import { CommandInteraction } from 'discord.js'; import { Message } from 'discord.js'; import { MessageEmbed } from 'discord.js'; import { BushCommand } from '../../lib/extensions/BushCommand'; export default class PingCommand extends BushCommand { constructor() { super('ping', { aliases: ['ping'], description: { content: 'Gets the latency of the bot', usage: 'ping', examples: ['ping'] } }); } public async exec(message: Message): Promise { const sentMessage = await message.util.send('Pong!'); const timestamp: number = message.editedTimestamp ? message.editedTimestamp : message.createdTimestamp; const botLatency = `\`\`\`\n ${Math.floor( sentMessage.createdTimestamp - timestamp )}ms \`\`\``; const apiLatency = `\`\`\`\n ${Math.round( )}ms \`\`\``; const embed = new MessageEmbed() .setTitle('Pong! 🏓') .addField('Bot Latency', botLatency, true) .addField('API Latency', apiLatency, true) .setFooter(,{ dynamic: true }) ) .setTimestamp(); await sentMessage.edit({ content: null, embed }); } public async execSlash(message: CommandInteraction): Promise { const timestamp1 = message.createdTimestamp; await message.reply('Pong!'); const timestamp2 = await message .fetchReply() .then((m) => (m as Message).createdTimestamp); const botLatency = `\`\`\`\n ${Math.floor( timestamp2 - timestamp1 )}ms \`\`\``; const apiLatency = `\`\`\`\n ${Math.round(}ms \`\`\``; const embed = new MessageEmbed() .setTitle('Pong! 🏓') .addField('Bot Latency', botLatency, true) .addField('API Latency', apiLatency, true) .setFooter( message.user.username, message.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }) ) .setTimestamp(); await message.editReply({ content: null, embeds: [embed] }); } }