import { Message, MessageEmbed } from 'discord.js'; import { BotCommand } from '../../lib/extensions/BotCommand'; import { stripIndent } from 'common-tags'; export default class HelpCommand extends BotCommand { constructor() { super('help', { aliases: ['help'], description: { content: 'Shows the commands of the bot', usage: 'help', examples: ['help'] }, clientPermissions: ['EMBED_LINKS'], args: [ { id: 'command', type: 'commandAlias' } ] }); } public async exec( message: Message, { command }: { command: BotCommand } ): Promise { const prefix = this.handler.prefix; if (!command) { const embed = new MessageEmbed() .addField( 'Commands', stripIndent`A list of available commands. For additional info on a command, type \`${prefix}help \` ` ) .setFooter( `For more information about a command use "${this.client.config.prefix}help "` ) .setTimestamp(); for (const category of this.handler.categories.values()) { embed.addField( `${\b\w)/gi, (lc): string => lc.toUpperCase() )}`, `${category .filter((cmd): boolean => cmd.aliases.length > 0) .map((cmd): string => `\`${cmd.aliases[0]}\``) .join(' ')}` ); } return message.util.send(embed); } const embed = new MessageEmbed() .setColor([155, 200, 200]) .setTitle( `\`${command.description.usage ? command.description.usage : ''}\`` ) .addField( 'Description', `${command.description.content ? command.description.content : ''} ${ command.ownerOnly ? '\n__Owner Only__' : '' }` ); if (command.aliases.length > 1) embed.addField('Aliases', `\`${command.aliases.join('` `')}\``, true); if (command.description.examples && command.description.examples.length) embed.addField( 'Examples', `\`${command.description.examples.join('`\n`')}\``, true ); return message.util.send(embed); } }