import { BotCommand, colors, format, formatPerms, invite, permissionCheck, type ArgType, type CommandMessage, type OptArgType, type SlashMessage } from '#lib'; import { stripIndent } from '#tags'; import assert from 'assert/strict'; import { ActionRowBuilder, ApplicationCommandOptionType, AutocompleteInteraction, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle, EmbedBuilder } from 'discord.js'; import { default as Fuse } from 'fuse.js'; import packageDotJSON from '../../../package.json' assert { type: 'json' }; assert(Fuse); assert(packageDotJSON); export default class HelpCommand extends BotCommand { public constructor() { super('help', { aliases: ['help'], category: 'info', description: 'Displays a list of commands, or detailed information for a specific command.', usage: ['help [command]'], examples: ['help prefix'], args: [ { id: 'command', description: 'The command to show info about.', type: 'commandAlias', match: 'content', prompt: 'What command do you need help with?', retry: '{error} Choose a valid command to find help for.', slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, optional: true, autocomplete: true }, { id: 'showHidden', description: 'Whether ot not to show hidden commands as well.', match: 'flag', flag: '--hidden', slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Boolean, ownerOnly: true, only: 'text', optional: true } ], slash: true, clientPermissions: ['EmbedLinks'], clientCheckChannel: true, userPermissions: [] }); } public override async exec(message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage, args: HelpArgs) { const row = this.addLinks(message); const command = args.command ? typeof args.command === 'string' ? this.client.commandHandler.findCommand(args.command) ?? null : args.command : null; if (! args.showHidden = false; if (!command || command.pseudo) { return this.helpAll(message, args, row); } else { return this.helpIndividual(message, row, command); } } private helpAll(message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage, args: HelpArgs, row: ActionRowBuilder) { const prefix_ = this.client.utils.prefix(message); const embed = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor(colors.default) .setTimestamp() .setFooter({ text: `For more information about a command use ${prefix_}help ` }); for (const [, category] of this.handler.categories.sort((a, b) => { const categoryFilter = category.filter((command) => { const inGuild = message.inGuild(); if (command.pseudo) return false; if (command.hidden && !args.showHidden) return false; if ( == 'guild' && !inGuild && !args.showHidden) return false; if (command.ownerOnly && ! return false; if (command.superUserOnly && ! return false; if (command.restrictedGuilds?.includes(message.guild?.id ?? '') === false && !args.showHidden) return false; if (command.aliases.length === 0) return false; permissions: { if (!inGuild || !message.member) break permissions; const canUse = permissionCheck(message, message.member, command.userPermissions, false); if (!canUse) return false; } return true; }); const categoryNice = .replace(/(\b\w)/gi, (lc) => lc.toUpperCase()) .replace(/'(S)/g, (letter) => letter.toLowerCase()); const categoryCommands = categoryFilter.filter((cmd) => cmd.aliases.length > 0).map((cmd) => `\`${cmd.aliases[0]}\``); if (categoryCommands.length > 0) { embed.addFields({ name: `${categoryNice}`, value: `${categoryCommands.join(' ')}` }); } } return message.util.reply({ embeds: [embed], components: row.components.length ? [row] : undefined }); } private helpIndividual(message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage, row: ActionRowBuilder, command: BotCommand) { const embed = new EmbedBuilder().setColor(colors.default).setTitle(`${} Command`); let description = `${command.description ?? '*This command does not have a description.*'}`; if (command.note) description += `\n\n${command.note}`; embed.setDescription(description); this.addCommandUsage(embed, command); this.addCommandExamples(embed, command); this.addCommandAliases(embed, command); this.addCommandArguments(embed, command,,; this.addCommandRestrictions(embed, command); this.addCommandPermissions(embed, command); const params = { embeds: [embed], components: row.components.length ? [row] : undefined }; return message.util.reply(params); } private addCommandUsage(embed: EmbedBuilder, command: BotCommand): void { if (command.usage?.length) { embed.addFields({ name: `» Usage${command.usage.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}`, value: => `\`${u}\``).join('\n') }); } } private addCommandExamples(embed: EmbedBuilder, command: BotCommand): void { if (command.examples?.length) { embed.addFields({ name: `» Example${command.examples.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}`, value: => `\`${u}\``).join('\n') }); } } private addCommandAliases(embed: EmbedBuilder, command: BotCommand): void { if (command.aliases?.length > 1) embed.addFields({ name: '» Aliases', value: `\`${command.aliases.join('` `')}\`` }); } private addCommandArguments(embed: EmbedBuilder, command: BotCommand, isOwner = false, isSuperUser = false): void { const format = (id: string, req: boolean) => `${req ? '<' : '['}${id}${req ? '>' : ']'}`; const args = (command.argsInfo ?? []).filter((arg) => { if (arg.ownerOnly && !isOwner) return false; if (arg.superUserOnly && !isSuperUser) return false; return true; }); if (args.length) { embed.addFields({ name: '» Arguments', value: args .map((a) => { let ret = stripIndent` \`${format(, !!a.optional)}\` ⠀‣ **Desc**: ${a.description} ⠀‣ **Type**: ${typeof a.type !== 'function' ? a.type : '[no readable type]'}`; if (a.flag?.length) ret += `\n⠀‣ **Flags**: ${ => `"${f}"`).join(', ')}`; ret += `\n⠀‣ **Kind**: ${a.only ?? 'text & slash'}`; if (a.only !== 'slash') ret += `\n⠀‣ **Match**: ${a.match}`; if (a.only !== 'text') ret += `\n⠀‣ **Autocomplete**: ${a.autocomplete}`; return ret; }) .join('\n') .slice(0, 1024) }); } } private addCommandRestrictions(embed: EmbedBuilder, command: BotCommand): void { if ( command.ownerOnly || command.superUserOnly || command.hidden || || command.restrictedChannels?.length || command.restrictedGuilds?.length ) { const restrictions: string[] = []; if (command.ownerOnly) restrictions.push('__Developer Only__'); if (command.ownerOnly) restrictions.push('__Super User Only__'); if (command.hidden) restrictions.push('__Hidden__'); if ( === 'dm') restrictions.push('__DM Only__'); if ( === 'guild') restrictions.push('__Server Only__'); if (command.restrictedChannels?.length) restrictions.push(`__Restricted Channels__: ${ => `<#${c}>`).join(' ')}`); if (command.restrictedGuilds?.length) restrictions.push( `__Restricted Servers__: ${command.restrictedGuilds .map((g) => format.inlineCode(this.client.guilds.cache.find((g1) => === g)?.name ?? 'Unknown')) .join(' ')}` ); if (restrictions.length) embed.addFields({ name: '» Restrictions', value: restrictions.join('\n') }); } } private addCommandPermissions(embed: EmbedBuilder, command: BotCommand): void { if (command.userPermissions.length < 1 && command.clientPermissions.length < 1) return; const permissions: string[] = []; if (command.userPermissions.length > 0) permissions.push(`__User__: ${formatPerms(command.userPermissions)}`); if (command.clientPermissions.length > 0) permissions.push(`__Client__: ${formatPerms(command.clientPermissions)}`); embed.addFields({ name: '» Required Permissions', value: permissions.join('\n') }); } private addLinks(message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage): ActionRowBuilder { const row = new ActionRowBuilder(); const config = this.client.config; if (!config.isDevelopment || { row.addComponents(new ButtonBuilder({ style: ButtonStyle.Link, label: 'Invite Me', url: invite(this.client) })); } if ( && config.supportGuild.invite) { row.addComponents(new ButtonBuilder({ style: ButtonStyle.Link, label: 'Support Server', url: config.supportGuild.invite })); } if (packageDotJSON?.repository) row.addComponents(new ButtonBuilder({ style: ButtonStyle.Link, label: 'GitHub', url: packageDotJSON.repository })); else void'Error importing package.json, please report this to my developer.'); row.addComponents( new ButtonBuilder({ style: ButtonStyle.Link, label: 'Privacy Policy', url: '' }) ); return row; } public override autocomplete(interaction: AutocompleteInteraction): void { const aliases = => module.aliases).flat(); const fuzzy = new Fuse(aliases, { threshold: 0.5, isCaseSensitive: false, findAllMatches: true }).search(interaction.options.getFocused().toString()); const res = fuzzy.slice(0, fuzzy.length >= 25 ? 25 : undefined).map((v) => ({ name: v.item, value: v.item })); const startingCommands = [ ...this.handler.modules.filter((command) => !command.ownerOnly && !command.hidden && !command.pseudo).keys() ] .slice(0, 25) .map((v) => ({ name: v, value: v })); void interaction.respond(res.length ? res : startingCommands); } } type HelpArgs = { command: OptArgType<'commandAlias'> | string; showHidden: ArgType<'flag'> };