import { BushCommand, BushMessage, BushSlashMessage, Global } from '@lib'; import { User } from 'discord.js'; export default class SuperUserCommand extends BushCommand { public constructor() { super('superuser', { aliases: ['superuser', 'su'], category: 'dev', description: { content: 'A command to manage superusers.', usage: 'superuser <add/remove> <user>', examples: ['superuser add IRONM00N'] }, clientPermissions: ['SEND_MESSAGES'], ownerOnly: true }); } *args(): unknown { const action = yield { id: 'action', type: ['add', 'remove'], prompt: { start: 'Would you like to `add` or `remove` a user from the superuser list?', retry: '{error} Choose if you would like to `add` or `remove` a user.', required: true } }; const user = yield { id: 'user', type: 'user', match: 'restContent', prompt: { start: `Who would you like to ${action || 'add/remove'} from the superuser list?`, retry: `Choose a valid user to ${action || 'add/remove'} from the superuser list.`, required: true } }; return { action, user }; } public override async exec( message: BushMessage | BushSlashMessage, args: { action: 'add' | 'remove'; user: User } ): Promise<unknown> { if (! return await message.util.reply(`${util.emojis.error} Only my developers can run this command.`); if (!args.user?.id) return await message.util.reply( `${util.emojis.error} I fucked up here is args ${await util.inspectCleanRedactCodeblock(args, 'ts')}` ); const superUsers: string[] = (await Global.findByPk(client.config.environment))?.superUsers ?? []; let success; if (args.action === 'add') { if (superUsers.includes( { return message.util.reply(`${util.emojis.warn} \`${args.user.tag}\` is already a superuser.`); } success = await util.insertOrRemoveFromGlobal('add', 'superUsers', => false); } else { if (!superUsers.includes( { return message.util.reply(`${util.emojis.warn} \`${args.user.tag}\` is not superuser.`); } success = await util.insertOrRemoveFromGlobal('remove', 'superUsers', => false); } if (success) { const responses = [args.action == 'remove' ? '' : 'made', args.action == 'remove' ? 'is no longer' : '']; return message.util.reply(`${util.emojis.success} ${responses[0]} \`${args.user.tag}\` ${responses[1]} a superuser.`); } else { const response = [args.action == 'remove' ? `removing` : 'making', args.action == 'remove' ? `from` : 'to']; return message.util.reply( `${util.emojis.error} There was an error ${response[0]} \`${args.user.tag}\` ${response[1]} the superuser list.` ); } } }