : util.emojis.cross} **${guildFeaturesObj[feature].name}**` ) .join('\n') ); } public generateComponents(guildFeatures: GuildFeatures[], disable: boolean) { return new MessageActionRow().addComponents( new MessageSelectMenu({ customId: 'command_selectFeature', disabled: disable, maxValues: 1, minValues: 1, options: => ({ label: guildFeaturesObj[f].name, value: f, description: guildFeaturesObj[f].description })), placeholder: 'Select A Feature to Toggle' }) ); } }