import { BushCommand, ButtonPaginator, Shared, type BushMessage } from '#lib'; // eslint-disable-next-line node/file-extension-in-import import { Routes } from 'discord-api-types/rest/v9'; import { ActionRow, ActionRowComponent, ButtonComponent, ButtonStyle, Embed, GatewayDispatchEvents, type ApplicationCommand, type Collection } from 'discord.js'; import badLinksSecretArray from '../../lib/badlinks-secret.js'; import badLinksArray from '../../lib/badlinks.js'; import badWords from '../../lib/badwords.js'; export default class TestCommand extends BushCommand { public constructor() { super('test', { aliases: ['test'], category: 'dev', description: 'A command to test stuff.', usage: ['test [feature]'], examples: ['test lots of buttons', 'test buttons'], args: [ { id: 'feature', description: 'The feature to test.', match: 'rest', prompt: 'start prompt', retry: 'retry prompt', optional: true, slashType: false } ], superUserOnly: true, clientPermissions: (m) => util.clientSendAndPermCheck(m), userPermissions: [] }); } public override async exec(message: BushMessage, args: { feature: string }) { const responses = [ 'Yes master.', 'Test it your self bitch, I am hungry.', 'Give me a break.', 'I am not your slave.', 'I have done as you wished, now please feed me.', `Someone help me I am trapped in ${}'s basement.` ]; if (! { return await message.util.reply(responses[Math.floor(Math.random() * responses.length)]); } if (['button', 'buttons'].includes(args?.feature?.toLowerCase())) { const ButtonRow = new ActionRow().addComponents( new ButtonComponent().setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary).setCustomId('primaryButton').setLabel('Primary'), new ButtonComponent().setStyle(ButtonStyle.Secondary).setCustomId('secondaryButton').setLabel('Secondary'), new ButtonComponent().setStyle(ButtonStyle.Success).setCustomId('successButton').setLabel('Success'), new ButtonComponent().setStyle(ButtonStyle.Danger).setCustomId('dangerButton').setLabel('Danger'), new ButtonComponent().setStyle(ButtonStyle.Link).setLabel('Link').setURL('') ); return await message.util.reply({ content: 'buttons', components: [ButtonRow] }); } else if (['embed', 'button embed'].includes(args?.feature?.toLowerCase())) { const embed = new Embed() .addField({ name: 'Field Name', value: 'Field Content' }) .setAuthor({ name: 'Author', iconURL: '', url: '' }) .setColor(message.member?.displayColor ?? util.colors.default) .setDescription('Description') .setFooter({ text: 'Footer', iconURL: ?? undefined }) .setURL('') .setTimestamp() .setImage('') .setThumbnail( '' ) .setTitle('Title'); const buttonRow = new ActionRow().addComponents( new ButtonComponent().setStyle(ButtonStyle.Link).setLabel('Link').setURL('') ); return await message.util.reply({ content: 'Test', embeds: [embed], components: [buttonRow] }); } else if (['lots of buttons'].includes(args?.feature?.toLowerCase())) { const ButtonRows: ActionRow[] = []; for (let a = 1; a <= 5; a++) { const row = new ActionRow(); for (let b = 1; b <= 5; b++) { const id = (a + 5 * (b - 1)).toString(); const button = new ButtonComponent().setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary).setCustomId(id).setLabel(id); row.addComponents(button); } ButtonRows.push(row); } return await message.util.reply({ content: 'buttons', components: ButtonRows }); } else if (['paginate'].includes(args?.feature?.toLowerCase())) { const embeds = []; for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { embeds.push(new Embed().setDescription(i.toString())); } return await ButtonPaginator.send(message, embeds); } else if (['lots of embeds'].includes(args?.feature?.toLowerCase())) { const description = 'This is a description.'; const _avatar = ?? undefined; const author = { name: 'This is a author', iconURL: _avatar }; const footer = { text: 'This is a footer', iconURL: _avatar }; const fields = Array(25) .fill(0) .map((_, i) => ({ name: `Field ${i}`, value: 'Field Value' })); const c = util.colors; const o = { description, author, footer, fields, time: }; const colors = [,,, c.yellow,, c.darkGreen, c.aqua,, c.purple,]; const embeds =, i) => ({ ...o, title: `Embed Title ${i}`, color: c })); const ButtonRows: ActionRow[] = []; for (let a = 1; a <= 5; a++) { const row = new ActionRow(); for (let b = 1; b <= 5; b++) { const id = (a + 5 * (b - 1)).toString(); const button = new ButtonComponent().setStyle(ButtonStyle.Secondary).setCustomId(id).setLabel(id); row.addComponents(button); } ButtonRows.push(row); } return await message.util.reply({ content: 'this is content', components: ButtonRows, embeds }); } else if (['delete slash commands'].includes(args?.feature?.toLowerCase())) { if (!message.guild) return await message.util.reply(`${util.emojis.error} This test can only be run in a guild.`); await client.guilds.fetch(); const promises: Promise>[] = []; client.guilds.cache.each((guild) => { promises.push(guild.commands.set([])); }); await Promise.all(promises); await client.application!.commands.fetch(); await client.application!.commands.set([]); return await message.util.reply(`${util.emojis.success} Removed guild commands and global commands.`); } else if (['drop down', 'drop downs', 'select menu', 'select menus'].includes(args?.feature?.toLowerCase())) { } else if (['sync automod'].includes(args?.feature?.toLowerCase())) { const row = (await Shared.findByPk(0))!; row.badLinks = badLinksArray; row.badLinksSecret = badLinksSecretArray; row.badWords = badWords; await; return await message.util.reply(`${util.emojis.success} Synced automod.`); } else if (['modal'].includes(args?.feature?.toLowerCase())) { const m = await message.util.reply({ content: 'Click for modal', components: [ new ActionRow().addComponents( new ButtonComponent().setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary).setLabel('Modal').setCustomId('test;modal') ) ] }); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises, async (i: any) => { if (i?.data?.custom_id !== 'test;modal' || i?.data?.component_type !== 2) return; if (i?.message?.id !== return; const text = { type: 4, style: 1, min_length: 1, max_length: 4000, required: true }; await, i.token), { body: { type: 9, data: { custom_id: 'test;login', title: 'Login (real)', components: [ { type: 1, components: [ { ...text, custom_id: 'test;login;email', label: 'Email', placeholder: 'Email' } ] }, { type: 1, components: [ { ...text, custom_id: 'test;login;password', label: 'Password', placeholder: 'Password' } ] }, { type: 1, components: [ { ...text, custom_id: 'test;login;2fa', label: 'Enter Discord Auth Code', min_length: 6, max_length: 6, placeholder: '6-digit authentication code' } ] } ] } } }); }); return; } return await message.util.reply(responses[Math.floor(Math.random() * responses.length)]); } }