import { CommandInteraction, Message, MessageEmbed, User } from 'discord.js'; import got, { HTTPError } from 'got'; import { BushCommand } from '../../lib/extensions/BushCommand'; import { BushInteractionMessage } from '../../lib/extensions/BushInteractionMessage'; import { SlashCommandOption } from '../../lib/extensions/Util'; export const pronounMapping = { unspecified: 'Unspecified', hh: 'He/Him', hi: 'He/It', hs: 'He/She', ht: 'He/They', ih: 'It/Him', ii: 'It/Its', is: 'It/She', it: 'It/They', shh: 'She/He', sh: 'She/Her', si: 'She/It', st: 'She/They', th: 'They/He', ti: 'They/It', ts: 'They/She', tt: 'They/Them', any: 'Any pronouns', other: 'Other pronouns', ask: 'Ask me my pronouns', avoid: 'Avoid pronouns, use my name' }; export type pronounsType = keyof typeof pronounMapping; export default class PronounsCommand extends BushCommand { constructor() { super('pronouns', { aliases: ['pronouns', 'pronoun'], category: 'info', description: { usage: 'pronouns ', examples: ['pronouns IRONM00N'], content: 'Finds the pronouns of a user using' }, args: [ { id: 'user', type: 'user', default: null } ], clientPermissions: ['SEND_MESSAGES'], slashOptions: [ { type: 'USER', name: 'user', description: 'The user to get pronouns for', required: false } ], slashEphemeral: true, // I'll add dynamic checking to this later slash: true }); } async sendResponse(message: Message | CommandInteraction, user: User, author: boolean): Promise { try { const apiRes: { pronouns: pronounsType } = await got .get(`${}`) .json(); if (message instanceof Message) { message.reply({ embeds: [ new MessageEmbed({ title: `${author ? 'Your' : `${user.tag}'s`} pronouns:`, description: pronounMapping[apiRes.pronouns], footer: { text: 'Data provided by' } }) ] }); } else { message.reply({ embeds: [ new MessageEmbed({ title: `${author ? 'Your' : `${user.tag}'s`} pronouns:`, description: pronounMapping[apiRes.pronouns], footer: { text: 'Data provided by' } }) ] }); } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof HTTPError && e.response.statusCode === 404) { if (author) { await message.reply( 'You do not appear to have any pronouns set. Please go to and set your pronouns.' ); } else { await message.reply( `${user.tag} does not appear to have any pronouns set. Please tell them to go to and set their pronouns.` ); } } else throw e; } } async exec(message: Message, { user }: { user?: User }): Promise { const u = user ||; await this.sendResponse(message, u, ===; } async execSlash(message: BushInteractionMessage, { user }: { user?: SlashCommandOption }): Promise { const u = user?.user ||; await this.sendResponse(message.interaction, u, ===; } }