import { BushCommand, BushMessage, BushSlashMessage } from '@lib'; import { GuildMember, MessageEmbed } from 'discord.js'; import moment from 'moment'; // TODO: Allow looking up a user not in the guild and not cached // TODO: Re-Implement Status Emojis // TODO: Add bot information export default class UserInfoCommand extends BushCommand { public constructor() { super('userinfo', { aliases: ['userinfo', 'user', 'u'], category: 'info', description: { usage: 'userinfo [user]', examples: ['userinfo 322862723090219008'], content: 'Gives information about a specified user.' }, args: [ { id: 'user', type: 'member', prompt: { start: 'What user would you like to find information about?', retry: '{error} Choose a valid user to find information about.', optional: true }, default: null } ], slash: true, slashOptions: [ { name: 'user', description: 'The user you would like to find information about.', type: 'USER', required: false } ], clientPermissions: ['EMBED_LINKS', 'SEND_MESSAGES'], userPermissions: ['SEND_MESSAGES'] }); } public async exec(message: BushMessage | BushSlashMessage, args: { user: GuildMember }): Promise { const user = args?.user || message.member; const emojis = []; const superUsers =; const userEmbed: MessageEmbed = new MessageEmbed() .setTitle(user.user.tag) .setThumbnail(user.user.avatarURL({ size: 2048, format: 'png', dynamic: true })) .setTimestamp(); // Flags if (this.client.config.owners.includes( emojis.push(this.client.consts.mappings.otherEmojis.DEVELOPER); if (superUsers.includes( emojis.push(this.client.consts.mappings.otherEmojis.SUPERUSER); const flags = user.user.flags?.toArray(); if (flags) { flags.forEach((f) => { if (this.client.consts.mappings.userFlags[f]) { emojis.push(this.client.consts.mappings.userFlags[f]); } else emojis.push(f); }); } // Since discord bald I just guess if someone has nitro if ( Number(user.user.discriminator) < 10 || this.client.consts.mappings.maybeNitroDiscrims.includes(user.user.discriminator) || user.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true })?.endsWith('.gif') || user.user.flags?.toArray().includes('PARTNERED_SERVER_OWNER') ) { emojis.push(this.client.consts.mappings.otherEmojis.NITRO); } if (message.guild.ownerId == emojis.push(this.client.consts.mappings.otherEmojis.OWNER); else if (user.permissions.has('ADMINISTRATOR')) emojis.push(this.client.consts.mappings.otherEmojis.ADMIN); if (user.premiumSinceTimestamp) emojis.push(this.client.consts.mappings.otherEmojis.BOOSTER); const createdAt = user.user.createdAt.toLocaleString(), createdAtDelta = moment(moment(user.user.createdAt).diff(moment())).toLocaleString(), joinedAt = user.joinedAt?.toLocaleString(), joinedAtDelta = moment(user.joinedAt)?.diff(moment()).toLocaleString(), premiumSince = user.premiumSince?.toLocaleString(), premiumSinceDelta = moment(user.premiumSince)?.diff(moment()).toLocaleString(); // General Info const generalInfo = [ `**Mention:** <@${}>`, `**ID:** ${}`, `**Created: **${createdAt} (${createdAtDelta} ago)` ]; userEmbed.addField('» General Info', generalInfo.join('\n')); // Server User Info const serverUserInfo = []; if (joinedAt) serverUserInfo.push( `**${message.guild.ownerId == ? 'Created Server' : 'Joined'}: ** ${joinedAt} (${joinedAtDelta} ago)` ); if (premiumSince) serverUserInfo.push(`**Boosting Since:** ${premiumSince} (${premiumSinceDelta} ago)`); if (user.displayHexColor) serverUserInfo.push(`**Display Color:** ${user.displayHexColor}`); if ( == '322862723090219008' && == this.client.consts.mappings.guilds.bush) serverUserInfo.push(`**General Deletions:** 2`); if ( ['384620942577369088', '496409778822709251'].includes( && == this.client.consts.mappings.guilds.bush ) serverUserInfo.push(`**General Deletions:** 1`); if (user.nickname) serverUserInfo.push(`**Nickname** ${user.nickname}`); if (serverUserInfo.length) userEmbed .addField('» Server Info', serverUserInfo.join('\n')) .setColor(user.displayColor || this.client.util.colors.default); // User Presence Info if (user.presence?.status || user.presence?.clientStatus || user.presence?.activities) { let customStatus = ''; const activitiesNames = []; if (user.presence.activities) { user.presence.activities.forEach((a) => { if (a.type == 'CUSTOM' && a.state) { const emoji = `${a.emoji ? `${a.emoji.toString()} ` : ''}`; customStatus = `${emoji}${a.state}`; } activitiesNames.push(`\`${}\``); }); } let devices; if (user.presence.clientStatus) devices = Object.keys(user.presence.clientStatus); const presenceInfo = []; if (user.presence.status) presenceInfo.push(`**Status:** ${user.presence.status}`); if (devices) presenceInfo.push(`**${devices.length - 1 ? 'Devices' : 'Device'}:** ${this.client.util.oxford(devices, 'and', '')}`); if (activitiesNames.length) presenceInfo.push( `**Activit${activitiesNames.length - 1 ? 'ies' : 'y'}:** ${this.client.util.oxford(activitiesNames, 'and', '')}` ); if (customStatus) presenceInfo.push(`**Custom Status:** ${customStatus}`); userEmbed.addField('» Presence', presenceInfo.join('\n')); } // Important Perms const perms = []; if (user.permissions.has('ADMINISTRATOR') || message.guild.ownerId == { perms.push('`Administrator`'); } else { user.permissions.toArray(true).forEach((permission) => { if (this.client.consts.mappings.permissions[permission]?.important) { perms.push(`\`${this.client.consts.mappings.permissions[permission].name}\``); } }); } if (perms.length) userEmbed.addField('» Important Perms', perms.join(' ')); if (emojis) userEmbed.setDescription('​' /*zero width space*/ + emojis.join(' ')); return await message.util.reply({ embeds: [userEmbed] }); } }