import { BotCommand, colors, timestamp, type ArgType, type CommandMessage, type SlashMessage } from '#lib'; import { stripIndent } from '#tags'; import { ApplicationCommandOptionType, ChannelType, EmbedBuilder, escapeMarkdown, SnowflakeUtil, type DeconstructedSnowflake, type Snowflake } from 'discord.js'; export default class SnowflakeCommand extends BotCommand { public constructor() { super('snowflake', { aliases: ['snowflake', 'info', 'sf'], category: 'info', description: 'Provides information about the specified Snowflake.', usage: ['snowflake '], examples: ['snowflake 322862723090219008'], args: [ { id: 'snowflake', description: 'The snowflake you would like to get information about.', type: 'snowflake', prompt: 'What snowflake would you like to get information about?', retry: '{error} Choose a valid snowflake.', slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String } ], clientPermissions: ['EmbedLinks'], clientCheckChannel: true, userPermissions: [], slash: true }); } public override async exec(message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage, args: { snowflake: ArgType<'snowflake'> }) { const snowflake = `${args.snowflake}` as Snowflake; const snowflakeEmbed = new EmbedBuilder().setTitle('Unknown :snowflake:').setColor(colors.default); // Channel if (this.client.channels.cache.has(snowflake)) { const channel = this.client.channels.resolve(snowflake)!; const channelInfo = [`**Type:** ${MappedChannelType[channel.type] ?? ChannelType[channel.type]}`]; if (channel.type === ChannelType.DM) { channelInfo.push( `**Recipient:** ${escapeMarkdown(channel.recipient?.tag ?? '¯\\_(ツ)_/¯')} (${channel.recipient?.id ?? '¯\\_(ツ)_/¯'})` ); snowflakeEmbed.setTitle(`:snowflake: DM with ${escapeMarkdown(channel.recipient?.tag ?? '¯\\_(ツ)_/¯')} \`[Channel]\``); } else if ( channel.type === ChannelType.GuildCategory || channel.type === ChannelType.GuildNews || channel.type === ChannelType.GuildText || channel.type === ChannelType.GuildVoice || channel.type === ChannelType.GuildStageVoice || channel.isThread() ) { channelInfo.push( `**Channel Name:** <#${}> (${escapeMarkdown(})`, `**Channel's Server:** ${escapeMarkdown(} (${})` ); snowflakeEmbed.setTitle(`:snowflake: ${escapeMarkdown(} \`[Channel]\``); } snowflakeEmbed.addFields({ name: '» Channel Info', value: channelInfo.join('\n') }); } // Guild if (this.client.guilds.cache.has(snowflake)) { const guild = this.client.guilds.cache.get(snowflake)!; const guildInfo = stripIndent` **Name:** ${escapeMarkdown(} **Owner:** ${escapeMarkdown(this.client.users.cache.get(guild.ownerId)?.tag ?? '¯\\_(ツ)_/¯')} (${guild.ownerId}) **Members:** ${guild.memberCount?.toLocaleString()}`; if (guild.icon) snowflakeEmbed.setThumbnail(guild.iconURL({ size: 2048 })!); snowflakeEmbed.addFields({ name: '» Server Info', value: guildInfo }); snowflakeEmbed.setTitle(`:snowflake: ${escapeMarkdown(} \`[Server]\``); } // User const fetchedUser = await this.client.users.fetch(`${snowflake}`).catch(() => undefined); if (this.client.users.cache.has(snowflake) || fetchedUser) { const user = (this.client.users.cache.get(snowflake) ?? fetchedUser)!; const userInfo = stripIndent` **Name:** <@${}> (${escapeMarkdown(user.tag)})`; if (user.avatar) snowflakeEmbed.setThumbnail(user.avatarURL({ size: 2048 })!); snowflakeEmbed.addFields({ name: '» User Info', value: userInfo }); snowflakeEmbed.setTitle(`:snowflake: ${escapeMarkdown(user.tag)} \`[User]\``); } // Emoji if (this.client.emojis.cache.has(snowflake)) { const emoji = this.client.emojis.cache.get(snowflake)!; const emojiInfo = stripIndent` **Name:** ${escapeMarkdown( ?? '¯\\_(ツ)_/¯')} **Animated:** ${emoji.animated}`; if (emoji.url) snowflakeEmbed.setThumbnail(emoji.url); snowflakeEmbed.addFields({ name: '» Emoji Info', value: emojiInfo }); snowflakeEmbed.setTitle(`:snowflake: ${escapeMarkdown( ?? '¯\\_(ツ)_/¯')} \`[Emoji]\``); } // Role if (message.guild && message.guild.roles.cache.has(snowflake)) { const role = message.guild.roles.cache.get(snowflake)!; const roleInfo = stripIndent` **Name:** <@&${}> (${escapeMarkdown(}) **Members:** ${role.members.size} **Hoisted:** ${role.hoist} **Managed:** ${role.managed} **Position:** ${role.position} **Hex Color:** ${role.hexColor}`; if (role.color) snowflakeEmbed.setColor(role.color); snowflakeEmbed.addFields({ name: '» Role Info', value: roleInfo }); snowflakeEmbed.setTitle(`:snowflake: ${escapeMarkdown(} \`[Role]\``); } // SnowflakeInfo const deconstructedSnowflake: DeconstructedSnowflake = SnowflakeUtil.deconstruct(snowflake); const snowflakeInfo = stripIndent` **Timestamp:** ${deconstructedSnowflake.timestamp} **Created:** ${timestamp(new Date(Number(deconstructedSnowflake.timestamp)))} **Worker ID:** ${deconstructedSnowflake.workerId} **Process ID:** ${deconstructedSnowflake.processId} **Increment:** ${deconstructedSnowflake.increment}`; snowflakeEmbed.addFields({ name: '» Snowflake Info', value: snowflakeInfo }); return await message.util.reply({ embeds: [snowflakeEmbed] }); } } enum MappedChannelType { 'Text' = 0, 'DM' = 1, 'Voice' = 2, 'Group DM' = 3, 'Category' = 4, 'Announcement' = 5, 'Announcement Store' = 6, 'News Thread' = 10, 'Public Thread' = 11, 'Private Thread' = 12, 'Stage' = 13 }